Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 593 - Five Hundred And Ninety-Three: The Prince And Princesses

Chapter 593 - Five Hundred And Ninety-Three: The Prince And Princesses

The third point of view:

There had been lots of dancing at the reception with so many people that Emily couldn't feel her feet anymore. She guessed it was because she was now the queen and everyone wanted to make acquaintances with the queen of Lincolnshire.

Thankfully, the orchestra heard her woe and the dancing finally came to an end. Perhaps, if she knew, she would have forsaken these pairs of heels for sneakers - just like the current Cecil - but then, she was the queen and most look the part - that included observing all protocols and etiquette - and pains. Damn, pretty hurts.

The queen dowager, her majesty, Roselle, was the one to speak after everyone had settled down.

"First of all, from the bottom of my heart, I want to thank all of you for being here. To the diplomats who returned to my kingdom for this wedding even after the previous incident..."

At the mention of "incident" the whole arena went silent. No one had forgotten the rebellion and the lives lost.

The queen went on, "To friends and acquaintances who made it possible that we wed my son, his majesty, Kai Revatio, and my lovely daughter in law, the queen, Emily Revatio, I highly regard your presence here today.

"Truthfully, no one thought this day would be possible, not after that ugly event. We had all lost hope, lost track of the future. But then, it is said in the time of despair bravery is honed and that is seen today. Because of your immense support, courage, and cooperation, we are alive to celebrate such an auspicious day, and for that I'm grateful.

"I'm most pleased to know that I'm leaving the legacy of this kingdom in the hands of my daughter-in-law who by no doubt would make great achievements. And to her brother..." she hinted at Niklaus, "for raising such a wonderful woman I thank you. I bless your marriage and pray for wisdom and understanding to guide your married life," she blessed them.

There came applause from the crowd.

"However," the queen dowager said, "Before I hand over the microphone to the couples of the day, I would like to reward a?set of heroes for their great contributions to the rebellion. Without them, we wouldn't have stood a chance against the enemy,"

There was a sudden discussion amongst the crowd. They had not expected the sudden announcement and certainly did wonder who was about to be rewarded - although a few people had their suspicions.

The queen smiled as she called out, "Neon..."

The little boy didn't even wait for his name to be fully announced when he screamed and jumped in excitement. The queen called him a hero?! He was a hero.

There was a roar of applause as Neon made it to the center of the dance floor where the queen stood.

"Ailee Spencer,"

Another applause followed as the girl happily joined her brother.

"Allen Spencer"

"Isabella Spencer"

"Pedro Vincent"

"Anabelle Spencer"

"Julie Montenegro"

One by one, they all made it over to the dance floor while six well-dressed female employees appeared into the hall with six pillows, and on top of it rested six crowns.

A gasp of astonishment came from the crowd as they finally comprehended what the queen dowager had in mind.

"Kneel," Was all the queen said.

Everyone knelt immediately - all except Isabella.?The girl had a furrow on her face, she didn't need all this drama - she knew what the queen dowager was about to do.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Anabelle mouthed to her with glaring eyes and before Isabella could react, the girl had already pulled her arm, dragging her to her feet.

Isabella let her be, knowing it was useless to fight the queen in the first place - it would seem as rude as turning down the queen's "generosity".

On their knees, the queen took one of the crowns and walked over to Neon who stood first in line saying, "For your kind and strong heart, I title you, prince Neon of Lincolnshire,"

The crowd hollered and clapped as the queen placed the crown on his head. Neon stood with a grin on his face, he was now a prince!

"For your beauty and brave heart, I title you, princess Ailee of Lincolnshire,"

Great applause rang out.

The queen moved to Allen, "For your quick wit and determination, I title you, Prince Allen of Lincolnshire,"

Another applause as Allen rose to his feet.

"For your meekness and care, I title you, princess Anabelle of Lincolnshire,"

A round of applause followed the crowning but Anabelle curtsied when she turned, charming the audience once more with her elegant bow.

"She would make a fine lady," The queen dowager muttered inwardly seeing Anabelle's behavior before she moved over to Isabella.

With just a single glance, the queen knew what she was dealing with, an unruly horse. But then, this unruly horse was the reason the whole palace was saved, without her information, they would have been destroyed by the enemy.

Moreover, the girl reminded her of her own mother - her mother had been tough, intelligent and made her who she was today.

"For your wisdom, courage, determination, and foresight, I title you, Princess Isabella of Lincolnshire," she placed the crown on her head.

Isabella said a little thanks and joined the others. However, unlike Anabelle, she did no ceremony at all - she gave no care.

Nevertheless, they all clapped knowing that was her personality.?Also, although they all contributed immensely, Isabella was the main hero of the day.

"For your cleverness and wiles and bravery, and charm, I title you, prince Pedro of Lincolnshire," she crowned him.

There was great applause.

"For your strength, wiles, and courage, I title you, Prince Julie of Lincolnshire," the queen dowager crowned the last one and he rose to his feet, attracting cheers.

The queen turned to the crowd," Everyone, let's all stand for our heroes!"

At once, vehement applause and cheers filled the large hall as they stood to appreciate their heroes. The kids had been titled prince and princesses, earning the right to benefits enjoyed by royalties only.

Yes, they had no claim to the royal throne, being just titled, it was a huge privilege.

"Those are my babies!" Reina was busy shouting above the ovation. She has never been so proud of them. Niklaus simply had a smile while clapping.

Everyone was in a joyous mood that they didn't expect Neon to bravely tap the Queen dowager on the arm, saying,

"You forgot Mr. Smuff junior,"



Bless this shameless author with your golden ticket ????

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