Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 524 - Four Hundred And Twenty-Four: Worlds Greatest Player

Chapter 524 - Four Hundred And Twenty-Four: World's Greatest Player

The third point of view:

"You don't have to worry about a thing, the kids would be on their best behavior. Moreover, I'm sure their cousin Akim would do a good chat of watching over them and keeping them in line," Reina was in a video call with Emily and Cecil. For some reason, they couldn't connect to Camille as agreed. Perhaps, something came up

[A/N: Yep, something came up indeed]

"I think I'm going to have the kids measured and make their designs when they come over here. Cecil, you're pregnant right now and don't need to be stressed by Reina's little devils - no offense, Reina," Emily said.

"No offense taken since you'd be dealing with those devils in Lincolnshire pretty soon," Reina teased her.

"I'm not scared, the twins love me anyway," Emily was smug. She was their aunt anyway.

Suddenly, the door to Reina's bedroom opened and Niklaus hurriedly came in, "Babe," He came up beside Reina to stare at the other woman online with her.

"Hi brother," Emily waved.

"Hi Emily," He added, "Nice belly you got there, Cecil,"

"Thank you," Cecil groaned at the fact her belly was beginning to show. She wanted her wedding dress to look flattering on her figure but it seems she was only going to look like an over-bloated balloon now. Wonderful.

"Why are you here Niklaus? I said no disturbances during our meeting," Reina complained.

"I need your help," Niklaus pleaded.

"What help?"

"Help with Isabella? Sex?" his brows arched in a manner that says 'told you it was urgent, "

Reina sighed," Niklaus, I think you need to talk to your daughter one on one this time, "

"What?!" Niklaus shrieked, "Are you kidding me? Talk about sex with Isabella? Have you seen the look she gives me when I mention the 'S' word?"

"Isn't that the same look you give me whenever you want to eat me up?" Reina asked him, his throat dried up.

"Alright guys, there's still an audience here. Trust me, I don't want to hear about my brother's sex life, that is so disgusting," Emily said, her hands in the air in refusal.

"It doesn't sound disgusting, rather it seems interesting," Was Camille's opinion while chewing on an almond nut, "I want more stories,"

"Eww," Emily was repulsed.

"Trust me, you'd cringe to death remembering this certain comment nine months later, Cecil. Pregnancy is so weird," Reina said, grateful for the fact she was done giving birth. Yes, you heard her right, no more babies.

"Reina Princess," Niklaus tugged on her arm, pouting his lips in an adorable manner - that always charms her, " Help out your boo, please,"

For a moment, Reina was almost bought over by his adorable face until she remembered father and daughter needed enough communication between the both of them. So she simply grabbed his face and pecked him on the forehead saying, "Go on and speak to your daughter. I'm sure she doesn't bite," and turned back to her screen.

From that kiss, Niklaus knew his mission had failed and had no choice but to return to the lion's den. Isabella was in the sitting room as he had commanded and she had a knowing smirk on her face. Damn it, it was infuriating sometimes to have a daughter who could see right through you.

"A-hem," Niklaus cleared his throat, wondering where he was going to begin. His well-prepared speech sounded so much better in his head.

"As a teenager approaching adulthood," Niklaus started, may God help his poor soul, "We experience so many changes that we sometimes cannot handle and it's overwhelming. Girls experience certain bodily alterations and a need to be acknowledged by the opposite sex while the boys get extremely attracted to women's -"

"Dad, I was taught puberty in school and certainly can't count the number of sex education lessons I had during P.E," Isabella interrupted him, her eyes boring into his.

Niklaus pursed his lips, "Oh. Right?" He scratched the back of his head awkwardly. What was he going to say next? Suddenly, Reina's voice floated into his ears, 'Just open up to her'

Alright, open up to Isabella. Yes, here he goes. Isabella is not going to bite him anyway - she would probably never talk to him again if things go wrong. Yeah, pretty encouraging.

"I regret my teenagehood," Nik said.

Isabella was startled by that sudden revelation by her father

"W-what?" She choked.

"I was carried away by the throes of passion that I didn't work on developing my relationship with your mother," He referred to Kay, "Isabella, trust me when I say you're not a mistake, I love you with all my whole heart, but sometimes I wonder how things would have gone if we hadn't had you suddenly. Would we be one happy family by now? Kay and I would probably have you at a later time but then, we'd be so much happier and content with each other. We'd be much responsible and a better parent," he said slowly, "She wouldn't have to die,"

Isabella didn't say a word after that awkward confession so Niklaus took that as a cue to continue, "I don't want you to get pregnant, "

Isabella opened her mouth to protest but Niklaus put up his hand, stopping her.

"I know what you're going to say, that you're on the shots and Pedro uses protection. But then, life is pretty unpredictable and shitty at times. You never know what might happen, your shot could expire or the protection breaks - life doesn't need permission to fuck you up. I think at this point, you shouldn't focus entirely on sex but other aspects of your relationship. Sex can only take a relationship just so far - Pedro could always cheat on you or both of you fall out of love - "

"That is not going to happen," Isabella was resolute, her fists clenched and eyes blazing with fire. No one was going to take what belonged to her.

"Why?" Niklaus snorted, "You think you can stop Pedro if he wants to leave you with sex? Come on Isabella, I was once a dude before I married your mother and I can assure you that we men have plenty of ways to get sex,"

Isabella swallowed, realizing her father was right. Sex was not going to keep Pedro if he wanted to break up with her. Moreover, they would leave for university pretty soon, she can't keep her eyes on him every time - that would be creepy.

"But you don't have to worry," Niklaus came and sat beside his daughter, throwing his arm over her shoulder, "You have the world's greatest player as a father and I can teach you many ways of keeping your boyfriend in a relationship," He winked at her.

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