Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 491 - Four Hundred And Ninety-One: It Was Her Room

Chapter 491 - Four Hundred And Ninety-One: It Was Her Room

The third point of view:

Ailee felt as if a huge weight was crushing and suffocating her; she couldn't breath nor move. Unconsciously, she shifted her body to the side and the weight trailed off her body. However, it wasn't for long before the same weight returned and this time, it was almost as if it doubled by two.

She turned and twisted her body but the weight was strong like a monster clawing onto their victim. The girl began to breathe fast as the grip became tighter as if the weight was compressing her to the bed. Her breath was cut off, coming in deep pants.

"No!" She struggled, however the?weight was stronger and her back was beginning to hurt from being pushed into the bed. The bed dipped further and farther and snap!

Ailee jerked up, startled from her sleep. However she couldn't sit up since a weight was pressing down on her. With a groan, she glanced down and realized her brothers Allen and Neon had used her as a human bolster.

Neon and Allen hooked their legs around her with their hands gripping her waist possessively. Even if she wanted to turn, there was no way she could do that with the way they sandwiched her between them.?No wonder she had a nightmare.

Pissed off, Ailee pushed Allen away from her body, taking a relieved breath. However, she rejoiced too soon because he turned back around to the previous position, grabbing her once again. He inched closer as if he had missed the warmth and like a bee attracted to honey, he couldn't stay away.

"Fine, take a deep breath, Ailee. Don't freak out. He's asleep. He's a bad sleeper," Ailee thought of an excuse for him.

Ailee turned to the other side and pushed Neon the same way she had done to her brother. But unlike Allen, Neon didn't budge. He didn't move a muscle, instead his grasp on her waist tightened as if he didn't want to be away from her.

"Calm down...." Ailee chanted, trying to keep at bay her increasing anger, "They're just asleep and don't mean to suffocate you to death, figuratively…." THIS IS NOT THEIR FUCKING ROOM!

"Get off me, you assholes!" Ailee finally lost it, jabbing the both of them at their ribs with her elbow. There's only so much she could take.

"Ouch!" Allen and Neon stirred finally from their sleep in pain. It was almost as if someone hit them... Or maybe someone did.

As if on cue, both of them sat up at the same time, pointing accusing fingers at each other.



"What are you doing here?!" Allen asked Neon, a captious look in his gaze.

"I should ask you the same," Neon retorted, holding his gaze, "You were the one who had Ailee moved out of the room. So what are you doing here?"

"I asked you first, answer me" Allen demanded.

"I don't have to answer you, you're a betrayer. If you haven't gone snitching on your sister, mom wouldn't have..." Neon trailed off as soon as something registered in their head.

"Mom!" both of them screamed at once.

Before Ailee could even blink her eyelids, both of her nuisance siblings had vanished from her room and peace finally returned to her. However, the peace felt kind of lonely.

Allen and Neon ran back to their room like a speedster, their heart pounding in their throats. They were sure Reina would punish them once she heard they sneaked into their sister's room.

They had separated the kids to limit their closeness - thanks to Allen's?reminder - but they had gone contrary to their parent's intention last night, by not only sleeping in her room, but sharing her bed as well.

Their hearts hammered in their chest as they settled on their respective beds. Had their mom checked on them already? It was seven in the morning already and their mother?was supposed to have come down already.

Even without their mom coming over, the maids could have checked up on them and when they didn't see a soul, would report the discovery to their mother, who would in turn put two and two together, and find out what they've done.

As if the universe was on their side, they heard the doorknob turn?and with lightning speed, went back to bed and pretended as if they had been sleeping all this while.

Reina was relieved when she saw the kids on their bed. She could have checked on them earlier, but she had overslept - thanks to Niklaus. That monster had not left her rest, not even to answer to their son when he knocked on their door yesterday. Fine, at this rate, she would have to bring in a second bed into their bedroom if Niklaus can't keep his hands to himself.

"Mom?" her attention was drawn to her son who woke up at that moment. Her entrance must have woken him - Allen was a light sleeper.

"Hey honey, you could go back to sleep. I was just checking up on you guys," Reina felt guilty for waking him up.

"Morning mom,"

Reina was startled when her other son Neon woke up as well. She felt her guilt increase, knowing she had unintentionally woken up her kids from their beauty sleep. Doctors said kids need sleep the most to grow up well - she sure hoped she hadn't messed up their growing pattern.

"Don't mind me kids, go back to sleep," She shooed them away like birds.

"I can't sleep anymore,"

"Me too," Neon concurred.

Reina sighed, running her hands through her hair, "Then you can go ahead to brush and take your baths. Amanda should have something for you guys to eat," She informed them and was just about to leave when she recalled something.

She turned to Allen, probing him with her stare, "You knocked on our door last night, what was the problem, Allen?"

At once, Allen and Neon's eyes met, electricity cackling between them as they dared each other to reveal the truth.

"No, I suddenly had multiple inspirations about life to discuss with father before it went away, but then there was no chance to do so," Allen lied through his teeth.

And like a fool Reina believed him. The boy had always been an inquisitive one, so she wasn't surprised.

"I'm sorry about that, Son. Don't worry, your dad is up and ready to answer any question you might have for him," Reina made it up to him.

"Sure, no problem,"Allen asked cooly,

"And what about you mom, did the exercise with dad go well? "

Reina was taken back by that question, yet she still faked a smile to her boy saying," Yes, it went well, "

Absolutely well.

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