The Art of Chaotic Divinity

Chapter 33: The Young Man Who Fell into the Water!

Chapter 33: The Young Man Who Fell into the Water!

While the Asura's Eye was activated, Ling Feng seemed to transform into an inexhaustible killing machine. Wherever he went, any living being was mercilessly slaughtered by him.

Startled birds flee their nests, and beasts run amok!

The dread-inducing aura emanating from Ling Feng's body was comparable to that of an Asura, rivaling the fearsomeness of a second-tier demonic beast like the cloud-striped tiger. Those who caught wind of it were left in spine-chilling dismay.

After an indeterminate period, Ling Feng's strength was entirely depleted. With a resounding "thud," his body collapsed and plunged headlong into a nearby river.


Amidst the encircling mountains and woods, tranquil azure pools graced the surroundings.

In the heart of a tranquil gorge, a waterfall, standing over a hundred feet tall, cascaded gracefully. Beneath the waterfall lay a secluded pool with waters of vibrant emerald, akin to a flawless and radiant piece of jade.

Within the tranquil pool, a smooth rock adorned with moss stood prominently. Despite its damp and slippery surface, a gracefully slender young woman in green attire stood atop the green stone. Her clear, watery eyes were fixed on the depths of the serene pool, where another girl was diligently wiping her arms.

Despite being a rare beauty, the young woman in green attire seemed somewhat overshadowed when compared to the girl in the pool.

Cupping a handful of water, the girl in the pool let it cascade down her white, tender arms. With a cheerful giggle, she turned towards the young woman on the green stone and said, "Qiao Qiao, why don't you come down for a bath too?"

"Miss, it's not a good idea. We're in the vast wilderness mountains, and there are several sects nearby. You never know if there might be some wandering cultivators around, and in case..." Qiao Qiao spoke, her face blushing delicately, "Well, miss, you go ahead and bathe. I'll stand guard for you."

"Hehe." The girl in the pool playfully slapped the water, sending droplets toward Qiao Qiao. It moistened her dress, causing the thin silk fabric to adhere to her body, accentuating her elegant figure.

"Come on, take a dip, won't you? Come on, take a dip..."

"Alright, you stubborn miss, don't blame me for not holding back!"

Provoked by Yue Yunlan, Qiao Qiao's face turned a shade of rosy red. With a graceful leap, she plunged into the water pool, and the two girls engaged in a playful water fight.

If any young man were to witness such a scene, he might bleed his nose to death.

Amidst the joyous play of the two girls, a distant "thud" echoed from the direction of the waterfall. In an instant, a resounding explosion erupted, propelling water to surge several dozen meters high, creating a spectacular and impressive spray of droplets.

"What's going on?" Qiao Qiao slapped the water, bursting through its surface and landing on the green stone. There, she stood, her captivating gaze fixed on the direction of the waterfall. With a slight furrow of her delicate brows, a fierce determination swept over her, emanating a commanding aura.

Yue Yunlan, too, swiftly ascended at the earliest moment. She extracted a long skirt from her dimensional spirit ring and gracefully enveloped her delicate figure with it.

"Miss, it seems like there's only one person, huh?"

After scrutinizing for a moment, Qiao Qiao discerned a young boy, seemingly not of mature age. His attire was entirely soaked in blood as he descended from the waterfall. The bloodstains, originating from him, swiftly spread, transforming the surrounding pool into a vivid crimson hue.

"So much blood?" Yue Yunlan frowned, speculating, "Could it be a corpse?"

In an instant, Yue Yunlan's face darkened. Just when she had found a quiet water pool to bathe in, the experience was spoiled by the unexpected presence of a corpse!

"I'll go check it out." Moving quietly across the water's surface, in the blink of an eye, she reached the base of the waterfall. With a swift motion of her jade-like hand, she grabbed the sinking "corpse" and pulled it out to the surface.

"Miss, it looks like he's still breathing!" Qiao Qiao exclaimed.

Pouting, Yue Yunlan swiftly dressed while replying, "If he's still breathing, let's rescue him."

"Okay." Qiao Qiao sized up the young man who had fallen into the waterfall, noticing his handsome and refined features. Unable to resist a comment, she murmured, "Luck was on your side. If you hadn't bumped into miss and I, even if you dodged being killed, you could have ended up drowning in the water."

Saying that, Qiao Qiao effortlessly raised the young man who had fallen into the water with just one hand. Continuing to tread the water gracefully, she returned to the shore within moments.

The ability to traverse the water so effortlessly showcased that the girl named Qiao Qiao was anything but ordinary.

On the green grassy bank, Qiao Qiao laid the young man down. Her gaze naturally fell upon his damp face, and she couldn't help but think, "Well, this young man is quite handsome."

Shortly after, Yue Yunlan was also fully attired. With a gentle tap of her toes on the water's surface, her body shot forward like a flying sword. In the next instant, she landed in front of Qiao Qiao.

"Miss, what should we do now?" Qiao Qiao raised her head and asked Yue Yunlan.

After assessing the young man who fell into the water, Yue Yunlan spoke slowly, "Let's revive him first."

"Okay." Qiao Qiao extended her hand, pressing a few times on the young man's abdomen. He coughed and expelled some water, gradually restoring his breath.

Approaching, Yue Yunlan held the young man's left hand and, after a brief examination of his pulse, calmly remarked, "Nothing serious, just a bit exhausted."

"What?" Qiao Qiao gasped in amazement. "Could all that blood on him be from others? Doesn't that make him a dreaded mass murderer?"

"But he's quite handsome!"

Yue Yunlan glanced skeptically at Qiao Qiao before lifting a jade finger to lightly tap Qiao Qiao's forehead. "Does being handsome automatically exclude the possibility of being a bad person? Though most of that scent of blood likely comes from demonic beasts, this person might not necessarily be evil."

While speaking, Yue Yunlan took out a porcelain bottle from his dimensional spirit ring and poured a pill into Qiao Qiao's hand. "Feed this to him. Once his strength is replenished, he'll naturally wake up."

Qiao Qiao's eyes flashed with a hint of envy as she remarked, "Jiuling Jade Dew Pill[1]! Wow, miss, you're really generous." Glancing back at the unconscious young man, she muttered, "You're really lucky. Ordinary folks might not even get a chance to take one in their entire lifetime."

"Okay, okay, no more muttering," chuckled Yue Yunlan, shaking her head. She then poured out two more Jiuling Jade Dew Pills. "Here, take these two. Is that alright?"

"Hehe," Qiao Qiao finally eased her furrowed brow, revealing a sweet smile. Without delay, she squatted beside the young man, lifted his head, and inserted a Jiuling Jade Dew Pill into his mouth.


"The Jiuling Jade Dew Pill exuded an intoxicating scent of herbs. Despite his unconscious state, the young man instinctively swallowed the pill."

Shortly after, the gentle medicinal strength dispersed throughout the young man's body. Warm streams flowed through his limbs and core, instantly dispelling the icy stiffness induced by the lake water.

"Cough, cough..."

After coughing up several mouthfuls of river water, the young man finally stirred awake.

"Ah, you're awake!" Qiao Qiao exclaimed as she noticed the young man opening his eyes. She quickly called out to Yue Yunlan, who was seated in meditation nearby, "Miss, miss, he's awake."

As the young man regained consciousness, he was met with a pleasant aroma that filled the air—it was the captivating scent of Qiao Qiao's natural fragrance.

Continuing, he then saw a maiden dressed in white, moving with graceful steps towards him. If the earlier girl was like a lotus in a pond—pure and charming—this woman in white seemed akin to a snow lotus from the mountain peaks, ethereal and stunning, untouched by any earthly matters!

"Hey, hey, hey!" Qiao Qiao noticed the young man's dazed look and promptly nudged him, furrowing her brow as she asked, "Who are you?"

The young man only then realized his own impoliteness, quickly averting his gaze and answering, "My name is Ling Feng."

1. Jiuling in Chinese means nine spirits ☜

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