Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 634 - Six Hundred And Thirty-four: I Met The Prince

Chapter 634 - Six Hundred And Thirty-four: I Met The Prince

The third point of view :

Akim thought he had tasted enough snacks and meats - chickens, beef, pork, you name it - in his lifetime and the best the world had to offer, none was like this one. It just had a glorious taste and to think that the insect was underrated. His eyes widened and he began to think of the numerous income this snack could bring into their kingdom if it went commercial.

Not everyone was exposed to edible insects and if he could just publicize this great food to the world, it could bring a lot of revenue to their kingdom. Akim's mind began to work one thousand miles per minute as he thought of the limitless things he could do with the termites.

Occasionally, they had diplomats who visited the kingdom, he could introduce the food to them. His face brightened with a smile, for once, Akim knew of a way he could help his father generate income for the kingdom and increase their GDP. But then, he would have to do lots of research and planning and hopefully, his father approves of this.

Aside from that, Lincolnshire generated much of its income from tourism. After the rebellion, most foreigners wanted to visit and study the kingdom that survived two attacks and is still standing strong.

Although the palace has been reconstructed, some areas still hold evidence of the ruins. Aside from that, Lincolnshire had many natural reserves and minerals - that was the reason for the first invasions. The invaders had seen Lincolnshire as a land flowing with milk and honey and attempted to exploit and keep the resources once they overtook. Unfortunately, Queen Roselle fought tool and nail to regain her seat and power, returning everything to how it was supposed to be.

Hence, tourism was a huge source of income for them. But don't forget Agriculture. With their large landmass, that was the only reason Lincolnshireans had not starved after the second attack and from foreign reliefs.

"You have a weird look on your face," Anita pointed out.

Akim simply smiled at her, unwilling to share his thoughts. She doesn't even know he's a prince, there was no need to tell her of his plan for the kingdom.

If only Akim knows she knew more than he thought she knew.

"Can I have a taste?" Jasmine couldn't hold her appetite anymore. She was grossed out by the insect but seeing the way her brother was enjoying himself, she thought otherwise.

Jasmine gulped at the insect in her palm, those brownish insects gave her the creeps but she didn't want to be left out in the fun. If her brother of all people could eat this, she could as well.

And that was what she did, putting the whole thing in her mouth and chewed once, then another, and another and soon enough, her molars were grinding steadily.

"Mmm," Jasmine's eyes widened like she was enlightened. She quickly looked at the seller for more and this time, the woman brought out her paper wrap and sold her a serving. And it was at this point that Jasmine's obsession with roasted termites began.

Akim ordered for more, he and Anika were given their own serving and he paid for them all - thankfully he came with cash and not his cards that might be tracked down and his location discovered. Although Anika decided to pay, he refused her. The first lesson he was inculcated into as a prince was chivalry and there was no way on earth he would let a woman pay on their first date - what the fuck was he saying? He means meeting.

Yes, this was a meeting and not a date. Absolutely not. He was not a careless playboy and prince who would fall for a girl he just met on the first meeting even though she's beautiful, courageous, and...

God, Akim, he groaned inwardly. Stop it! This would be the first and the last time you'd be meeting Anika. Soon, you'd be returning to your world which doesn't feature you eating roasted termites in the public at night - his ethics teacher would go mad once he heard this.

And speaking of his world, it was time to leave as it was one in the night. If they wanted to keep this secret of theirs a secret, he had to keep Jasmine in optimal condition. She dozing off during lessons today and other days - if they do sneak out - would definitely arouse suspicion.

Jasmine?understood the look Akim gave her and her face fell at once which Anika noticed and asked, "Hey, what's wrong?" Her face filled with concern.

"We have to leave," Akim was the one who broke the news to her.

"What?!" Anika seemed shocked, "But the festival would go on till dawn. Isn't it too early to leave and I have many other delicious delicacies to introduce to you guys,"

"I'm sorry, Anika, but our parents gave us a curfew," Akim lied through his teeth. That was the best lie he could come up with.

"Sure, you can leave. I wouldn't want you disobeying your parent's orders," Anika said to him yet there was a trace of scorn in her tone.

Akim stretched his hand out for a handshake, "I don't regret ever meeting you. Hopefully, we meet one day,"

"That one day might be sooner than you know," Anika smirked at him and then glanced down at his hand still out for her to take.

"Before I take your hand, do you have a girlfriend?"

Akim was taken aback by that question yet he composed himself, "No," his brows arched, "Why do you ask?"

"Because I want to do this," Anika said and then grasped Akim's cheeks in her palm and pressed her soft lips against his.

Jasmine's eyes widened at the scene and she looked away at once, a goofy smile tugging at the corner of her lips. She said it! How lovely.

Akim stood still like a tree, his hand still awkwardly outstretched as Anika kissed him. This was the first time he had ever kissed someone and she had taken him by surprise by kissing him. Weren't the guys supposed to be the ones making the move? What was happening? Why was his heart pounding?

Before Akim even had the time to savor the kiss, Anika had pulled away and he blinked like a fool.

"Goodbye, Ai," She said and disappeared through the crowd before he had the chance to stop her.

"Goodbye Anika," He muttered, spellbound.

Meanwhile, as soon as Anika left them, a creepy smile crossed her features and she called someone at once saying, "Mission fulfilled, I met with the prince,"

"What?! Are you sure it's him?" The voice from the other side asked sternly.

"Of course, mother," Anika rolled her eyes to heaven, irritated at her doubt, "You made it my life mission to know everything about him, why wouldn't I recognize him at a glance? Do you underestimate your daughter's capabilities?"


Bless this shameless author with your golden ticket ????

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