Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 533 - Five Hundred And Thirty-four: The Betrothment

Chapter 533 - Five Hundred And Thirty-four: The Betrothment

The third point of view:

Julie couldn't understand this family at all; one moment they looked like they wanted to murder him and the next he was a very important person.

He had been locked up in the room right after breakfast and had not be allowed out, not even when Anabelle banged on his door?- which was quite infuriating. Why was he suffering for an engagement he wanted no part in anymore?

"Oh right, because you're the one who had happily said yes to Grandaddy in the first place," Julie could already hear Isabella's voice in his head, taunting him.

Well, maybe, he did deserve that one. It seemed harmless at first, and Isabella was beautiful then - until he discovered she was a cold witch - furthermore, everything went completely wrong when he fell for the wrong cousin. Yeah, Fate fucked him really hard - not that he was complaining.

So he was surprised when the guards let him out and led him to the dining room where he met his grandfather.

Honestly, Julie didn't know what to feel. On one hand, he longed for his grandfather - the only parent he has left - and was grateful he was fine. But on the other hand, he was scared that he would try to separate him from Anabelle again. Hence, the boy was conflicted with his emotion.

"What are you standing there for?" Reina asked him, "Go sit beside your grandfather," She pushed him.

Julie found him staggering towards his grandfather and when he reached him, awkwardly took the seat beside the man.

"A-hem?" He cleared his throat, "H-how have you been?"

His grandfather nodded, swallowing down his food, and when he was done, gestured to his plate, "Want a bite? I never knew Reina was a good cook," he seemed to be enjoying himself.

Julie shook his head, intentionally not pointing out the lie. Reina cook? Pfft! She was the worst cook in history. His best shot was that Niklaus prepared those but Julie was not going to say that. Not when his grandfather would throw up the food thinking he had been poisoned because Niklaus made them.

Moreover, Julie was sure Niklaus would not be delighted if the world knew he was a great cook. The man had a notorious reputation to maintain.

There was no more room for awkwardness because Eden and his wife Camille arrived at that moment and the whole attention was shifted to them. Julie attempted what was called a smile at his future father-in-law and he couldn't comprehend if the man had given him a silent appreciation or simply ignored him.

As if they were in a race or something, Emerald and his wife arrived almost immediately and the whole place became a beehive of conversation. At least that allowed Julie some time to fade into the background and prepare himself mentally for the judgment to come.

Not long after, the kids - who engaged in the runaway - filed into the living room one after the other - his grandfather as well was done with the sumptuous breakfast prepared by Niklaus. Julie's evil mind wished he could finally play the prank on his grandfather by revealing who prepared the food he ate but he couldn't, not when his fate was about to be sealed. At a moment like this, he needed friends not enemies - especially not one from his family.

"I'm sure you all know why we are here, both the directly involved parties and the ones who had only come to drag their kids home, which was made possible through me - you're welcome by the way, " Niklaus, of course, hasn't lost his dry sense of humor, "We are here to decide on this engagement which was made without my consent and of course, to which, I don't accept at all. The floor is open for deliberation. I rest my case," Niklaus took his seat, crossing his leg over the other with his expression taut. This was the moment everyone had been waiting for.

George was the next to speak,

"I'm the initiator of this engagement and I admit to the fact that Niklaus hadn't been present when the agreement was made-"

"Agreement my butt, that was coercion!" Isabella shouted from her seat but her father Niklaus hissed disapprovingly at her, she shut up.

"However," George went on," His wife Reina was present when the agreement was made and as his wife, her words are the same as Nicklaus' authority, isn't it?" the question was thrown at nobody in question.

No one said a word, knowing he was right. That was the problem with aristocratic families, their words held a lot of weight. Be it from the husband or wife. Hence, they had to be careful with agreements. Also, it would be a shame on Niklaus and his wife as well, if he renounced his wife's words. Doing that was indirectly crippling her authority in the household.

Reina shrank into her chair, hiding her face and wishing the ground would open up and swallow her. She had agreed to that in the heat of the moment without giving it much thought. Now, she had only brought problems for Niklaus.

"Perhaps, we should give the kids the opportunity to express themselves?" Cecil suggested.

For her alone, she didn't care about engagement, betrothment, and all. Her kid Pedro was free to date whoever he wanted. She was still suffering from the effects of the political marriage her father had made with Fernandez. Cecil would not let her son go through the same ordeal.

"That's right," Emerald supported her, "Let's hear the kid's opinion,"

At the mention of that, Isabella was the first to get on her feet as if she had been patiently waiting for this moment.

She faced George, "I have nothing to say other than the fact that your son has a very gloomy future with me if you insist on bringing us together," she smiled darkly, " It's a promise," And sat back down.

"Alright?" Cecil tried to lighten the environment. No one was bothered by Isabella's statement. Yep, no one at all. It must be a joke. Isabella was simply pulling their legs. But inwardly, the woman knew that was no joke. Isabella never jokes.

"So who's next?"

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