Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 506 - Five Hundred And Six : She Was Not Daddys Girl

Chapter 506 - Five Hundred And Six : She Was Not Daddy's Girl

The third point of view:

"Oh my God, tonight was so fun. I wish we can do that over again," Anabelle squealed happily, forgetting she had been crying hours ago. Compared to the others, she was the only one who wasn't carrying any bag and walked ahead of everyone else.

"Don't worry, I'll take you out there myself after all this is over," Julie said to her, a tender look in his eyes when he saw her smile. He loved seeing her smile.

There was something about Anabelle's smiles that warms the heart. Each time her lips stretched and exposed that little dimple in her cheeks and the crinkle around her eyes, it was marvelous. A hungry man could get satisfied just by watching her smile all day. It was charming unlike Isabella's.

Julie shuddered. Isabella never smiled but whenever she did, that surely meant trouble for whoever the smile was "dedicated" to. Isabella doesn't have a dark cloud looming over her head but she always had this mean demeanor, like don't - fuck - me or - I'll - fuck- you aura. In conclusion, her smile was more frightening than her grim expression and always bore evil intentions.

"You know," Anabelle turned around and began to walk with her back, having known they were close to home, "I've got to admit, living without our parents is a lot more fun, don't you think Izzy?"

"What's your point?" Isabella drawled as if she was tired of Annabelle's constantly changing her mind. One moment the girl was all in support and the next... meh.

"I'm wondering if there's a possibility we could all leave home," she added immediately, "Legally this time. Not as runaways but as kids who want their independence. All four of us, " Her eyes brightened with the suggestion.

"Nice thought but not ideal for me," Pedro kicked against the idea, "I can't leave my mother, especially not now she's having another issue after so many years. She needs my support,"

The excitement in Anabelle's gaze died while Isabella snorted by the side.

Julie glared at Isabella and then smiled at his girlfriend, "Don't worry babe, I'm always with you. If you like, we can even leave the country," He hoped to make her feel good.

"Really?" There was a mocking tone in Isabella's voice, "I'll love to see you try," She subtly hinted at the fact that his grandfather would track him down wherever he went.

The idea of them living together was not ideal unless they all planned on going to the same university, then it was feasible. However, Isabella was not going to give that idea to Anabelle knowing how stubborn the girl could be when she wants something achieved.

Yes, she loved Anabelle, but she doesn't plan on spending her university days comforting the crybaby. University was going to be her liberation, her escape from her father's clutch - hopefully. So, she would not escape Niklaus only to fall into Anabelle's endless circle of tears.

"Maybe, it would be just the both of us Isabella if the guys can't make it," Anabelle chose her as Isabella had premeditated.

"No, thanks," Isabella rejected the offer without a second thought.

"Oh come on, Izzy," Anabelle continued walking with her back having mastered the way, "You've always wanted to be away from your father,"

Surprisingly, everyone stopped in their footsteps, their eyes widening. But Anabelle didn't read much meaning into it and continued her journey, thinking they were simply stunned by her revelation.

"Being away from uncle Niklaus, hasn't that been your lifelong dream?" She asked her.

"A-Anabelle?" Isabella called her, clearly uncomfortable with the conversation.

"Oh please," Anabelle frowned, rolling her eyes, "Don't lie to me now simply because your boyfriend, Pedro is here. Even he knows it -"

"Really? I never knew it," A voice boomed into her ears from behind, a hot breath fanning against her ears. But why does that voice sound familiar?

"Ahh!! " Anabelle burst into a scream and ran towards the others, Julie caught her. Only then did she turn around and her eyes almost bulged out of her socket as she recognized the man grinning at her.

"U-uncle Niklaus," She stammered. Her heart began to pound in her throat. She had not heard his footsteps. No, most importantly, they've been found out?!

There he was, standing outside the building with a cool demeanor and looking as handsome as usual. His hands were in the pocket of his blazer as the cool night air tousled his hair like an actor advertising a hair product.

"So much for being safe," Julie pointed out Isabella's fault in claiming this was a safe place from their parents. Now they've been discovered. If Niklaus was here, the others couldn't be far away.

"Anabelle," Niklaus breathed, as if testing her name on his lips, "You won't mind having tea with me afterward, you seem to have a lot to want to tell me,"

Isabella facepalmed, here goes her independent life. STRAIGHT INTO THE DRAIN!

Anabelle gulped, had she said something bad by chance? She couldn't remember what she had been saying - not with the intense look from uncle Niklaus daring her to say contrary to her words.

"Y-yes," She agreed without a second thought. Although he wouldn't hurt her, Anabelle knew how scary Niklaus could get.

Then he turned to his daughter, "What's with that look?" He pointed to her hair, "Are you trying to look albino or something?"

Julie snickered at the side.

Isabella's face hardened. What had she been expecting, that her father would understand her fashion taste?

"Aside from that," Niklaus went on, "Aren't you going to greet your father you haven't seen in days?"

"Two days to be precise," she corrected him sternly.

"So?" he cocked a brow at her.

"Aren't you going to hug your father? A-hem," Julie hid his comment that was meant to be sarcastic with a cough.

Isabella winced inside, her tough girl image was about to be crumpled. No, She was not daddy's girl.

"Isabella," Niklaus pressed. It was an order.

Reluctantly, Isabella made her way over to Niklaus who had his arms open wide as if compelling her to come to daddy.

God, this was the most embarrassing day of her life.

The instant she hugged him, Isabella could feel Julie's mocking laughter echoing loud in her ears. She was going to kill that asshole once she was released from this prison. Niklaus hugged her tight, he almost crushed her.

Meanwhile, unknown to Isabella, her father Niklaus was having a staring contest with Pedro. The old man held Pedro's gaze as if saying, "At the end of the day, she is still my baby girl. Know your place,"

Of course, Isabella was unaware of this.

"That's enough," She pulled away forcibly. In reality, the hug had lasted for barely a minute but to Isabella, it had seemed like an hour.

"How did you find us?" Isabella went straight to business. Although she had a feeling he would find them, she still wanted to know how - so she could hide better next time.

"I knew you would attempt this stunt one day so I simply had a tracking chip implanted in your molars during your dental appointment,"


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