Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 515 - Five Hundred And Fifteen: Family Is One

Chapter 515 - Five Hundred And Fifteen: Family Is One

The third point of view:

The look in Niklaus' eye reminded Julie of a lion fiercely protecting his cub. Just a wrong move and he could be ripped into pieces.

"I-I just wanted to see Anabelle," Julie found himself stammering. He could not help that he was scared of Niklaus right now.

"You were sneaking into the girl's room when you bumped into Neon, isn't it?" Niklaus surmised.

His cheeks heated up in shame.

"Really? Amid my warning?" Niklaus raised a dark blow. That was blatantly disobeying his order.

"I just wanted to see my girlfriend, what's so bad about it?" Julie claimed.

"Really?" A smile that didn't touch Niklaus' eyes appeared on his face, "Well, what's so wrong about it, is that you're staying under my roof at the moment and as long as you're in my house, young man, you are under my rule. So when I say no meeting the girls at one in the morning, my word becomes the law," Niklaus gestured to his security guard who came up beside Julie.

"Take him to a different room and this time, make sure he doesn't sneak out," There was a hidden message beneath those words only his men understood.

"Uncle," Anabelle came and stood between Julie and the guards with her arms stretched defensively, "You've gone far this time!" She glared at him.

Niklaus asked her, "Do you wish to join him?"

Upon hearing that, Anabelle's eyes widened as if her uncle just did the best thing for her. However, the instant she was about to say a happy "Yes", Niklaus flopped her plan by adding,

"In a different room. Alone."

Her face fell at once. Her uncle was a monster.

Anabelle turned to Julie, "Don't worry, we'd fight through this. Our love would never die no matter how much they try to tear us apart,"

"Of course, my love. I'll dream of you even though I'll be tormented without you in my arms tonight," Julie replied, caressing her face.

"Oh please, take that idiot away," Niklaus was tired of their drama, "Go to your room," He commanded Anabelle who huffed and strode away.

He turned to Isabella, "Come down, we have an emergency family meeting,"

"Seriously? It's almost two in the morning," Isabella reminded him.

"The more you talk, the more time flies," Niklaus replied to her and took his leave.

"Really? You're not going to talk this time?" Isabella faced her mother, Reina.

Reina shrugged, "I'm not the head of the family, he is. His decision is final," She intentionally laid back.

There comes a time in a family when the father needs to do his work as an enforcer and right now was that time. She had pampered the kids too much it seems, and now, they've taken too much liberty with her. It was time for daddy to straighten them out.

A somber mood surrounded everyone in the living room. Neon had his head bowed while fidgeting with his fingers unwilling to look anyone in the face. All of this wouldn't have happened if he hadn't gotten caught. However, Allen's words hurt him more. He thought he was family.

Allen had an impassive expression, looking at no one in particular. He knew he was wrong by saying those words to Neon but he won't let anyone see through his regret.

Ailee was filled with guilt, she couldn't help but feel that she was responsible for all of this. Perhaps what Allen said was true? She had distanced herself from him and partially caused all of this.

Isabella was vexed. Why were they dragging her into this drama? After Anabelle stressed her in the marketplace, all she needed was sleep, not an incoming pep talk from her father.

Reina stared at her kids, what were all of them thinking right now? She wished that she could read minds.

Niklaus' gaze took in his kids one after the other. Divisions in the family was the last thing he expected to see.

"Family is one," Niklaus started.

Isabella sighed, then muttered under her breath, "Yes, preach on father,"

"And when I mean family, you don't have to necessarily be my biological child to be one," Niklaus emphasized that and it was obvious that everyone understood him because their eyes flickered to Neon who wished the earth could open and swallow him. Their gaze was intense right now.

"You might be my kids but Neon was here before the both of you returned to me and was one of the reasons I pulled through those years after I thought your mother was dead," the twins knew the history, "Hence I love him as much as I love you two and expect you to treat him like one.

"Neon might not have my hair, eyes, or appearance but he has my heart and I hope that all of you would work as one because a family that works as one, stays together, while a family that fights amongst one another is blown off from the surface of the earth like chaff when the storms of life hit them hard," Niklaus made sure to hold their gazes as he spoke.

Allen bowed his head in shame. The truth is that he had not meant to say that earlier, it had slipped out of his mouth.

"So right now, here's what we're going to do," Niklaus instructed them like an army general, "You are going to go to your brothers and sisters and apologize to one another,"

Isabella's gaze whipped towards her father, "I'm not expected to do that, right?" She asked hopefully.

"Are you really asking me that?" Niklaus gave her a dirty look.

"Seriously," Isabella couldn't believe it, "I haven't bullied nor make Neon feel out of place. I always treat him right. Why should I apologize?"

"Because if you had fulfilled your role as an elder sibling well instead of kidnapping other people's grown kids…" he referred to the incident at the hospital "The hostility between your siblings wouldn't have escalated to this level. But then, you left them all on their own"

"Fine," Isabella sighed and went to make peace with those annoying siblings of hers she loved so much nonetheless.

"I'm sorry for ignoring our plays, "Ailee was the first to apologize to her twin brother.

"And I'm sorry for picking on Neon," Allen apologized as well, "I'm going to be good from now on…" he turned towards the boy in question, "Would you forgive us, Neon?"

"Of course!" the boy squealed, "Why won't I? You both are my family!" a smile crossed his face and he drew all three of them into a hug.

"Aww, so adorable," Reina couldn't help but feel emotional. Her children were so cute.

Isabella rolled her eyes yet stepped forward to announce, "I'm sorry for not keeping my eyes on you. But don't worry, I've got my eyes on you from now on,"

The children couldn't help but shiver. That sounded more like a threat than an apology.

"Well," Reina decide to take things from where Niklaus stopped, "Since you all are good again, I'd love to announce that Ailee would return to her previous room with you guys until she decides to leave,"

"Yes!" Neon celebrated the news more than Allen, her twin.

"But…" Reina suddenly said and everyone frowned, that doesn't sound good. She went on, "Because you all lied to me, your mother, you'd be doing your laundry for the week," she added, "Hand washed,"


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