Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 722 - Seventy Hundred And Twenty-two: Torment Him For The Rest Of His Life

Chapter 722 - Seventy Hundred And Twenty-two: Torment Him For The Rest Of His Life

The third point of view:

"That lunatic!" Isabella stomped her feet as she heard Julie's threat. She knew there was no way on earth Pedro's brain would split open on the first hit but he would get hurt and she wasn't inclined to see that red liquid spilling down his head right now, not when everything is going wrong. They were driving her crazy!

"At the count of one….. two….. three!"

"No!" Isabella didn't even know when the scream tore from her throat and she raced to the door.

"Her fiancé was crazy!" was the thought in Anabelle's head as she winced and shut her eyes just as Pedro banged his head on the...

"Huh?" Anabelle peered out through the gape in her fingers and saw Pedro's head on Isabella's palm that rested on the wall.

It happened that right before Pedro could bang his head on the wall, Isabella had already left the room with lightning speed and put her hand in the way.

Anabelle let out a huge sigh of relief and turned to glare at Julie that had a smug look on his face as if saying, "Told you,"

Had Isabella not taken the bait, he would have really let Pedro get injured. She really wanted to slap that smugness off his face. However, didn't need to wish for that because Isabella turned her cold steel gaze on Julie.

"How dare you!" Isabella raged and strode over to Julie with malicious intent when Anabelle quickly put herself in between them.

"Hey, Isabella," Anabelle chuckled nervously, "He was only trying to draw you out!"

"Draw me out?!" She raged, "He almost hurt Pedro!" Isabella was just about to shove Anabelle aside to get to Julie when Pedro quickly wrapped his arm around her stomach, burying his face into her neck.

"It's you, Isabella," He cried.

With a deep breath, Isabella turned around in his arms and began to hit Pedro on the chest, "And you! Are you an idiot or what?! How could you even think of doing such a thing?!"

However, Pedro only tightened his embrace, apologizing, "I'm so sorry, Isabella. I'm so sorry,"

Isabella wanted to wriggle out of his embrace, Pedro was weakening her resolve with sympathy. The last thing she wanted right now was to show her weakness in front of everyone.

"Don't leave me please," Pedro begged.

"Don't worry, I won't. We'd stay together so I can torment you for the rest of your life," Isabella swore to him.

"Aww," Julie sighed with fake infatuation, his hand resting on his chest, "I can already imagine her killing him in her sleep,"

"You're not helping," Anabelle scowled at him.

Isabella then turned to Julie, "Take him away, he's drunk,"

"Huh?" Julie was stunned. After all his thinking and hard work, it only amounted to this? God, this was a huge disgrace.

Anabelle understood what was going on immediately, Isabella was about to break down and she never cries in front of others. Funny enough, she was the only one who had seen Isabella cry - twice.

"Ouch," Julie finally reacted when he felt a pinch at his thigh and he turned to Anabelle who gestured to him to take Pedro away.

God, he didn't sign up for this.

Julie grudgingly walked over to where they stood and began to untangle Pedro from her with great effort since he didn't want to let go. He was like a child who didn't want to part from his favorite toy.

"Isabella!" Pedro cried out all he wanted but Julie made him lean on his side.

"Take good care of him," Isabella warned him.

Julie wanted to retort, however, bite back whatever response he had in mind when he met Isabella's resting bitch face.

"So be it, your majesty," Was all he said with a big fake smile.

He readjusted Pedro who was flailing about as if trying to reach out to Isabella. He then turned to Anabelle, saying, "Come, let's go,"

"Wait, go where?" Anabelle was confused, "Did you forget the part where I told you I'll be spending the night with her?" She gestured to Isabella who simply walked back to her room and closed it - without locking it.

"Wonderful," Julie looked up to the sky helplessly. She did say that, he finally remembered.

Fate does work in mysterious ways. When he said he was going to spend the night with Anabelle, he was sure he was explicit in his request. He sure never wanted Pedro. How could this happen to him?

"Goodnight," Anabelle suddenly said and then took his face in her hand as she smooched him on the lips.

"Well, that's comforting," Julie said. Who was he kidding? This was her bribing him so he doesn't abandon Pedro on the way.

"I'll see you tomorrow morning. Now go," Anabelle tapped him on the shoulder, indicating he should start moving.

"Fine," He added, "And call me if she does kick you out," Julie was sure that would happen.

"Don't worry, she won't," Anabelle assured him, "Just go,"

"Isabella!" Pedro wailed quite loudly and that was all the cue Julie needed to take him away before he made a fool of himself than the one he had already made.

Once they were gone, Anabelle grabbed the doorknob and went in. She sighed, this cousin of hers. Why can't she express her emotions properly? If Isabella didn't want her company, she would have locked the door from the inside as she did earlier.

"What do you want?" Isabella's cold voice greeted her as soon as she came in.

Anabelle rolled her eyes, stop pretending you don't want my company.

"Ice-cream," She said instead, lifting her nylon bag.

"If that is your idea of consoling me, then you should know that I don't need that useless gesture. All I need right now is workable solutions!"

"Who said I'm here to console you, I just want to eat my ice cream with your company. You can sulk all your want, I'm not going to bother you,"

"I don't sulk!" Isabella growled at her. Only babies sulk.

"Sure, do whatever you want. But in case you want a taste of the ice cream, you can join. I got two spoons and it's family-size," Anabelle offered.

"I don't need that nonsense," Isabella claimed, yet three minutes later, she was sucking her face with Icecream and crying at the same time.

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