The 31st Piece Overturns the Game Board

Chapter 144

Chapter 144


Agony whined at the Black Knight after returning to him.

[It hurts! Im in pain!]


The Black Knight scowled as he looked at Seols Twin Knights.


[The Black Knight has entered the 1st Stage of Soaring Moonlight, Crescent Moon.]


Careful! Prepare yourselves, everyone! shouted Chameli.

A moment later, the confrontation between the Black Knight and the Black Pilgrims ignited.


[The Black Knights Agony used Echo of Carnage.]

[Each time Agony is stopped in its path, inflict 50% of the mitigated attack's damage to the surrounding area.]


Karuna successfully defended against the Black Knight's attack with Breath, but was still staggered back from the reverb.

Karen seized the opportunity to dart to the Black Knight's side and thrust with Flare.



[Forced Breakthrough activates.]

[50% of the original damage is inflicted.]



Both sides took turns launching attacks at each other.


[Sacred Ground activates.]

[The ground burns with divine energy.]

[Allies receive increased health regeneration. Enemies receive 50% healing reduction.]


The Black Knight tapped into more power to break free from this troubling situation.

[The Black Knight has entered the 2nd Stage of Moonlight Surge, Half Moon.]



Agony began gathering a dark energy.

Dodge it! shouted Seol.

[The Black Knight used Moonlight Slash.]

Since they never expected the Black Knight to unleash a Moonlight Slash while only in the Half Moon stage, they were unprepared. Instead of facing it together, they all focused on their own safety.


The black shockwave tore through the land, cutting down every tree in its path.

Dust billowed, and the people who had dodged to the floor slowly rose to their feet.

Is everyone okay?

Are there any injured?

Luckily, it seemed like no one was injured.

...No one was hurt?

Seol had kept his eyes trained on the Black Knight but lost sight of him when the dust kicked up. He quickly realized that something had occurred during that brief moment he couldn't see him.


And like always, his hunch was right.

Hes gone! Damn it He ran away!

Th-the horses

Chameli swiftly attempted to pursue the Black Knight with the pilgrims. However, what unfolded next was unexpected.

The horses we tied to the trees theyre all dead

He aimed for the horses in that short opening?!

We have to hurry The Black Knight is clearly headed to Illia!

Seol thought for a moment before speaking up.

Ill chase after him first.

Its too dangerous! Going alone is

We have no other options. Please come join me as soon as possible.

Hold on

Seol swiftly ran toward Illia before Chameli could even respond.


We cant waste time.

They were currently in Illias vicinity.

And as vicinity implied, the distance was only a thirty-minute walk for most people.

In this case, however, this worked to their detriment.

With the Black Knights speed, he would arrive in Illia within five minutes.

I have to catch up to him no matter what.

If Seol couldn't catch up to the Black Knight soon, Illia would be engulfed in a sea of blood tonight.

* * *

[Im smart! I was smart, right?]


[Give me blood already! Theyre dangerous! Ill take care of them, so give me blood!]


[The blood from those horses wasnt enough! Human blood! I like human blood!]



The Black Knight continued to replay the situation in his head as he hurried along.

How did he get so strong so quickly?

The growth rate of the fragments master was abnormally fast.

Perhaps that was precisely why Karen was drawn to him as her master.

Also, the Black Knight understood that while he could prolong the battle, he would ultimately be defeated by his opponent had he kept going.

But that doesnt matter Ill fight him again after I fill Agonys stomach here.

Agony wasnt a demon sword for no reason. By absorbing blood, it gained power corresponding to the amount of blood it had absorbed.

First, Ill supply myself with blood from the guards here.

However, the Black Knight's schemes went off track from the very start.

Theres no guards?

[Strange! Its strange!]

Right now, the Black Knight stood at Illias western gate.

The Black Knight, expecting a significant number of guards typical of an entrance of a large city, was shocked by their absence.

In fact, there wasnt even a single guard there.

[What should we do?! What do we do?! Im hungry!]

Shut up! Ill feed you until youre full.


[The Black Knight used Moonlight Slash.]



The wave of black energy shattered a portion of the gate and penetrated inside.

Were going in!

[Okay! Alright!]


The Black Knight entered the city, planning to kill whoever entered his sight.



Illia was divided into four quadrants, each aligned with one of the cardinal directions. In fact, there were even walls within, further compartmentalizing the city.

However, the western district that the Black Knight had entered, had all of its lights turned off.

[No ones here! I dont hear breathing!]

What the hell is


The Black Knight heard a presence behind him. From the direction of the gate he broke down.

Youre so damn fast Couldnt you have just waited for me?

...Are you behind this?

Hold on, let me catch my breath.

Even Seol hadn't expected the entire western district to be completely deserted. He figured the pilgrims who left earlier to notify the earl in Illia were likely behind this.

But that doesnt matter right now.

Because the city was shrouded in darkness, he easily spotted the people standing atop the walls dividing the quadrants.

As Seol focused on them even more, he was able to make out some silhouettes.

That group is probably transferees who came to watch... and is that Earl Brispin over there?

A loud hum emanated from the walls.

Despite the considerable distance, Earl Brispin's voice began to transmit from there, likely facilitated by some sort of magical device.

So youre the bloodthirsty monster that has been running wild.


"I will not allow you to take even a single drop of my citizens' blood. You will pay the price for your sins and vanish from Illia.

...The price? For my sins?

Precisely. You

Hah Hahaha

Why are you laughing?

Hahahahahahaha! The price for my sins pfft yeah

[The Black Knight has entered the 3rd Stage of Moonlight Surge, Full Moon.]


Wh-what is that strength?!

"Please, step behind us, Earl Brispin! Let others handle this. We must make our escape quickly

The Black Knights energy grew larger and larger.

So, who is going to make me pay the price?

"S-Seize him! Bring him to his knees before me! In fact I'll even allow you to kill him! I shall bestow a substantial reward upon whoever makes him pay the price!"

As Earl Brispin finished his sentence, a message was delivered to every transferee in Illia.

[A powerful deterrent nearby activates.]

[Your break temporarily ends.]

[Your next Adventure has been substituted with a Sudden Adventure.]

[You begin your next Adventure.]

[Your 20th Adventure is starting.]

[Adventure 20. City Blockade]

[Adventure 20. City Blockade

Earl Brispin, the lord of Illia, has ordered a citywide lockdown.

As a result, the western district of Illia has transformed into a large trap, designed to apprehend a notorious murderer active in the vicinity.

However, this is not the time for complacency.

If you fail to defeat him, his sword will dismantle the trap, enabling him to massacre everyone in Illia.

Objective: Subdue the Black Knight

Caution. This Adventure is very dangerous.

Caution. This Adventure can change at a moments notice.

Caution. This Adventure takes place in Illia.

Remaining Time [N/A]]


Seol started to feel uneasy, a nagging worry growing at the back of his mind.

As he expected, transferees began leaping over the walls and flooding in.

Whats going on? The Black Knight?

Is this why they locked down the western district today?

Look at how many people there are. Damn

Get him!

Its him, right? The dude in the black armor?

Whos that next to him, though?

Who cares?! Just kill the Black Knight!

Seol began to shout at them.

No! Dont come any closer!!!

Hah! Are you seriously trying to monopolize the rew


The Black Knight swiftly cut down the first transferee that arrived in the western district.


Slice! Thud

Agony laughed as it was dyed in blood.

[Hahahaha! Tasty! Its tasty!]

The transferees heard the maniacal laughter of a sword, followed by the thud of a transferee's head hitting the floor.


R-Run away!

Open the gates!

However, the Black Knight was faster.

As the Black Knight quickly dashed to cut down the transferees who had crossed over the wall



Karuna deflected the Black Knights sword.


Dont get in my way!

N-Now! Everyone, run away!


As the transferees fled in panic, Seol swiftly pursued the Black Knight.

Seol raised his leg in a strange stance. It was a stance he had practiced countless times in the Labyrinth of Penance.


Seols kick landed squarely on the Black Knights shoulders.

[Insight activates.]

[Hope Devourer consumes the impact.]

[Hope Devourer is slightly full.]

[Hope Devourer digests a portion of the impact.]


[Awakening! You awaken a new skill.]

[You awaken Kick the Sky, Kick the Ground.]

[One of two skills will activate.]

[Debauchee's Movements activates.]

[Dodge rate increases by 10%. Accuracy increases by 5%.]



Seol ran at the Black Knight, unleashing a flurry of attacks.

He continued until the Black Knight had no choice but to focus solely on him.

W-We lived!

Wh-who is that?

Its the flagellant! Im sure its him!

What? The flagellant?

You idiots! Stop talking and run!


Seol moved like a wild animal.

Thanks to Karuna and Karen expertly blocking the Black Knights attacks, Seol could concentrate solely on the offensive.



With two improvements, Seol no longer felt like he was punching mud when he struck the Black Knight. It felt completely different from before.

Its working!




[Insight activates.]

[Hope Devourer consumes the impact.]

[Hope Devourer is slightly full.]

[Hope Devourer digests a portion of the impact.]

Ill feed you until your stomach pops.

[Danger! Its dangerous!]

Dont look down on me!




The force of the Black Knight's attack sent Seol flying through a wooden building, causing dust to kick up.

As the Black Knight leaped in, attempting to finish Seol, two swords interposed themselves, blocking Agony's path.



Rage boiled within the Black Knight's heart.

Seeing Karen and Karuna blocking his path ignited an uncontrollable rage within him.


The Black Knight's energy began to writhe and grow ominously.

[Hahahaha! Yeah! Throw away your senses! Leave it to me!]

Ill kill you allllllll!


Watch out!


Seol burst through the wall of a building, striking the Black Knight.


The Black Knight staggered back and took a moment.

Seol furrowed his brows.

What was that? That energy just now


The Black Knight stumbled as he got to his feet.

Ill kill everyone.


[The Black Knight has entered the 3rd Stage of Moonlight Surge, Blood Moon.]

What is that?

Agony slowly crept into the Black Knights body.

[Hehehe! Let me in! Ill kill everyone again! Just like always! All you have to do is close your eyes for a second!]


The Black Knights body slowly began growing.

Rip Tear

The Black Knight had grown red and large, towering over Seol. His heavy armor expanded with him, completely covering his enlarged form.


The Black Knight opened his mouth.

However, it was no longer his voice. It was Agonys.

[Ill kill everyone.]

[Hope Devourer's damage capacity increases massively.]

[Agony is materialized.]

A ghostly presence emanated from the Black Knight's body.


[The Black Knight used Exceptional Skill: The Dark Side of the Moon.]

[Physical strength is improved massively in exchange for your sanity.]

[You no longer thirst for blood.]

It was clear that Seol was now weaker than the Black Knight. He seemed much more powerful than before.

However, Seol's smile only grew wider after Agony completely devoured the Black Knight.

Then, with a laugh, he spoke.

...Youve just made a big mistake.

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