The Alpha's Bride

Chapter 252 - Back In The Shifters Nightclub (5)

"What did we miss?", Maya asked from the side while her eyes followed nonresponsive Cory who was being dragged away by the staff of the nightclub.

Mindy was right behind Maya.

"Why did you leave Talia on her own?", Damon snapped at Maya and the latter understood that the unconscious poor fellow probably approached Talia.

"She is a big girl who didn't want to use the restroom.", Maya responded. Did Damon want them to drag Talia with them?

Damon didn't want to bicker with Maya about this. He turned to Talia. "Don't stay on your own at the bar."

Talia smiled foolishly. The alcohol was sneaking up on her. "It was not a big deal. Don't I have you watching over me?"

Damon was out of arguments. He was watching over her, and he loved that she relied on him.

"Are we still girl-drinking or did your couple-time start?", Mindy asked.

Maddox and Caden reached the bar on time to hear Mindy's question.

"How about all of us have one drink here and then we go to mingle?", Maddox suggested, and everyone agreed.

When Maddox and Caden saw that Damon had no intention of returning to the VVIP booth, they decided to join them at the bar.

"That guy fell easily.", Maddox's comment was about Cory who lost consciousness after one hit. Damon is known as one of the best fighters, but it was obvious that he didn't put much strength behind that punch.

"Human.", Damon's one-word response clarified the mystery.

Mindy and Maya sat on barstools, flaking Talia on the left and right respectively, and Caden moved to stand next to Maya.

Maddox was still thinking about Damon punching Cory, and he was on alert while glancing over the crowd.

"You should watch out for humans. They travel in groups and carry weapons.", Maddox told Damon.

Maddox would offer his assistance in dealing with trash, but he knew that Damon can hold his own. Also, they were on Damon's territory and most of the people here belong to the Dark Howlers pack. Maddox's help would be unnecessary.

Damon appreciated Maddox's warning. Cory obviously didn't know who Damon is, and if he came with friends who are also ignorant humans, they might look for a chance to get vengeance for their fallen comrade.

Damon was not too worried about himself, but Talia is a different thing and Damon had no intention of leaving her side.

With everyone settled at the bar, Maddox used this opportunity to scan the area and visually inspect any female whose inviting gazes he met. There were many. Good. He always liked choices.

Damon was standing next to Talia, so close that their hips were connected. If it was up to him, they would get closer. Much, much closer.

"Tell me when you want us to go back to the packhouse.", Damon's hot breath splashed on Talia's ear, making her hairs stand on ends and he used this opportunity to place a small kiss at her earlobe.

Talia jolted when the sparks of their bond prickled her ear. What was he doing? That was a sensitive spot and they were in public!

It took Talia a moment to realize that Damon suggested they should return to the packhouse. "What about dancing?" She really wanted to dance with him.

Damon helplessly smiled at the silly woman. They could do so many things at home where they have a built-in speaker system and he could play any song he wants and they could dance as much as she wanted. Naked. But Talia wanted to dance in the nightclub, and he couldn't say 'no' to her.

"Alright. We will do whatever you want.", Damon said dotingly, and Maddox rolled his eyes dramatically.

"The two of you are too much for me.", Maddox said under his breath, and he was not sure if Damon and Talia didn't hear him, or they ignored him.

Maddox was used to cool and aloof Damon who had an endless queue of scarcely dressed women doing anything from crawling to performing acrobatic cartwheels in the hope to get Damon's attention.

Damon was always domineering and doing what he wanted… and now he wanted to please Talia.

It would be one thing if this was part of a bet or a temporary infatuation, but Maddox was aware that Talia and Damon are mates, which meant that Damon's behavior is something permanent. Forever.

Maddox was happy for Damon, he really was, but only a few weeks ago Damon and Maddox shared drinks and talked about pack business and plundering women, and now Maddox felt that he lost the connection he had with his friend.

It's not an exaggeration to say that Damon is Maddox's best friend. After all, the two of them are both Alphas of their respective packs, about the same age, they collaborate when their interests align while staying out of each other's business otherwise, and no one understands Maddox better than Damon.

Their outings would consist of Maddox and Damon talking about anything and everything over hard liquor for hours, and at the end of the evening, they would part ways, each with a woman (or two) in tow… at least that was the situation before Talia came into the picture.

Tonight, Damon was totally into Talia like no one else exists in the world and Maddox felt a big sense of loss.

This change in Damon's behavior was too sudden and unsettling, like a big chunk of dry bread that's stuck in Maddox's throat and difficult to swallow.

Maddox needed time to adjust to this new Damon and he didn't want to stick around and look like an abandoned girlfriend.

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As soon as Katya arranged six drinks on the bar counter, Maddox grabbed his glass and downed it. "I'm out. I will see you in the morning."

And just like that, Maddox disappeared into the crowd. He already pinpointed a few girls and sorted them in his mind based on the chest size. Maddox likes ample bosom that will fill the gaps between his fingers when he fondles them.

Mindy was next to leave the group. She was perfectly comfortable in going into the crowd on her own.

Maya and Caden also didn't linger. The duo finished their drinks within a minute and left with, "The two of you have fun."

Damon was standing next to Talia, and no one dared to take a seat on the left or right of Talia even though there were empty barstools. Damon's presence created a ring of space with Talia and him at the center which looked odd if anyone would look from above because the Shifters nightclub was packed.

"Should we have fun?", Damon asked Talia when she finished her drink. He was hoping that they will go to the packhouse and have sex. Lots of it.

"I am already having fun.", Talia said. "Thank you for giving me time to chat with Maya and Mindy."

"You are welcome.", Damon responded. "I hope you know that I will do anything to make you happy and if you want something, the only thing you need to do is ask."

Talia put her arms on Damon's shoulders, lacing her fingers at the back of his head, and she looked at him dreamily. "Those are some big promises, Alpha Damon."

Seeing that Talia was acting so freely in public, Damon wondered how drunk she was, but he didn't hate it, not even a little bit.

Damon glanced at Talia, and he became super-aware that she was wearing a dress. It was a lovely deep blue dress, which didn't reveal too much, but Damon knew that only two moves were needed for him to reach her sweet spot that can provide him with opulent pleasure.

Two moves.

Move one, push that skirt up.

Move two, remove the flimsy piece of fabric called panties.

That's it.

Ah, he was hard already!

"I am a man of my word, Mrs. Blake. Tell me what you want, and I will deliver. Do you want another drink? To go home? Or do you want me?" He inched closer and spoke in a sexy low voice, "Do you want me laying down, sitting, on my knees, or standing? Name your preferences. You can have it all, but pick which one first."

Talia giggled. "How about that dance?"

Damon closed his eyes and let out a long breath. She wanted to dance. Somehow, he hoped that she forgot about it.

"OK. Let's go." And make it quick.

Talia hopped from the barstool and Damon was quick to catch her when she swayed to the side.

"Are you sure you can dance?", Damon asked, and he wished that her answer will be 'no'.

"You will hold me.", Talia responded cheekily. She knew why he was eager to go home, and it's not like she didn't want it, but she was determined to dance with him at least a little bit before they go home. But there was one problem. "I need to use the restroom first."

While she was sitting, it was fine, but now that she stood up, something moved, and she felt that her bladder was screaming to be emptied.

Damon frowned. Restroom? There were so many things that could go wrong.

"I can't go with you there. Let me call Maya to accompany you."

Talia was quick to refuse. "No need. It's just a minute. You can wait outside if you wish."

Damon was exasperated.

An Alpha standing in front of the ladies' room? Well, there is a first time for everything.


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