The Alpha's Bride

Chapter 390 - News About Dawn’s Availability

Chapter 390 – News About Dawn’s Availability

In the packhouse…

Damon went to the study to deal with his matters, and Talia took on herself to deliver news about Dawn's absence. She wanted to do it in person, and Damon was glad that Talia took that task because he didn't want to tell Stephanie that one of her best helpers won't be around for a while.

Damon mind-linked Stephanie and confirmed that she was in the kitchen, so Talia knew where to go.

To Talia's surprise, it was not only Stephanie, but Zina, Ivy, and Lily were also there.

"What do you mean, we should proceed without Dawn?", Zina asked.

Zina, Ivy, Lily, and Dawn had plans to go to Darkbourne and enjoy sweets, and Dawn told them to go without her and she will catch up. However, when they finished work and saw how late it was, they decided to wait for Dawn so they can go together.

But Talia came without Dawn and said that Dawn won't come. How can Zina not be curious?

Stephanie was alerted. Normally, Stephanie wouldn't poke her nose in other people's business, but Talia said this like it was something important. Did Alpha Damon give Dawn an important task? Despite her goofy and playful nature, Dawn was one of the responsible Omegas in the packhouse, and considering that they had not only lunch but also a big party coming, Stephanie was counting on Dawn's presence.

"When will Dawn be available?", Stephanie asked.

"Uhm…", Talia was not sure how to answer this question. "Probably not today."

"Where is she? How come I can't contact her through mind-link?", Zina spoke with urgency.

Talia realized that she will need to reveal more information. Well, here it goes. "Dawn found her mate."

All four women stared at Talia and wondered if they heard her right.

"That's wonderful!", Stephanie was first to recover. No matter how much help she needed, she was really happy for Dawn.

Ivy and Lily bounced in place and clapped from excitement.

Zina was the only one with a strange expression. A mate? Zina knew very well where Talia and Dawn went. She went there last night. Unless Dawn's mate is a bear or some other forest creature, there was no way Dawn found her mate during that trip.

Sure, there were soldiers patrolling the area and safeguarding that house, but Zina and Dawn made several visits to the places where soldiers gather and if Dawn's mate was there, she would find him.

"Who is it?", Zina's question put the focus of attention back to Talia.

Talia wished that Zina asked this in private, but everyone would find out sooner or later, so it didn't matter.

"Commander George."

Ivy and Lily pressed their hands over their lips to suppress their squeals. They got a few peeks at the handsome commander, and they knew that Dawn scored a jackpot.

"What?", Zina asked Talia in disbelief. Maybe others didn't know, but Zina knew that Dawn saw George more than once since they came here, and they were close. And didn't George just got ditched by Marcy?

Talia saw invisible question marks above Zina's head, and she wanted to gesture to her silly friend to ask more later, but she couldn't do that discretely, so Talia decided to give them an acceptable version.

"Yes, Commander George.", Talia confirmed. "As you know, Dawn went with us to help carry things for our meal in the forest, and we met him along the way. They are now…" Talia made a knowing expression. "Getting to know each other."

When Talia said how George and Dawn met in the forest, Zina realized how that lie was a warning for her to stop asking questions. She felt guilty for letting her curiosity take over and nearly spill the beans.

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"I can't believe her luck.", Zina said while shaking her head. She turned to Ivy and Lily. "Ladies, how about instead of sweets we go drinking?"

"No!", Stephanie exclaimed. "I need you here back in one hour, with clear heads. You can drink after we are done with the party tonight."

Zina rolled her eyes dramatically. "I didn't mean that we should get drunk. It was just to celebrate. My best friend found her mate. I should be happy for her and not sad because I will be all alone…" Zina's chin shivered.

Talia's heart cracked and she gave Zina a hug.

Talia patted Zina's back. "There, there… Dawn finding her mate doesn't mean you lost her."

Zina sniffled. "I know you are saying that only to comfort me. Between silly me and a hunk who can give her endless orgasms, Dawn's choice will be obvious, and I won't blame her… but I will miss her."

Talia was not sure if she should laugh or cry.

"And there is the issue of different packs.", Lily chimed in. Ivy was tugging on Lily's hand to get her to stop talking, but it was too late, as words already slipped from Lily's lips, "Considering Commander George's status, Dawn will definitely go to the Red Moon pack…"

"Waaah!", Zina wailed loudly and buried her face in Talia's shoulder.

Talia didn't like this. Not the Zina dramatically crying, but the idea of Dawn going to the Red Moon pack. That was not a good place. They treated Omegas horribly, and outsiders even worse.

Talia knew that George is actually an Alpha, but with him concealing his identity, Dawn will be treated like some low-level servant. Talia could see Anna and her bunch of bullies ganging on Dawn. And Anna was just one of many.

How can that be OK?

Talia decided to talk about this with Damon. As an Alpha, Damon should be able to find a solution that will prevent Dawn from going to that wretched place and keep her with George.

"Calm down…", Talia said to Zina while patting her back. "Crying won't help anything." And she knew that Zina was overreacting. "You should go to Darkbourne and have those sweets you were planning to have. Chocolate will make you feel good." Talia knew this from her latest science lesson where she learned that chocolate increases the level of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that makes a person feel good. So, Talia's addiction to Damon went beyond just his impossibly good looks and sparks of their bond. Damon was truly addictive, like chocolate. Her chocolate.

At the thought of going to Darkbourne, Talia realized that Maya, Mindy, and Kalina were there also, and Damon was swamped with work, and she didn't have anything pressing at the moment other than her worry about Dawn, so… "I will join you to town.", Talia said to Zina. "I want to meet up with Maya." Seeing that Stephanie gave her a queer look, Talia added, "They are finalizing some things for the party, and I want to see if I can help."

Stephanie nodded in approval. At least someone was thinking about the party.

Of course, Talia had her motives. Her girlfriends knew about George's condition, and they might have some ideas about Dawn's situation. Maya and Mindy are endless sources of unusual solutions.

Talia had only one problem. Damon.

He struggled to let her go to the kitchen without him, how will he let her go to town on her own?

Damon didn't restrict her movements, but he wanted to keep an eye on her. He was always iffy about not having Talia nearby, and since he found out that Lisa spread the information about how Talia came from the Red Moon pack, he was on pins and needles.

Talia hoped that Damon's overprotectiveness will ease once he reveals they are mates, and people know she is his Luna, but on the other hand, she feared that his behavior might escalate.

She really wanted to go to town, and she needed a plan… and then she saw Stephanie.

"Steph, can you mind-link Damon that I'm heading to town with Zina, Ivy, and Lily?"

"Sure, dear.", Stephanie said without missing a beat.

"Wait!", Talia exclaimed when she saw that Steph was about to do it right now. "Can you tell him when we leave? Give us a minute or two head start…" Talia hoped that Damon will understand that she is not alone, not in danger, and won't come rushing after her to cause a scene.

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