The Alpha's Bride

Chapter 336 - A Different Type Of Prisoner (2)

Chapter 336 – A Different Type Of Prisoner (2)


Lisa groaned at the sound of the doorbell and shouted, "MOM! Will you get that!?"

It took Lisa a few seconds to remember that Stephanie was probably at the packhouse to prepare breakfast for high-ranking guests; for the VIP bunch where Lisa didn't belong anymore.

With the noise from the doorbell not stopping, Lisa dragged herself to the door.

"WHAT!?", Lisa shouted as she flung the door open, and her eyes widened when she saw two warriors standing there and looking at her sternly. She cleared her throat. "Did you get the wrong place?"

One of the warriors shook his head. "We are at the right place, Lisa." He gestured at her nightgown. "Change into something appropriate and come with us."

Lisa clutched her nightgown at the chest level like they were about to undress her forcibly. "Why? Where?"

The other warrior frowned. "Alpha's orders. You have five minutes."

Lisa moved backward into the apartment, and she was horrified to see that two warriors walked in after her. She didn't have time to think about what was going on, so she dashed into her room and changed into shorts and a t-shirt.

Surely, if it's Damon's orders, it can't be bad. Right? RIGHT!?

And here she was, in a jeep, in the middle of a forest.

Lisa knew they were North from Darkbourne, but other than that, she was kind of lost.

And then they took a turn off the paved road, and the ride became bumpy.

Eventually, the vehicle stopped in front of a one-story-high gray-ish building that had moss over the roof, making it blend with the surrounding foliage. If someone was not looking for this place, they could easily miss it. The road was just two strips where tires passed repeatedly, but the dense grass everywhere was a giveaway that this road was not frequently used.

Lisa gripped the handrail of the jeep as anxiety swelled within her. Did Damon really ask her to come here with two bulky guys? What if they were lying? Ah, she should have asked for some identification!

"Where is this?", she asked.

The warrior that was driving responded, "The dungeon."

"Dun… dungeon?", Lisa stuttered, unsure if she heard him right. "Why did you bring me here?"

"Alpha's orders.", the other warrior responded.

Lisa panicked. "Damon sent me to the dungeon? Why? I don't believe this! I want to talk to him!"

Both warriors frowned when Lisa started throwing a tantrum.

"It's ALPHA Damon!", stern voice of another warrior came from the side, scaring the daylights out of Lisa. She didn't notice him before. She looked around to check if more people will pop out from nearby bushes, and he continued, "You have no right to address Alpha casually or to question his commands. Our orders are to bring you here and to give you cleaning supplies."

Lisa was sure that her ears malfunctioned. "Cleaning supplies?"

The warrior nodded in confirmation. "You have a task to clean the dungeon."

Lisa gaped at him. Cleaning the dungeon? She was not kidnapped or sent to prison, but she became a cleaner for the prisoners? Which one was worse?

The warrior shook his head in disapproval at the sight of Lisa who was non-responsive. "I never saw such a disobedient Omega before." He looked at two guys who came with Lisa. "Maybe we should lock her up, to teach her how Omegas should behave."

Lisa realized that she was in trouble. It is one thing in the town where witnesses were present, but this was in the middle of nowhere and even if these warriors snap her neck, they can hide her body, and no one will know what happened.

She quickly scampered out of the jeep. The sooner she finishes the cleaning business, the sooner she can leave. How much work can it be to clean this one-story building?

"No, no…", she said while lifting her hands defensively. "It was just unexpected. I didn't know this place existed and no one told me I will get this task. Please, show me the way."

He nodded in approval. "That's better. I'm Klark. That's Lieutenant Klark for you. Don't forget my rank. Outside it doesn't matter, but here we pay attention to those things. As a Lieutenant, when I'm on duty, I am the boss. What I say goes. Understood?"

Lisa gave him a stiff smile. Who cares about ranks? She will do this cleaning business and never see this place again.

Klark showed her the rooms on the ground floor.

Lisa observed with curiosity the control room that was buzzing with electrical equipment. She wanted to see what was on those monitors, but Klark didn't give her much time for sightseeing. He gave her a quick tour of the kitchen, dining area, the storage room that was used as a pantry, a bathroom with two of everything, and one room with bunk beds where eight people could sleep. Klark told her that other warriors stationed here are in the area standing guard and that they gather for meals.

She didn't see any dirt or mess, even the kitchen was spotless, and Lisa assumed that she will be done with work in no time.

However, Klark said that this is the dungeon. Shouldn't there be cells and prisoners and… stuff?

Her heart picked up the pace when he showed her the elevator that went down and based on the numbers above the metallic door, there were four levels underground!

Instead of taking the elevator, they took the right, toward the stairs, one level down.

Lisa scrunched her nose. The air there was a bit stale, and she wondered if things are worse on the lower levels.

"Here is the storage where you can find cleaning supplies", he said. "If you run low on anything, let me or Pete know."


"He will be here for lunch.", Klark responded.

Lisa peeked inside to see a sink, cabinets with various containers, mops, brooms, and there was even a vacuum cleaner. It really was a storage for cleaning supplies.

She stiffened at Klark's next words, "This will be your room."

Lisa's eyebrows shot up and she moved quickly back into the stuffy hallway to see what he was talking about. Klark was standing next to the open door that led to a room with a dresser and two twin beds with blankets neatly folded at the ends, and… nothing else. Bare walls had no windows.

"My room?"

He nodded in confirmation. "There are two beds, but since you are the only one staying here, pick whichever you want. You will eat with us upstairs, and when you need rest, you will come here. Or would you rather share a room with us? That can be arranged." He grinned.

Lisa shook her head rapidly like a pellet drum. "This is fine, but… why would I need to rest? I can go home once I'm done, right?"

Klark looked at her like she asked something silly. "Our instructions are to bring you here and to ensure you have what's needed for you to complete your job. This level is rather decent, but lower floors might take more time to clean. The blood got between bricks, and that's difficult to reach. Rust on the chains can also be stubborn."

He didn't tell her that those cells were not cleaned in years, and his estimate was that if she can clean one cell daily, that will be considered as quick.

Klark walked out of the room and gestured down the hallway. "Start with the empty cells, they are unlocked. When you get to the ones that are occupied, let us know and we will move prisoners so you can work. We don't want you to end up attacked. Some of the guys we have here are ruthless…"

The more he spoke, the more Lisa's hair stood on ends. There are prisoners on the same floor where her room is!? They are expecting her to sleep here!? Why did she have a feeling that she will be stuck here for days… or longer?

But if she thought this was bad, it was getting worse.

"We have lunch settled, but we expect you to prepare dinner."

Lisa gaped at him like he spoke in a foreign language. "What?"

"Part of your duties will be to cook for us who are here stationed for longer periods.", Klark said. "We have warriors who patrol the area in shifts, but there is always a group that stays here for a week or longer…"

Lisa swallowed hard. What will be her punishment if they all get stomachaches due to her non-existent cooking skills?

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