Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 537 - Five Hundred And Thirty-Eight: The Assassination

Chapter 537 - Five Hundred And Thirty-Eight: The Assassination

The third point of view :

"Hey, It's time to go,"

Maggie was roused from her thoughts when one of the military personnel pulled her into the police van.

Today was the first day Maggie was set to go on trial for the murder of Fernandez. Her case was a hot and sensitive one in the country since it depicted the violence directed at women. Everyone was interested to know what would be the final verdict.

Contrary to her fears, Maggie was being treated well in prison. She couldn't tell whether her patron was behind it?- the people who hired her to kill Fernandez - or Cecil - who had been actively overseeing her case- she was grateful nonetheless. No one dared to bully her in prison, to be honest, she had more fans than enemies.

After Fernandez's death, most women who suffered abuse in his hands yet didn't speak up in fear of what he would do to them, sprang up like weeds. Evidence after evidence, testimony after testimonies, witnesses after the other flooded the prosecutor's office - they had a handful to process.

Even in prison, her fellow inmates respected her bravery in ending the evil man. She guessed in the middle of oppression, women would still rise together as one.

Cecil had met Maggie and narrated her plans. Although the woman didn't condone her action of killing Fernandez, Cecil said, "However, you did the world a big favor. Although the set of rules and norms practiced by our society don't acknowledge your sacrifice, we, the survivors, who had tasted firsthand, the devil he was, thank you for keeping our world safe. You saved future women from falling into the trap we've experienced,"

Maggie had cried uncontrollably afterward. She had thought that she was alone all this while. When she killed Fernandez, she had not thought about the other young girls that could have fallen into the same situation. But now, she knew she had done a good thing. She had saved lives. Maggie saved futures.

She became hopeful once again. Cecil told her about the petition she started, demanding her release and so far, over four hundred women had signed the petition. That means she still had a bright future ahead - the society still wanted her.

Today marked the beginning of the trial that would determine her fate. Escorting her in the van were four soldiers; she was sandwiched in between two with her hands handcuffed. While one drove and the other stood watch. However, another police car drove from behind to offer extra protection which couldn't help but make Maggie all the more nervous.

Lady night, a raven bird had perched on her prison window, haunting her with its eerie cries all night. The little sleep she had caught hadn't been a pleasant one either; nightmares after nightmares. That was when it dawned on Maggie, she was going to die.

She was not a fool to think that everyone was in support of her killing Fernandez. Although the man did horrible things, Fernandez was a son, husband, father and relative to some people. They must be the one after her.

"How long till we arrive?" She asked the military personnel beside her who gave her a long look.

"This is the third time you asked that question, is anything the matter?" he looked at her suspiciously.

Maggie shook her head, "I don't feel safe," Was all she said. Her heart was palpitating with fear and she was nervous. Maybe she was just being overall paranoid.

The military personnel laughed at her fears, "What do you mean you don't feel safe? Is there any where safer than -"

The man didn't get to finish what he was saying because a great impact rocked their van. All Maggie felt was a sensation of flying as their car rolled several times and came to a complete halt.

The car came to rest on its roof hence they laid upside down. Maggie slipped in and out of consciousness until she shook the dizziness out of her head. She inevitably heard the sound of gunshots as the police car behind them tried to battle their attackers. She knew it, something wasn't right; the dream was a premonition.

With difficulty and a groan of pain, Maggie turned around to see the military personnel were in the same condition as her. However, she couldn't tell if they were dead or alive since their eyes were both shut. Looking around, she was the only one awake.

It was obvious that the both men beside her had absorbed most of the shock hence the reason she was conscious; their protection had come as a blessing in disguise.The sound of gunshot got closer and nearer, Maggie had to get out of the car.

The attack was on her and the perpetrators of the crime would surely come to check if they had finished the job - her. If that wasn't the case, Maggie was sure she would receive a shot to the head; she had to escape.

Maggie winced with just a move. Even with the cushion - the both soldiers - she was hit badly. She finally moved, but the problem was both soldiers blocked her path. Not to mention that they become double their weight now they are unconscious.

With her weakened states, Maggie pushed at the one closest to the door. However, his leg was stuck in between the seat and Maggie could barely move with the small space.

Suddenly, Maggie heard footsteps and her pushing became frantic. She had to escape, she could not survive the accident only to be murdered. She would not be killed because of that bastard Fernandez!

But it was too late, the crunching of glass under feet told Maggie that her attacker was right outside their car and though she could not see him, knew he was bending to peer at her.

She squeezed her eyes, unwilling to watch her death. Maggie heard the moment the man beside her - the soldier she had been trying to push all this while - was pulled out through one of the shattered windows effortlessly.

Expecting a bullet to pierce her head without a second thought, all Maggie heard was,

"Come on, we have to leave now!"

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