Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 519 - Five Hundred And Nineteen: Enjoy His Son-In-Laws Wealth

Chapter 519 - Five Hundred And Nineteen: Enjoy His Son-In-Law's Wealth

The third point of view:

Who were the Spencers? A dysfunctional family of professionally trained criminals walking around in suits and dresses. A family where trust is won and betrayal is highly frowned upon. A family so united that one touching one of their own equals asking for bloodshed. With their beautiful and elegant exterior, the world sees them as perfect, but Camille knew those monsters were only human to the one precious to them. Beneath that glamour, they were ruthless, cold-blooded killers when pissed off.

What made her think she had been able to fool him, Camille's brain finally functioned properly. This was Eden, the man who had trust issues. What makes her think he would take her as a wife without looking into her background thoroughly - in and out.

He knew. Camille's blood chilled. Had he married her upon knowing the fact she once was a prostitute? What made him marry her nevertheless. Wasn't she tainted? Dirty.

She wasn't conceited enough to think they were in love with each other - at least then. Sex and the need for a companion was the only thing that brought them together. But now, she doesn't know anymore.

"What did you say?"

"Huh?" Camille was dazed. Like a car, her brain was moving a million miles an hour and she was a little dazed.

"Don't you want to go home?" Eden asked her.

"Huh? Go home?" She looked between Eden and her father. Her mouth opened, Camille wanted to tell her father to run for his life but no words could come out. She was dumbstruck.

She hated her father, yes, but she'd rather him die a natural death than in the hands of Eden. She wouldn't be able to live knowing her husband was responsible for...

Camille squeezed her eyes shut. No, she didn't want to think about it and jinx her luck. So she made up her mind, this dinner between her father and Eden was not going to happen. She would save her father one more time.

However, just as she opened her mouth to speak, Eden's hands closed over her hand on the table and she almost jumped out of her skin.

She gave him a puzzling look.

"You should go and rest," Eden tucked her hair behind her ear, "You look pale,"

Why wouldn't she look sick when her husband just caught her giving a huge sum of money to a father she claimed she wasn't on good terms with. Although others might see the action of Eden squeezing her hand tenderly as being affectionate, Camille knew otherwise. This was an order, he didn't want her to protest or go contrary to his orders.

Camille stared into his eyes and though there was the usual playful tug of his lips, Eden's eyes were cold and emotionless - he was angry. With her. Her breath hitched and she tried to wrench her hand out of his but Eden stopped her. No, she couldn't move her hand at all, his grip was concrete.

"I don't want you to get sick in case you're pregnant with my child," Of course, he had to play that game with her. She denied him a child while keeping such a secret from him. Talk about trust. Ouch.

"Fine, I'll go," Camille gave in at last, he smiled down at her. She did not care anymore, he should do whatever he wanted with her father. The man had never been a father to her anyway, why care what happens to him?

"What?" her father seemed shocked. Camille bet he had been expecting her to turn down the offer. Well, he has met his waterloo. Eden was like a tick parasite when he wanted something, he'd pierce his way around until he got what he wanted.

"We can leave now, father," Eden smiled warmly to her father - the kind of smile one uses to lower the guard of an enemy until a bullet is scored between their eyes.

"You don't have to worry about anything, I'll cover the expenses and a lot more," Eden enticed him.

Camille saw the way her father's eyes opened slightly upon reading between the lines. She snorted, why worry too much about a man who would do anything for money. Camille bet he would have sold her when she was younger if the need had arisen.

"Sure, sure," The man nodded without knowing he just dug his grave. With an unsmiling face, Camille was the first to push back her seat and stand, Eden following after her.

However, as soon as her father stood, Eden pointed to the bag beneath the table, "What's that?"

Immediately, her father stiffened and looked to Camille for help, however, she ignored him. She was done with him; her father was on his own.

"Oh, this?" He laughed nervously, "This is nothing, just a few clothes Camille got me before coming here, isn't it?" her father threw the question at her.

"Of course, it is. Clothes I got for you." Camille retorted with a heavy sarcasm that even a blind man could notice.

Does he think Eden is stupid or something? Camille wondered. The man was the president of the Spencer Group for crying out sake. Does he think a dumb man could get to such heights?

Camille's father frowned down at her for the sarcastic reply but he composed himself with a smile since Eden was watching. Fine, he knew how to deal with his rude daughter - he was with her secret.

"Alright, let me help you out with it," Eden bent to pick the bag but he quickly stopped him.

"No, no, you're my son in law and this is the first time we just met, I don't want to stress you," her father claimed.

"No, I don't mind," Eden pressed, but the man was faster. He picked the bag and pressed it to his side protectively.

"Don't worry, son. You're an important man, you shouldn't bother yourself with such small stuff," He said.

"Fine, if you think so," Eden said and then turned to his wife, leading her outside by the elbow.

"Wait for me at home and this time, don't go anywhere," He subtly ordered, pecking her on the cheek. Camille didn't say a word to him and left. Since she came with her car, she would leave in it.

Eden's men came over and took the money bag from her father who released it reluctantly, keeping it in the boot. Her father knew it would seem suspicious if he held onto it longer. Maybe he shouldn't have agreed to this breakfast of a thing. If only that stupid daughter of his has played her cards well, he wouldn't be dealing with his son-in-law and should be enjoying his money by now.

"Get in sir," Eden's chauffeur opened the car door for him with a bow.

His mouth tugged to the side. Well, he was being treated like a big personality here. It wouldn't hurt to enjoy his son-in-law's wealth for a while.

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