Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 591 - Five Hundred And Ninety-One: A Leg Over To Save

Chapter 591 - Five Hundred And Ninety-One: A Leg Over To Save

The third point of view :

"Thank you immensely for your support," Judy thanked Sakuzi, "Without your help, we would have been ruined,"

Sakuzi had come down to visit Lincolnshire after the attack and he arrived with relief assistance, his men carried out charities by providing aid for the people in need. Using his private jet, Sakuzi had sent most of the diplomats back to their countries except a few who had purposely stayed back to help out.

"I don't know how to thank you enough," Judy could not find enough words to appreciate him.

"It's nothing. You're family and family help each other in need," Sakuzi said, looking around at the ruins. The front of the palace had completely collapsed and the only structure to have survived the destruction was the east wing and a few rooms of the south wing where the royal infirmary was located.

Although workers had started to sort through the rubbles, it would take quite some time to return the palace to its former glory.

"I heard my son-in-law is injured?" Sakuzi asked.

"Yes, he's indeed injured. Do you want to see him?"

"Yes, I want to," He demanded.

"Follow me then," Judy said, directing him to a totally different entrance from the mess. Some of the structures were still standing yet unstable, he wasn't eager for any unfortunate incident.

Niklaus was awake and there was his wife, Reina by his side. The both of them had been having a conversation when he saw his gruff-looking father-in-law made his way into his room.

Reina felt a presence and turned around only for her to get shocked by the appearance of a certain parent, "Father?!"

"Baby girl!" A smile made its way across Sakuzi's face which was a surprise to everyone - he had not even let as much as a smile when he first arrived.

It must have been pregnancy hormone because Reina instantly bawled out her eyes on her father's shoulder. She had been so immersed in getting over the shock of the treason, taking care of her babies in her womb, the kids, and Niklaus that she hadn't thought about her father. Reina just realized how much she missed him.

"Hey, it's okay, baby girl," Sakuzi patted his dear daughter on the back. It was obvious that out of all his children - and illegitimate ones - Reina was the apple of his eyes.

When Reina finally composed herself, Sakuzi shifted his gaze to Niklaus and said irritably," If I knew you would be this incapable, I wouldn't have handed my daughter over to you,"

"Father!" Reina intervened immediately, "What are you talking about? It's not like he intentionally got injured, he was defending us, and thanks to him, we're safe now,"

"Those are just excuses," Sakuzi grumbled, "My only rule while handing you over to him was to keep you safe -"

"And he did," Reina interjected sternly, "There's no other reason to roast him and by the way I'm pregnant, so unless you want me to lose this, you can go ahead and bother my husband," She subtly threatened him with her pregnancy.

However, Sakuzi was not interested in her threat, all he was happy about was the news of her pregnancy.

"I'm going to be a grandpa again?" Sakuzi was in a state of disbelief with a hint of excitement.

"Yes, father," She took his hand and said, "And this time, I'm having triplets,"

"Okay. Wait - what?!" It finally dawned on Sakuzi, "What did I just hear?" He was dumbfounded.

"I'm having triplets, father," Reina announced oblivious to the raging storm inside of him.

"You?" he pointed to his daughter, "Are having triplets?"

"Yes, father," She answered, rubbing her hand over her stomach affectionately.

"Who will deliver them? You?"

"Of course, it is I, father. Who else?" Reina was dumbfounded. Why was her father asking her such strange questions?

Instantly, Sakuzi raged, "You animal!" and attempted to pounce on Niklaus, but thankfully, Eden and Emerald were quick to hold him back.

"You fucking son of a bastard, whose daughter do you want to kill?" Sakuzi cursed violently even as he was being held back, "Do you know how she almost died trying to give birth to the twins, and now you give her triplets? I should kill you before you kill her?!!"

Niklaus looked on innocently, what had he done wrong? All he had done was copulate as normal couples do, who knew he would fertilize three eggs?

Sakuzi was so intent on teaching Niklaus a lesson that the others had no choice but to drag him out of the ward before he did real damage - the man was slightly unpredictable.

They took him to a separate room and got Reina in as well knowing she was the only one that could calm him.

"What are you going to do now? Are you going to still be with him?" There was a hint of dissatisfaction in his tone.

"Of course," Reina said, frowning at him. The way her father thought at times irritated her.

"Just because Niklaus's injured doesn't make him one less of a man," She intentionally avoided using the word, 'disabled'.

"Moreover, the doctors say there's a chance his leg would recover with the surgery, so there's no need to worry too much," she told him and yet the look on her father's face was not encouraging.

With a sigh, Reina went to sit down beside him, taking his hand in hers, "Father, Niklaus is the man I love and my husband. I'm going to stay by his side no matter what. He might not meet your standards but he's perfect for me," She confessed sincerely.

Sakuzi snorted, shaking his head sympathetically, "I don't why you're so stubborn. Left for me alone, I have many men I know you could be with that would pamper you for the rest of your life. They won't even put you in danger?-"

"They would only do so because they fear you," Reina told him. Unlike the others, Niklaus didn't fear him - maybe, a little. "They might treat me well because of your fearful reputation, their feelings won't be sincere. What happens to me when you die then?" she asked him.

Sakuzi coughed, looking away awkwardly. He knew she was right. What man in his right mind would touch his daughter while he lived? Unless that person wanted their entire family members castrated and wiped out from the surface of the earth.

"Fine," He had no choice but to give in. Not that he had a choice anyway - he knew he couldn't stress Reina now she was pregnant with his grandkids.

He pulled his phone out and made a call, "Get the chopper ready, we have a leg to save,"


Bless this shameless author with your golden ticket ????

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