Terran Guardian

Chapter 123: Mosquito Leg Is Still Meat.

Chapter 123: Mosquito Leg Is Still Meat.

"I don't have many pills with me, only five kinds in total. They are the Satiety Pill, Qi and Blood Pill, True Qi Pill, Blood Coagulation Pill, as well as the Violent Blood Pill!"

Tang Hong pondered and answered.

It wasn't an important secret regarding what kind of pills he was carrying. 

On the contrary, he came to Jin City with the pills to also find a buyer.

If Shen Changqing had the intention to buy it, it would save himself a lot of effort.

Especially now that the war started, having a pile of pills left in his hands would be a big loss.

Shen Changqing asked, "What are the effects of True Qi Pill, Blood Coagulation Pill and Violent Blood Pill?"

He was familiar with the first two pills.

But it was the first time he had heard of the latter three.

Tang Hong explained: "The True Qi Pill is a pill refined through special methods. Eating it can restore a Cultivator's True Qi."

"The Blood Coagulation Pill is actually an enhanced version of the Qi and Blood Pill, which can greatly increase the Qi and blood of a Cultivator."

"It has a great effect on some people who practice External Martial Arts or suffer from serious loss of Qi and blood for some reason."

"One Qi and Blood Pill can restore the Qi and Blood of a Body Forging Cultivator. One Blood Coagulation Pill is equivalent to the effect of five Qi and Blood Pills."

Shen Changqing silently listened to the other party's words. 

Obviously, the effect of the True Qi Pill was similar in a sense to that of Qi and Blood Pill. One was to restore True Qi, the other was to restore Qi and blood.

However, if one really wanted to compare it, the True Qi Pill was undoubtedly a higher level than the Qi and Blood Pill.     

As for Blood Coagulation Pill, as Tang Hong said, it was an enhanced and upgraded version of Qi and Blood Pill. 

After a pause, Tang Hong continued.

"The Violent Blood Pill is different. Its main goal is to detonate the Qi and Blood of the Cultivator, so that they could exert a power beyond themselves in a short time. This state can last for a few breaths at most."

"Afterwards, the Cultivator would experience the side effect of depletion of Qi and Blood."

"Severe cases may result in serious internal injuries, but as long as they are not swallowed excessively, there should be no danger of death."

At this time, Shen Changqing understood that the Violent Blood Pill was an amplification pill. Of course, there were side effects.

But strictly speaking, on some occasions, the Violent Blood Pill was still very useful.

An increase in strength may be the deciding factor between life and death.

"Does the Violent Blood Pill work for anyone? How much increase can it possibly induce?"

Shen Changqing asked.

Although the effect of the Violent Blood Pill sounded good, it was impossible for it to have no restrictions.

After all, the energy contained in a pill was limited.

It may play a role in the Body Forging Realm, but it does not mean that it can play the same role in the Qi Circulation Realm.

"Theoretically speaking, there is no limit to the Realm of the Cultivator, because the main effect of the pill is to use their Qi and blood for the burst of power."

"However, how much it can increase depends entirely on the Qi and blood of the Cultivator, as well as whether it's vigorous or not."

"The more vigorous the Qi and Blood, the less the increase, the lower the side effects, and vice versa."


"Based on the Dan Clan's test on the Violent Blood Pill, a normal Body Forging Realm Cultivator will experience an increase of about 50%. Of course, the consequences are not as simple as a loss of Qi and blood."

Tang Hong said in a deep voice.

When Shen Changqing heard the words, he already knew it in his heart.

The main function of the Violent Blood Pill was to stimulate the potential of Cultivator's Qi and blood, making the Qi and blood more powerful, so that they can exert a power far their own.

One must know that although the average Cultivators strength was mainly based on True Qi, if they used their Qi and blood, they could still increase their strength significantly.

"With my current Qi and blood, I'm afraid that the Violent Blood Pill will not be able to play a big role."

Shen Changqing thought to himself.

The Level 10 [Impregnable Golden Body] had made his Qi and blood reach a tyrannical level. To be honest, even he did not have a good grasp of his limits.

Suppressing the distracting thoughts in his heart, he refocused on Tang Hong.

"What is the price of the pills?"

"The pills are all priced per bottle. Of which, a bottle of Satiety Pill is one tael of silver, a bottle of Qi and Blood Pill is 30 taels of silver, True Qi Pill and Blood Coagulation Pill are 70 taels of silver each, and a bottle of Violent Blood Pills is 80 taels of silver."

Tang Hong skillfully quoted.


Hearing Tang Hong's offer, Shen Changqing was speechless, and scolded profiteers in his heart.

He was not scolding Tang Hong, but the Treasure Pavilion.

At the beginning, the price that the Treasure Pavilion gave to him was 50 taels of silver for a bottle of Qi and Blood pills, and 20 taels for Satiety Pills.

After a 20% discount, Shen Changqing thought that the other party was really earning a lot less.

Now that he heard Tang Hong's offer, he secretly took a deep breath.

The capital was 32 taels.

Yet they sold it for 50.

This was simply a profiteering industry, with outrageous profits.

Among them, the Satiety Pills price was doubled.

Shen Changqing suspected that, as a large channel for purchasing goods, the price that the Treasure Pavilion would be paying should be even lower than Tang Hong's price.

No treachery was no business.

Such a sentence appeared in his mind, and couldn't help, but admire it in his heart.

The Treasure Pavilion's black heartedness completely exceeded his expectations.

Shen Changqing said: "How many Satiety Pills, Blood Coagulation Pills, True Qi Pills and Violent Blood Pills are in Deacon Tang's hands?"

"I have 50 bottles of Satiety Pills, 20 bottles of Qi and Blood pills, while the rest have 10 bottles of each."

"Okay, I want all of them!"

"All of them?"

Tang Hong was stunned.

On the other hand, Shen Changqing had already taken out silver notes from his sleeves.

Looking at the stack of silver notes in front of him, Tang Hong couldn't help, but count them. The total was 2,850 taels, which just corresponded to the prices of all the pills.

His face suddenly became solemn, "I have temporarily stored the pills in my room. Where does Lord Shen live, I'll send the rest of the pills to you?"

A deal was negotiated, and Tang Hong was in a good mood.

More than 2000 taels of silver was quite a large sum.

Originally, he had no plans to sell all of the pills, and thought that Shen Changqing would only at least buy some.

He did not expect that the other party would turn out to be so rich.

He took out more than 2,800 taels of silver notes without batting an eyebrow.

Shen Changqing smiled lightly: "I live here in Tianyi Luo."

"It turns out that Lord Shen also lives in Tianyi Luo. I'll just come knocking then, I am also temporarily staying here!"

Tang Hong was surprised.

He did not expect for Shen Changqing to live in the same place as himself.

He had been in Tianyi Luo for almost half a month, and had never met the other party.

Regarding this, Tang Hong could only say that fate had decided not to do so.

With a deal reached, neither of the two people wasted any time.

Shen Changqing took the lead in returning to his room, and not long after, Tang Hong sent all of the pills over.

Five types of pills, 100 bottles in total.

Looking at the empty bottles on the table, Tang Hong had a weird expression on his face, but he didn't ask any more questions.

Normal people don't buy all kinds of pills.

Moreover, in Shen Changqing's Realm, many pills in his view would not have any effect on him.

However, since the other party gave him money and bought it, it wasn't his concern.

"More than 2,000 taels of silver, it should solve my current needs."

Touching the silver notes in his sleeves, Tang Hong felt certain.

Thinking so in his heart, he clasped his fists at Shen Changqing.

"Then, Lord Shen, I'll leave now!"

"Take care!"

Shen Changqing nodded. After sending Tang Hong out, he closed the door.

The room was full of pills. 

The reason why Shen Changqing bought so many pills was because he felt that he needed to use a lot the next time he improved his strength.

Otherwise, there was simply no way to support his consumption when breaking through with his original inventory.

But, the pills he needed to truly break through were only three kinds of pills: Satiety Pill, Qi and Blood Pill, as well as the Blood Coagulation Pill.

The True Qi Pill and Violent Blood Pill, strictly speaking, would not be used to supplement his breakthrough consumption.

First, he took out a bottle and opened it. A fragrance wafted out from it. Shen Changqing felt the True Qi in his dantian resonating faintly.

Looking closely, it could be seen that the bottle was loaded with green pills.

"A True Qi Pill can supplement the consumption of a mid stage Qi Circulation Realm Cultivator. Although my current True Qi is strong, and there's almost no chance of True Qi depletion, I can't guarantee that such a thing will not happen."

"Especially in the next battle, maybe it will come in handy. Ten bottles of True Qi Pill is better than nothing."

After sealing the bottle and putting it back in place, Shen Changqing took another bottle.

He pulled out the cork and poured a red pill from it.

Violent Blood Pill!

According to Tang Hong, it can increase a Cultivator's strength by a lot in a short period of time.

Without any hesitation, Shen Changqing opened his mouth and ate it.

As the pill went into his abdomen.

A powerful force suddenly exploded in his stomach. His Qi and blood, that was originally silent, began to gradually boil, as if it had been stimulated by some kind of force.

Its just

This boiling feeling didnt last long, and it soon disappeared without a trace.

The whole process happened in just the blink of an eye.

Shen Changqing closed his eyes, silently feeling the changes in his body, and then opened them.

"The Violent Blood Pill can indeed stimulate the potential of one's Qi and blood, but unfortunately my Qi and blood are too strong, not comparable to ordinary Cultivators. It could only agitate it at most, far away from being able a huge burst of power." 

"Unless I eat a whole bottle's worth of Violent Blood Pill, then it should have some effect."

"But, even then, the increase in strength will not be too big, but it is better than nothing."

In the final analysis, the Violent Blood Pill was deemed to a lower rank.

But for Shen Changqing, it was good to have other ways to temporarily increase his strength.

After all, no matter how small a mosquito leg was, it was still meat.

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