The 9th Class Swordmaster: Blade of Truth

Chapter 37: Dushala

Chapter 37: Dushala

Karyl emerged from the black market, a satisfied smile gracing his lips. He tucked away a hefty pouch back into his coat and nodded approvingly. With a click, he flexed and unflexed his fist, testing the gauntlet that now encased his hand.

Among the array of items laid out from the three boxes, one had caught his eye. Though he criticized them as something you'd find in a B-grade dungeon, it was, in reality, a rare treasure, that even the imperial palace’s vaults might struggle to procure.

The craftsmanship of gnomes, it seemed, was indeed on par with that of the dwarves. The gauntlet, designed to fit perfectly, adjusted to his hand size upon wearing, snugging closely without any sense of foreignness.

Well, it's a fair deal for the location of the remaining vein, not just for the sake of his kind. It's actually quite cheap. He should be thankful instead, Karyl mused, almost humming a tune without realizing it.

The gauntlet, forged from mithril, was not particularly special, but its durability and slight magical defense made it a suitable substitute for a shield.

Suddenly, with a forceful grip, sharp blades sprang forth from the back of the gauntlet—a handy feature for emergencies. A flick of his wrist retracted the blades back into the gauntlet.

Suan, who had been waiting at the entrance of the black market, eyed Karyl's gauntlet and asked, “Did you buy that?”

There was no need for Karyl to mention the four fangs hidden within it to Suan; it was beyond his wildest dreams. After all, possessing the means to purchase not one, but two items from the black market in one go was rare, even among nobility.

"What's your plan now, Karyl? Thanks to you, your name has spread throughout Tatur," Suan remarked with a sigh, his tone contrasting Karyl’s prideful demeanor.

"It doesn't matter, does it? They were bound to find out sooner or later. I hope the rumors about me reach the ears of the remaining two administrators," Karyl replied, unconcerned.

Suan shook his head slightly at Karyl’s nonchalant response.

"I’ve heard about Dushala, one of the four administrators. It's a pity we couldn't meet her. I assumed she would be in a place that bears her name," Karyl casually mentioned.

"She's in a different place. Despite her gloomy nature, she doesn’t fancy such obvious flaunts."

"You seem to know where she is. Do you also know about the other one?" asked Karyl.

“Well, that’s...” Suan began, looking slightly puzzled.

"Well, it doesn't matter. I'll find out for myself soon enough," Karyl stated confidently.


"I'll be staying here for a while. There's a reason I came to this place," he continued, recalling his original goal upon leaving the mansion.

There were only two places on the continent where one could learn magic: the Ivory Tower and the Antihum Grand Library. It was a stepping stone to find Narh Di Maug's lair, the only place outside of those two controlled by the Magic Council.

"And what about Aidan? Is he still looking for his sister?" Karyl asked.

"I'm not sure. He hasn't been seen in the city since we arrived," Suan replied.

"That's good. He can be quite a nuisance. It would be bothersome if he were around," Karyl remarked nonchalantly, examining his gauntlet once again. "Let's start by meeting the administrators I already know about."

Remarkably, within less than 24 hours of his arrival in Tatur, Karyl had already managed to locate three administrators—an unprecedented feat in history.

"In the middle of the night, tonight?" Suan questioned.

"I'm sure she's not asleep. She must be anxiously waiting for me," Karyl surmised, implying he knew her well.

Suan, lost for words, merely watched him.

"It'd be great if I could meet the last one in the meantime. So, I might as well," Karyl added, leaving a meaningful remark.


"Kamma, that old man opened the door to the black market," a sharp voice echoed in the darkness.

“Yes.” The robust men standing before them tensed at every word, their posture rigid.

"He's a slippery one."

"Should we just leave him be? Isn't this a clear violation of the rules? We haven't even recognized that kid as an administrator."

"Let him be. There is probably an under-the-table scheme at play. We can't overpower him through force anyway. The only person who might stand a chance against him is the Champion."

Among the four administrators, the last was the Champion of the arena. The Free City of Tatur, could maintain order amidst chaos thanks to the lawless port and the arena.

Though they were fugitives from the empire, they were not mere slaves. Murderers, forgers, arsonists... within their ranks were capable mercenaries, sorcerers, and hunters with unique backgrounds.

The Champion of the arena can become an administrator of Tatur. This condition alone attracted numerous challengers, with people betting on their favorite fighters. It was a two-for-one deal: letting the bloodthirsty unleash their madness while making money on the side.

Ironically, the participants who gathered for money in the arena were called "slave soldiers."

"But he..."

"I know. It's puzzling to me too that he hasn’t made a move."

The speaker’s tongue adorned with sparkling jewels swept across her red lips, sending a chill down the spine of everyone present.

"So, we'll do things our way. Whether it's an eel or a dragon, we'll defend our home. Even a cornered mouse will bite the cat.”

Dushala, one of the four administrators, oversaw the black market, another core area of Tatur.

He opened the door to the black market without my permission?

Despite the rule that required the approval of two administrators to open the market, it was merely for show. The actual rule placed was that each area was to be respected without encroachment: the lawless port to Curan, the slums to Kamma, the arena to the Champion, and the black market to her.

The fact that the door was opened without her permission could be the ultimate disgrace for her as an administrator.

The kid knows about the black market, so he's no ordinary child.

Dushala's eyes gleamed. The only question was why the kid had entered the old man Calypson's shop. There's nothing of value there.

The person who had dared to kill Curan, seek out Kamma, and open the black market wouldn't have chosen the shop without careful consideration.

She doubted, and doubted again, knowing that it was her suspicion that had led her to her position as an administrator.

I am different from them.

"Check Calypson's shop immediately. Find out what he took."

"But... the rule states that we are not to interfere with the shops in the black market..." Her subordinate hesitated at her words but fell silent under her sharp gaze.

"Who made that rule? It means nothing if an old man is involved. It doesn't matter here."


"And find the kid's location. We'll need to make a move before Kamma does."


Then, a Click—!

"No need to look."

Light pierced the darkness. As if he had already known her thoughts, Karyl, stepped in having unlocked the sturdy iron door. He offered a faint smile, as if greeting a familiar face.

His arrival made everyone present reach for their swords, on guard.

"Stop this nonsense. It seems you don't have the capability to deal with me here and I don't want to see unnecessary bloodshed. That goes for you too, Dushala."

Karyl, who knew her name, was met with her low voice.

"Take a seat."

The sound of tea being poured quietly filled the room as Dushala gestured, and her subordinates quickly exited.

Karyl leaned back in his chair, his gaze fixed on the steaming cup of tea.

"So, the renowned figure has come all this way. Pray tell, what is the purpose of your visit?" she said nonchalantly, her hand slipping beneath the table.

"I've come to make a deal."

"A deal? How bold? Here you are, having killed an administrator and wandered into the black market. Do you believe there's more for you to gain here? Isn't that a bit too greedy?"

Dushala's gaze turned icy.

"There are things in this world that can be obtained, and things that cannot. Even in this Free City, there are certain rules."

"Is that so?"

In a flash, Karyl drew his dagger with lightning speed and hurled it towards the wall with all his might. The dagger trembled as it embedded itself in the wall, unable to withstand the force.

Silence followed... and then blood trickled down the wall from where the dagger had struck.

"Your stealth skills are impressive, but are you really relying on just one person?It would have been better to side with Kamma. You could have bought yourself another minute”

Karyl snapped the teacup on the table right in front of Dushala’s eyes. Drops of tea fell one by one, splashing onto her thigh and staining the floor.

Silently, Dushala watched the spreading wetness on the tablecloth.

"Assassins and poisoned tea. How cliche," she murmured, swallowing hard.

She had been mistaken. It wasn't he who had been careless, but herself. His nonchalant demeanor had caught her off guard.

"This place is interesting. Here's someone from the Eastern Lands, far across the continent, along with Curan, a former imperial noble, Kamma from a northern tribe, and Suan, a mixed blood. It's as if someone orchestrated it to ensure there are no shared bloodlines."

Confusion flickered in Dushala's eyes for a moment.

How could he know that...

She had never once spoken of her origins since arriving on the continent.

The Eastern Lands, as Karyl said, was a collection of small islands on the other side of the continent, maintained by a hereditary system.

There, a secretive organization known as the "Island's Masters" held sway.

Your expression shows you're surprised. But honestly, where you're from doesn't really matter to me. I only found out later from Aidan that you're a fugitive from the Eastern Lands.

People from the Eastern Lands were educated from birth by an organization called the Burning Darkness.

Those who successfully completed their training became skilled assassins, carrying out specialized missions across the continent.

The training was so excruciatingly painful, with a mortality rate so high, it was said that it kept the population of the Eastern Lands in check.

"The treasures of the black market don't satisfy me," Karyl said to her with a sharp voice. "I want to gain control of this place."

However, unlike Kamma, Dushala scoffed at his threat. "You? Do you think the residents of Tatur are just obedient commoners? Do you truly believe you can control them all by yourself? With just your personal strength. Can you really rein in a city that thrives on chaos?"

Karyl whispered, gently lifting Dushala's chin, "I'm not the one who will be controlling them. It's you guys. Not just the four of us anymore. Now, I only need to deal with three."

She, being one of the remaining three administrators, frowned at Karyl.

"You... you're insane!!"

"You should know this. We can't keep running the city like this forever. It started with the arena, and now the black market, right? We may have fled from the empire and the nobility, but eventually, we have to bring them back in."

Her face stiffened at Karyl’s words, "Using the infamy of the lawless port to control the increasing number of immigrants while avoiding the eyes of the empire and the principality. It's not a place fit for living. To enter, one must risk their life, among other things..."

He laid down the Curan’s emblem on the table as he spoke. "Those who gamble with people's lives deserve death, but... well, it was a necessary evil. The best you could come up with, given the circumstances."

He continued, nodding slowly, "And appointing Kamma may not have been the best option, but it was the next best thing. Not bad. His conduct may be questionable, but he has been constantly gathering people from the slums to challenge the arena. It helps channel the city's madness in one direction."

Dushala couldn’t help but flinch, as Karyl's hand slowly moved from her chin up her cheek.

"With the King of Slaves as your accomplice, too. Balancing the infamy of Curan with the fame of Suan Hazer, and maintaining your position by distracting the nobility through the black market. Clearly, a plan that came from your mind, right?" He saw through everything about the city.

"So...?" Her expression hardened at his words.

"Are you okay with this?"


Karyl's voice was forceful, each word hitting her ear with emphasis. "There must be a reason you fled from the Eastern Lands."

A chill ran down Dushala’s spine. Since arriving on this continent, she had never disclosed her true identity to anyone, not even to her closest allies. So, it was unbelievable for a stranger, let alone a young boy, to know of her origins.

But what shocked her more than that revelation was the certainty with which Karyl spoke, as if he had seen through the depths of her heart.

"Don't you want to see a bigger world?"

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