Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 484 - Four Hundred And Eighty-Four: Checkmate

Chapter 484 - Four Hundred And Eighty-Four: Checkmate

The third point of view:

"What did you say you're having this makeup for again?" the makeup artist asked, working on the make-believe wrinkles on Isabella's face.

"We have a play at school and why are you so interested in our affairs? We paid you enough for your service so why don't you keep your lips sealed and go about your duties?" Isabella retorted, glaring at the woman who doesn't seem to mind her business.

"Isabella," Julie nudged her arm and turned to the woman with an apologetic smile, "I'm sorry, but my friend here is a grumpy pant hence the old woman's makeup," he quickly added when he saw the stern look from Isabella, "Please stop asking questions, she's not in the best of mood,"

The woman simply smiled at him in understanding without saying a word. It was kind of weird that two kids approached her at nine in the night wanting her to do an aged makeup on them for a school play. But she knew all the schools in town and none of them had a play tonight - else the school would have hired her.

"Try to be nice," Julie whispered to Isabella just as the woman was through with her.

"This is the nicest I can be," She shot up from her seat, "It's time to leave. Your grandfather should be in search of us by now. We've given them the bait,"

Yeah, it was time for the cat and mouse game.

For added measure, Isabella had drawn attention away from Maya's place by intentionally having Julie withdraw money with his card from this town. That way his grandfather would track down his expenses, thinking they took residence here and the kids had made the careless mistake of using the card - if only they knew the kids were smarter. Being underestimated was a blessing to them right now.

"Care to give me a hand?" Julie groaned, his hands full of uncountable shopping bags - huge thanks to her.

"Nope. Why did you think I had you come here with me?" Isabella gave him a stupid look.

"Your private servant?" he guessed.

"Exactly. Now move," Isabella fluffed her silver wig and strutted away.

Right now, both looked like some humble old couples with their greying wigs and poor-looking attires. However, if one looked closely, they would be able to decipher that they were in fact young people, plus the fact old people couldn't carry the number of bags Julie had on him right now.

"Taxi!" Isabella flagged down one as soon as they made it outside. They went in and the driver was clearly shocked by their appearance - from his close view, he could sense they were young people - yet didn't say anything. Kids these days were weird anyway.

"What?" Isabella was unsettled by Julie's accusing stare after he heaved their load into the boot.

"Nothing," He gritted his teeth and turned away. Like he would be fooled by her pretty and innocent face the next time she pairs them together.

Isabella snorted, hiding the smile on her face from view. It felt good to have someone she could maltreat, scratch that, tease comfortably.

She didn't intend to sleep off but her body must have been worn out from all the activities - Isabella was not a machine.

Julie's line of thought was interrupted when someone's head landed on his shoulder. He glanced down, surprised to see Isabella sleeping on his shoulder and the first thought was to push her annoying head away.

However, his hand hung in midair upon realizing she must be tired out from all the activities today. She saved them, allowing him and Anabelle to have a future without interference from their parents.

So Julie let her be while hoping she doesn't drool on his shoulder. He looked down, she looked so innocent asleep - like an angel or something. But Julie was not fooled, she was not an angel, but a reaper of hell.

Suddenly, the car slowed down, Julie glanced up at the driver questioningly and with a hint of suspicion - never trust anyone.

"There seems to be a checkpoint ahead," The driver informed him.

Julie relaxed, there was no need to plan his escape with the sleeping Isabella. The driver was clean. However, his senses tingled when he heard, 'Checkpoint'.

"There wasn't a checkpoint on our way coming," Julie reasoned. This must be Eden or his father, or even the both of them in cahoots to capture them.

"Isabella," He shook her.

No response. She didn't even stir.

"Isabella, we're in danger,"

As if her body was set on autopilot, Isabella sat upright even before her eyes flew open. The sleep in her eyes vanished at once, "Where is the danger?" she asked, her eyes clear.

"There is a checkpoint that wasn't erected here when we arrived. They're here,"

"Let's wait and see then," Isabella's mouth was curved to the side in a smirk.

Julie couldn't help but shake his head, how could danger excite her? She was such a strange being.

"Listen to me," Isabella whispered to him, "They would expect us to be in disguise but definitely not this one, moreover, it's late, and the night's our advantage. Nor would they expect just the two of us. So this is the script, we're an old couple in love with one another and on our way to the city,"

"She's a monster," Was all Julie could think about. As an ally, Isabella was a great friend, but as an adversary, he wasn't even sure he could defeat her.

"Fine," He perfectly understood.

After a few minutes, their car was the next to reach the checkpoint and both kids watched interestedly as a military personal walked up to their driver.

"What's going on officer?"

"We have a missing kids situation, have you seen them?" the officer showed their pictures to him. All of them - Anabelle and Pedro Included.

Isabella felt like laughing, missing kids, huh? That was the only alternative they could think of.

"No, I haven't seen anyone that looks like them," the driver shook his head.

"What about your passengers?" the officer came over, flashing a touch at them just as the driver lowered the side window.

"Dear," Isabella wheezed, looking so weak and sickly as she squinted her eye against the torchlight, "Are we in trouble?"

The officer couldn't decipher if the question was meant for him or her husband. Suddenly, she entered into a coughing fit.

"Calm down, honey," Julie's hands went to her shoulder, rubbing her soothingly, "Don't worry, we'd get to the hospital soon,"

"Sorry ma'am, we are searching for some kids," the officer apologized.

"Kids these days," Isabella tsk-tsked, shaking her head in disapproval.

"Sorry for the disturbances, you can be on your way," The officer hit the body of the car, indicating the driver should leave.

And just like that, the car took off but not without Isabella catching a glimpse of her uncle through the window heralding the military in their search.

She smirked, checkmate.

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