Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 610 - Six Hundred And Ten: She Wants To Be A House Wife

Chapter 610 - Six Hundred And Ten: She Wants To Be A House Wife

The third point of view:

Thanks to the increasing tension and reaction in his body, Julie choose to pick his phone and distract himself with whatever he could find online.

"The guest room is ready, you should go and have a sleep. You must be stressed out," Honestly, he just wanted her away as he couldn't trust himself around her.

But Anabelle replied, "I'm not sleepy yet," and sat down beside him.

"What are you watching?" She snuggled closer to him on the sofa and he fought against the urge to stare down her legs or see if her polo was still playing peek-a-boo with him.

He could have refused her but Anabelle was his girlfriend plus it was cold, she needed warmth - was his excuse.

"Urm...." What was he even watching on his phone - he had no idea. With not much thought, he quickly clicked on an Ad he saw before Anabelle glanced on his screen.

"Oh," Anabelle's face widened with surprise, she glanced up at him, "You read online novels?"

"Online what...?" his gaze rested on the texts written on the ad and nodded, "Yeah," Julie readjusted himself so she could snuggle closer as she wanted to read the story as well.

"I never knew you're a fan of romance stories,"

"I am?" It was more of a question than admittance.

Yet Anabelle didn't notice his confusion and rambled on, "Most men think romance stories are soapy and overly dramatic and unrealistic. It's thrilling to know you don't agree with them," she giggled, looking at him with adoration.

"Of course, I don't agree with them," Julie lied through his teeth. He was never a fan of romance stories since the standards set for men were impractical and where women's desires, experiences, and rich inner lives are given value, center stage.

"Come on, let's read it," Anabelle had already pressed on the link before he could stop her. Since it was an ad, it took them to the google play store where they had to download the app and sign in before they started reading.

It was a happy reading - and a harmless one at first. Although Anabelle did most of the reading since his eyes were glued on her the entire time. How could someone be this happy to read a melodramatic story? Women were strange creatures.

But then, minutes later, he sensed some changes in Annabelle and glanced down at the phone only to see the reason for the change. What had seemed like a harmless reading had evolved into an erotic chapter.

--- their lips moved against each other in syn, and while he buried his hand in her hair, the other went down to knead her bottom. She wrapped her arms around his neck, eager for more... ---

That was all he read but the message had already been sent. Anabelle became stiff in his arms nor did he move either. How did everything change so quickly?

Julie was prepared to go to bed at that instant but to his surprise, Anabelle turned around and pounced on him and the rest was history - history of their first time.

Because of the suppressed feelings for long, they both let go of their inhibition that night and went at it to the fullest. It was fun that night but when morning came, the charm that blinded him that night came off.

There was no way to hide the massive hickey on Anabelle's body nor could he keep him at her place for another day. It was enough announcement that she slept over at his place, another day more and Eden might storm into his place.

So he let her go but not without a fashion trick, he let her cover her neck with a scarf hoping that was enough to buy him some days? More like hours.

The plan failed and Eden hunted him down as promised - if he failed their deal. Eden abducted him out of the city and took him to the countryside where he tied him upside down on the tree. It was quite a merciful move since Eden had contemplated hanging him upside down by his "thingy".

Julie wondered how possible that was, but he didn't dare to push his luck knowing Eden was a psychopath compared to Niklaus'?aggressiveness.

It was a lot of hours before he was surprisingly rescued by Niklaus and ever since then, the man had been keeping an eye on him. Even till his grandfather's death, Niklaus has been some sort of father figure to him, Julie wondered what sort of deal his grandfather struck with him - hopefully, they don't pull the marry Isabella stunt on him again.

Back to the present, Anabelle pouted at him, "Aren't you happy that I came to visit?"

He dropped the ice pack and cupped her face with his palm, "I'm happy that you came to visit me but I'm just saying that you should be a lot more careful knowing how dangerous it is around me. Moreover, shouldn't you be working,"

"I took a day off," Anabelle grinned at him, "Maybe, I should take a week off and spend it with you," she giggled sheepishly.

"Don't play around with your work," He chided her playfully.

"I don't care," Anabelle said, "Once we get married, I'll quit,"

"What?" Julie was stunned, he turned to her wondering what had come over her, "Don't you love your modeling job? Isn't that why you worked so hard?"

"Hmm," Anabelle pulsed her lips, "The truth is that my dream is to be a housewife, modeling was just a hobby to pass time,"

Julie didn't say a word, he was shocked. More than shocked.

"I want a family, Julie. Unlike my father, both of us would be good parents to our many, many kids. I won't give up on my kid as my mother did, together we would give them the best of our affection," She giggled at the mere thought of it.

"Then, what about your career?" he asked just to distract himself from his pounding heart and fear - the fear that he might not be able to fulfill her every dream.


Bless this shameless author with your golden ????

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