Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 478 - Four Hundred And Seventy-eight: Niklaus Legendary Cold Witch

Chapter 478 - Four Hundred And Seventy-eight: Niklaus' Legendary Cold Witch

The third point of view:

"You should ask your nuisance of a grandson to stay away from my daughter!" Eden was still lost in the heated argument.

Meanwhile, Camille sat at a corner of the room watching them, she had tried her best to calm both men down but they wouldn't listen. Now, she was done persuading them and was on the lookout for what would happen next - may the best fighter win.

"No, you should tell your own daughter to steer clear of my grandson. She's the one always coming to bother him!"

"For Christ, the kids love each other! Cut them some slack!" Camille chimed in and regretted it afterward. She had agreed on keeping quiet but their quibbling was beginning to get on her nerves, "Why don't you two just hear them out before deciding for them. I mean, come on Eden, you're better than this?"

Her comment seemed to have touched Eden because there was a change in his expression as he mused it over, however, grandpa George destroyed her whole effort.

"In love my butt! I don't know what witchcraft your daughter used over my grandson, but at the end of the day, Isabella would be my daughter-in-law!"

"Oh, I'm so grateful for that," Eden sassed, "Thankfully, with your son out of the way of my daughter's life, she would be able to marry someone better than your son and equal to her status. Your grandson might deserve better, but Anabelle deserves the best,"

"4:3" Camille noted down inwardly. Since she was bored, she had been making a mental goal chart of who achieved the badass comeback. With Eden currently scoring four and George, closely behind with three.

"Let's hope you -" George's phone suddenly rang which pissed him off the most - he was just about to finish off Eden and his daughter with a snide comment, "What?!" He barked into the phone, angry at being interrupted.

"Sir, we have a big problem,"

"Just hit the point," he couldn't understand people at times. Why not just reveal the problem right away instead of beating around the bush.

"It's Julie, he's been taken,"

"What?!" The man almost had a heart attack upon hearing that. His beloved grandson was taken? How was that possible? He had even kept guards to protect him. No, it was not true, he needed to confirm this with his eyes.

"What is it?" Eden asked the man as he noticed the sudden change in his demeanor, "Did something happen?" was his question.

But George didn't reply to him, instead, he quickly bypassed Eden and hurried over to his grandson's room.

Sensing something was not right, Eden followed after the man and together they got treated to an empty bed and his guards were still recovering from the attack on them.

"Where is he? Where is Julie!"George bellowed like a wounded beast, his eyes wide and furious.

"Sir, we tried - ouch! "

George kicked the one who had dared to speak out of frustration. He wanted his grandson back, not their excuses.

Call it sixth sense or instincts, Eden felt dread cripple his heart as soon as he saw the scene and he quickly pivoted for his daughter's private ward, hoping to God that his premonition wasn't right. But then, his hunch was right, Anabelle was not there. She was gone as well.

"No, no, no!" He strode over to the bed and began to toss aside the well-arranged mattress as if she could be hiding in that small space.

"Where is she?!" Eden howled at the old man as soon as he left his daughter's room, "Where did your bastard grandson take my daughter?!"

"I should be the one asking that question! Julie became a liar ever since he started hanging out with your pretentious daughter, Anabelle. Your daughter might claim to be innocent-faced and all, but for all I know, she must be the one who incited my son into doing this!" George fumed as well.

"Maybe we should sort the hospital's surveillance camera before blaming one another. For all we know, they might be kidnapped or something?" Camille tried to calm the flaring tempers. But they all knew inwardly, this was no kidnapping, the kids left by themselves.

"Fine," Eden calmed himself, "Let's head over to the control room and see once and for all, whose son or daughter was responsible for all this?" He couldn't wait for the big revelation.

"Fine by me as well. I just hope you don't regret those words," George sneered.

However, ten minutes later….


All three of them screamed with various degrees of shock on their faces. How was this possible? They were staring at the footage of Isabella drawing the guards into the room where she rendered them unconscious.

Because of the fury, George hadn't bothered to hear from his guards until now - the truth was out. The old man always knew that his chosen daughter-in-law was against getting married to his son, but he never thought she would go to this extent of helping his grandson be with her cousin - his enemy. It was simply unimaginable.

Eden was stunned out of his mind. He had pinned all of his hope on Julie being responsible for all of this, hence reality slapped him hard on the face. Now, what was he going to do? For Christ's sake, it was Isabella they were dealing with here, Niklaus' legendary cold witch.

Camille was shocked yet impressed. Isabella was making the female race proud - women were strong people. As much as she was supposed to be afraid for her stepdaughter Anabelle's wellbeing, she knew the girl was as good as safe in Isabella's hands. She had nothing to worry about, a smile curved her mouth.

"That little brat!" Eden cursed as he pulled out his phone from the pocket of his pants and called her. Surprisingly, the girl picked up immediately as if she had been expecting his call.

"Hello, uncle,"

Eden?hissed, "I swear to God if you don't bring Anabelle back immediately I'll have you -"

"Easy with the threat uncle, I'm on the wheels," Isabella interrupted him, "You don't want me to crash and risk the life of your precious Anabelle, do you?" she chuckled, playing him like the strings on a guitar.

Eden clenched his fist so tight his knuckles turned. Now he understood why Niklaus hadn't been able to handle her in her early years, Isabella was a strong, unruly horse that couldn't be tamed.

"Where are you?" he asked, finally chilling out.

"Don't bother to search because you won't be able to find me - you of all people should know that well. Think of our disappearance as a little vacation. We'll be back once you elders reason properly. But until then, have a blissful life without us,"

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