The 3 B's- Beauty, Brains and Bravery

Chapter 128: " It must be a boy!"

Chapter 128: " It must be a boy!"

After sometime , Xi Ying entered the place with an exhausted expression as she sat down on the couch beside Rong Xinghe and hugged her .

" What happened , Ying ? ", Rong Xinghe patted the girl's back .

" How do I tell , Xiao Xinghe ? All my friends ditched me. We had planned to go shopping the morning day after tomorrow , but it is all ruined now. I really need new clothes. ", Xi Ying complained .

" What is the big deal in that ? I will go shopping with you ", Rong Xinghe shrugged .

" What ?! Really ?! "

" Obviously ! Aren't you my darling ? But I have some official work in the Pearl market. I need to get some information about the military rivals. I hope you will be fine with it. ", Rong Xinghe smiled.

" No probs. You are the best ! "

After sometime , the Xi trio left the living room for their business meetings leaving behind their goddess and their brother .

" Done ", Xi Yuan smiled .

" Perfect ! I will go then .", Rong Xinghe finished the sandwich as she stood up and stretched her hand to take the documents .

But Xi Yuan grabbed her wrist and pulled her towards him and swiftly made her sit on his lap .

Rong Xinghe was shocked but not too much .

This man had gotten more and more shameless after the confession .

Earlier , he might have had held himself back. But now , he feared nothing .

The girl frowned and tried to stand.

But the next second , Xi Yuan hugged her lovingly as he caressed her hair ," I am proud of you ! "

Rong Xinghe didn't reacted .

Was he saying this because of how she handled things with the Country N ?!

He was proud of her ?

Why did she felt a sense of joy in her heart after she heard his words ?!

The man then released the girl from.his embrace.

" Xinghe. Since you are going with Ying , please take your security into consideration. I won't be able to see you hurt again. I will send my bodyguards with you both. And enjoy yourselves. "

The girl stood up and took the documents in her hands ," Don't worry. I won't let anything happen to your sister. "

" I know. And that's the reason that I am more worried for my woman. Don't take your own security for granted. ", Xi Yuan said .

Just when the girl was about to say something , the man moved closer to her and kissed her cheek making her freeze , " Take care "

But the moment the man retreated , Rong Xinghe turned around and left the place without looking back for once .

She really needed to make sure that she would not be left alone with this man again !


09:00 p.m. ;

Rong Xinghe reached Lu Family Mansion with some scented candles as she had read somewhere that sweet fragrance is good for the health of pregnant woman and baby .

If anyone was the most excited about this child , it was definitely Rong Xinghe. She was eagerly waiting to see her niece or nephew. Although , she was busy with Lu Corporations and Military , she still managed to visit Ningtao everyday.

When Rong Xinghe reached the living room , she saw that Lu Wei's father and mother had already arrived and even Ningtao's mother was present there .

Obviously , everyone were in a jolly mood as they were going to become grandparents. Ningtao was taken care of as if she was a delicate glassware while Lu Wei was making snacks for the elders .

As soon as Lu Wei's father , Lu Hongguang saw Rong Xinghe , his smile widened even more ,"My daughter ! Why are you standing there ? Come. Come to uncle !"

Everybody turned around and lifted their heads to look at the girl and smiled .

"Uncle ! Aunty !", Rong Xinghe approached the old couple and hugged them .

Lu Wei's mother , Zheng Keer smiled warmly and placed her hand on the girl's shoulder where she had been shot not too long ago as she teared up ," Oh my baby ! You were so brave during that terrorist incident. Tell me ! Does it still hurt ?! "

" No aunty. I am fine ", the girl smiled .

Father Lu turned around to look at Lu Wei ," What are you standing there for ? Go and make tea for my daughter !"

" Exactly ! She has gotten so weak ! How have you six been taking care of her ? Shame on you all .",Mother Lu glared angrily at the man .

Lu Wei : " ..... "

Why don't you guys just disown me ?

Because clearly , you love her more !

Is this how someone treats their own child ?

Then again , both Father Lu and Mother Lu were fond of Ningtao and Rong Xinghe more than him .

He was their only child and both of them had always wanted a daughter .

But even after trying for a long time , Mother Lu couldn't conceive.

Lu Hongguang and Rong Xinghe's father were University friends. In fact , when Rong Xinghe's mother had delivered her and Rong Xiao , both Father Lu and Mother Lu had pledged to treat both the sisters as their own daughters .

Hence , one could say that Lu Family had three children : Lu Wei , Rong Xinghe and Rong Xiao .

Of course , Ningtao was also treated by the Lu family as their own .

" Bro Lu. Make me some lemon tea. ", Rong Xinghe also giggled and sat down beside Ningtao as she enjoyed all the pampering .

She knew it very well that he was helpless around Father Lu and Mother Lu .

So she could make him do whatever she wanted .

" Baby , get me some juice also .", Ningtao joined Rong Xinghe .

Lu Wei glared at the two not-so-obedient ladies of his life for sometime before he headed towards the kitchen as he muttered under his breath ," I should take upon the profession of a servant soon ! No use being a CEO !"

The man's words were clearly heard by everyone as they started laughing uncontrollably .

After that , Rong Xinghe went to help Mother Lu unpack the bag in her room while Father Lu went into the kitchen to discuss something with Lu Wei .


Rong Xinghe was climbing down the stairs when she suddenly stopped in her tracks as she heard Ningtao and her mother's conversation .

" Okay Tao , tell me. Who touched your belly for the first time after you were diagnosed pregnant by the doctors ? ", Mother Ning asked in an anxious tone .

" Wei did , Mom. But why are you asking this ? ", Ningtao was a little confused .

" Oh dear. I recently visited a saint in India. He looked into your and Wei's profile and said that you both will have only one child. ", Mother Ning tried to explain .

" What are you trying to say Mom ?"

" Tao. If you are going to have only one child , then it must be a boy ! "

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