The Assassin's Enemy Lover

Chapter 160

160 Rainbow mech

He continued fiddling with the command center of his mech lowering his head to hide the gloom in his eyes.

Zi Han suddenly remembered that this gold master had skilled hands and he was going to try and coax him to massage him later thus he decided to play nice. “Of course, you are more amazing,” he said before winking at Yi Chen appearing flirtatious.

When Yi Chen saw this his lips unconsciously quirked up into a shy smile but it was quickly suppressed. His lips pressed together with the tip of his tongue pressing hard against his cheek struggling to contain his happiness. His ears felt hot and his heart was palpitating that his AI system, Raylan, noticed and quickly expressed concern.

“Master, I have detected your heart rate has sharply increased and so has your body temperature. According to this medical data, you might be experiencing a panic attack or high fever. Should I administer the appropriate drug to ease your discomfort,” it said.

Yi Chen was thankful that only he could hear Raylan’s nonsense otherwise he would be so embarrassed right now. “I am fine,” he responded in a stern voice otherwise it would continue to nag.

Li Ran walked in at this point and summoned his mech while saying, “I set the level of difficulty at B grade but since this is a new simulation be on the lookout.”

Zi Han was about to respond when he turned to look at Li Ran’s mech that looked like it robbed an entire box of Crayola and colored each part of its body with a different color. “The fuck?.... You look like a unicorn vomited on your mech.”

Li Ran, “...”

“Long story short, I lost a bet, okay?” he said as Yi Chen who usually minds his own business let out an unintentional throaty chuckle. He had heard plenty of mocking words concerning Li Ran’s rainbow mech but this was the first time he heard someone describe it that way.


“Seriously?... How is that even funny?” asked Li Ran while walking toward Yi Chen to express his dissatisfaction. He tried to nudge Yi Chen’s mech in the shoulder but of course, that was courting death. Yi Chen’s mech grabbed onto the unicorn vomit mech and pulled it into a chokehold and the two began to struggle with each other as the simulator countdown began.

Zi Han was laughing initially but that same feeling from before surged once more this time much fiercer than before. The smile on his face faded and as he raised his hand a sniper materialized.

The countdown came to an abrupt end and ZI Han aimed it in the direction of the two. To be more precise he was aiming it at Li Ran who was still struggling to get out of the chokehold.

Zi Han whistled and the two looked at him with slight confusion. Li Ran met Zi Han’s ferocious gaze brimming with killing intent and he was suddenly afraid for his life.

This was only a simulation and the system wouldn’t run unless all mechs were in simulation mode but still. The fear was fuckin real that he felt a chill running down his spine.

“..... Hit the deck!” yelled Zi Han and as he said this an ugly-looking beast pounced on Li Ran from behind. Ducking down in time the beast jumped over his mech bearing its teeth.


Three shots rang out successively and blood splattered in all directions and the beast collapsed to the ground right by Zi Han’s feet. “Fuck... that was terrifying,” exclaimed Li Ran as he got up to his feet, “for a moment I thought you were going to shoot me.”

Zi Han who wasn’t certain about that himself just smiled with a lowered head while gently kicking the beast as though making sure it was dead. Yi Chen stared at Zi Han for a moment with a complicated expression before opening the mission details.

A blue floating screen appeared in front of the t three of them with approximately nineteen red dots floating on the area map. Some of the dots were moving while others were stagnant. “Let’s try and kill them all without any of us dying, okay?” said Yi Chen his gaze focused on Zi Han.

Sensing Yi Chen’s gaze Zi Han raised his head and nodded with a slight quirk at the corner of his lips. As the other two drew their weapons Zi Han sensed something lurking in the shadows stalking them. Without even looking at the map he raised his mech arm and aimed at the dark alley.


A loud shot rang out followed by loud shrills and a figure emerged from the darkness climbing up the tall building. “Cover me,” said Zi Han as his mech leaped up in the air flying up to the top of the building.

Soon Yi Chen and Li Ran followed and with their backs to Zi Han they scanned the area looking out for possible sneak attacks. Zi Han bit his lower lip his blood rushing with excitement. It was only a simulation but it gave him the same rush he felt that day when they were attacked in the capital.

His mech crouched down having noticed droplets of blood on the ground. A malicious smile appeared on his gorgeous face as he slowly raised his head following the trail of blood with his eyes.

“Han Han look out!” yelled Yi Chen as two beasts that had been stalking them lunged at them from the sides of the building.

Zi Han swapped out his sniper rifle for a flaming sword. With a powerful swing, the sword sliced the beast in half. With a loud bellow, the beast fell to the ground with its blood and guts scattered everywhere.

Yi Chen blasted the other beast with his plasma gun while issuing a warning, “Five more coming in all directions.”

The scene instantly turned chaotic as waves and waves of attacks came one after the other. It was extremely exhausting fending off such relentless beasts but the three mam team persisted slaughtering them one by one. Out of all three Zi Han seemed to be having the most fun.

That malicious smile still sent chills down Li Ran’s spine whenever he saw it. Several times he had imagined that he was the beasts that Zi Han was slaying.

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