The 3 B's- Beauty, Brains and Bravery

Chapter 126: Were they even left with anything to do ?

Chapter 126: Were they even left with anything to do ?

Meanwhile , certain six men clenched their fists when they heard the contents of the recording .

It seemed like they hadn't doted much on their kiddo ....

Someone actually had the guts to talk to their sister in such a manner !

" I am going to kill that bastard ! ", Zhi Al was worked up the most .

" No need ", Mo Zixuan said calmly .

The other five men looked at him with puzzled expression. Wasn't he angry at all ?!

" Guys ... Our sister can't be bullied so easily. I can tell that she is completely prepared. Let's just sit back and watch the show. ", Mo Zixuan smiled meaningfully.


In the Press Briefing Room ,

Rong Xinghe silenced the media before speaking again .

" I hope that things are clear now. Now it is the time for punishment. Mr. Shin Zo , the person involved in this incident has tried to harm the honour of Country X by attacking its Military Chief. And our country's military has never gone easy on such people.

"So I hereby declare a death sentence to Mr. Shin Zo !

" While , we are here discussing the incident , the Military Chief Security Team (MCST) is following the Military Protocols in Country N. I guess Mr. Shin Zo should have died by now. ", the girl said as she glanced at the smartwatch on her wrist .

All the members of media were shocked by this revelation !

Damn ! The man was already dead !

There was indeed a Military Protocol in the army which stated that whoever tried to physically hurt or harm the honour of Prime Minister , President or Military Chief of Country X , would be straight away killed by the Union Security Teams like MCST .

This protocol applied on any individual , no matter , which nation he/she belonged to .

But the fact that Rong Xinghe could be so strict and merciless was a little terrifying .

She was not someone who could be offended so easily .

But Rong Xinghe wasn't done yet. After all , her brothers were disrespected in this entire scenario. What more , Zhi Bo was under pressure to resign from the position of General Representative of Country X from UNESCO .

" Also , the Military of Country X demands a resignation from the Military Chief of Country N , Mr. Yun Zo by tomorrow evening. ", the girl said in a cold bone-chilling tone .

As soon as Rong Xinghe's words fell onto their ears , the reporters' backs stiffened as they weren't just shocked , but horrified !

What the hell ?

How could she demand something like that ?

She was taking things one level up straight to the international level !

" Military Chief ! We accept that Mr. Shin Zo had crossed his line. But was it really necessary to kill him ?! ", a journalist asked .

" Also , what is the connection between Mr. Yun Zo's resignation and this incident ?! Why would he do that ?! ", another reporter asked .

" Firstly , I don't think that rapists should be allowed to even breathe. So of course , it was necessary for Mr. Shin Zo to die. Because if he had the guts to assault the highest military authority of a country , then it is impossible to guess how many women had been the victims of his lust ! ", Rong Xinghe's words were sharp and to the point .

" And secondly , regarding Mr. Yun Zo's resignation definitely has a connection to the incident. After all , this is the theory Country N , itself believes in. ", the girl answered .

" What do you mean by ' Country N itself believes in this theory ' , Military Chief ?!! ", a reporter asked with perplexed expression .

Rong Xinghe took a deep breath before she replied swiftly ," Since , Country N believes that any individual connected to a criminal or a traitor should not be allowed to behold the high thrones of the society , doesn't this imply on themselves ?!

" Under the illusion that I had betrayed Country X , the entire world was asking for Mr. Zhi Bo's resignation from the position of General Representative of Country X in UNESCO , because he is associated to me.

" Then now that Mr. Shin Zo is proved guilty for an assault attempt , I want to know if Mr. Yun Zo , as his father , is permitted to behold this highest throne of an entire army ?!

" I have turned the tables now. And I expect a resignation soon. Because rules of a game are applied to every player. And I hope that Country N won't back out because I do hold grudges. Thank you everyone. "

With these words , Rong Xinghe left the Briefing Room leaving the media with a lot of breaking news .

Damn it !

She had actually defeated the enemies in their own game .

Soon , the news of Country N's Military Chief's son's death went viral !

She was really not joking !

She had actually killed him and she was really serious about the resignation .

This woman was surely calculative and brilliant at devising plans for revenge .


Meanwhile , each one of the six men were stunned speechless by the girl's actions .

They had never expected her to go to this extent for them ....

Everything she did , she did it in a very calculated manner !

She deliberately waited for the Country N to add Zhi Bo in the mix before striking back her counterattack !

She had even killed that bastard who had forced her so ruthlessly !

Were they even left with anything to do ?

" Brothers !!! "

Just when they were pondering upon the turn of events , Rong Xinghe's excited shriek rang throughout the room !

The men turned around to look in the direction of the door as Rong Xinghe ran inside the place with the speed of light as she hugged Zhi Bo with a grin .

" I saved you ! "

Zhi Bo placed a soft kiss on the girl's forehead and smiled back ," Hmm ... I have an amazing sister ! "

There was no cold and dangerous aura radiating the girl anymore. Instead , there was just warmth and love .

This girl had switched off the facade of the fierce Military Chief and converted herself into a tender and sweet sister .

All the six men buried every question in their heart and simply smiled .

Let bygones be bygones .

It was all fine if she was satisfied in the end .

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