Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 466 - Four Hundred And Sixty-six: Emerald Was Hers

Chapter 466 - Four Hundred And Sixty-six: Emerald Was Hers

The third point of view:

The family was back to normal in no time; Pedro had apologized to his mother and they enjoyed Emerald's slightly burned pancake - well, cut the man some slacks, he was getting better at cooking.

Although they were financially capable to foot a world class chef, Emerald had refused. According to him, the man wanted to be active in the birth of his son, urm child, and that meant taking care of everything - including her nutrition.

Emerald took a good break from the gang and until his child was born safely, he wouldn't participate in any mission. So he took the chance to learn his way around the home, he was taking cooking lessons, watching and reading books on how to take care of his wife, child and fatherhood.

And the most important of all, making arrangements for their wedding. As planned with Judy, every arrangement would be made this month so Cecil could still fit in her already designed wedding gown else she murders him for getting her pregnant - as if she didn't partake in the procreation.

"I'm going with you," Emerald told her after she informed him of their plans for their condolence visit to Fernandez's residence.

"Ofcourse, you're going with us. You're my soon to be husband, Emerald, you're involved in it as much as I am," Cecil broke it down to him. Moreover, she didn't trust anyone related to Fernandez nor her father.

Vincent chased her out of the family for years, it wouldn't surprise her if he betrays her. Pedro was the only heir to Fernandez's businesses - So he claimed - and knowing how much Fernandez wanted her son, his mother wouldn't be left out in the hint either.

"Alright," Emerald smiled at her, stroking the top of her palm.

In no time, the whole family was loaded in Emerald's car once again, ready to make another trip to?the one place none of them wanted to be.

"Emerald," Cecil called just as he turned the ignition.

"What honey?"

"Am I sitting on guns?"

If not for the fact that Emerald was a highly trained assassin able to control his emotions, he would have crashed the car at that moment from shock. Instead, his grip on the steering wheel tightened till

Pedro who was seated at the back seat whistled awkwardly and leaned back from view. He was not going to be involved in this one - this one's on his stepfather.

"Yep, you're sitting beneath one," Emerald affirmed. He was following the rules Sakuzi gave him, and that?includes, no lying to his woman and soon to be wife.

"Alright," Cecil said and glanced out through the window.

"Huh?" Emerald and Pedro said at the same time.

"Why are the both of you staring at me that way?" she was unnerved by their creepy stare.



Both of them answered at the same time. It was just strange, Cecil of all people didn't comment about the gun hidden beneath her seat. Who was this woman?

Meanwhile, unknown to them, Cecil had a smirk on her face. She had intentionally called Emerald out just to hint she had an idea of what he was hiding,and as an addition, the look on his face was priceless.

Why hadn't she reacted despite the fact she was seated in a car surrounded with guns that might go off unintentionally - as she imagined. Well, she decided to trust Emerald, he would never do anything that would hurt her. If it wasn't for the fact that he had guns hidden in the car that day they were attacked, they probably would have been dead already.

Moreover, Cecil has tried her best, but it's quite obvious that she can't take away the gangster life from him. Emerald has sacrificed enough for her, the least she could do was to accommodate his lifestyle.

Emerald didn't know the reason for the sudden change in her attitude but he sure thanked the God that was responsible for that. He was so happy right now - Cecil has finally accepted him the way he was.

A harmonious ambience surrounded the car and the family made a brief stop to get some flowers before proceeding with their journey.

They first got to Vincent's residence and compared to the other time, Vincent was warm to them despite the fact there was still a trace of disapproval in his eyes concerning Emerald. Cecil didn't card anyway, no one was going to change her mind concerning Emerald.

Cecil noticed her mother was back, it seems that they settled their misunderstanding because her father was cautious handling her.

A smile crossed her face, sometimes people don't know the value of what they have until they lose it. It was a good thing her mother Charlotte decided to take matters into her hands, now the man treated her with respect.

"Let's go," Vincent ordered the whole of them. Every member of their family - including her sisters- had made their appearance and all went with their respective cars.

Although Cecil could sense Erica's heavy stare on Emerald which made her hold on to the giant's arm possessively. Thankfully, Emerald was a natural lady charmer who opened the door for her and helped her in, making sure his hand was above her head to keep her from bumping against the roof.

Yes, Erica, her sister, was married but the woman?was ambitious and a great opportunist . She was probably seeking ways to establish relationships with Emerald because she was under the impression that the man's rich and powerful.

But then, it wouldn't hurt to tango with her sister's man a bit - Cecil knew how Erica's mind works.However, she would protect her man fiercely. Nobody, be it sister or not, would toy around with her man. Emerald was hers.

With a smirk directed at her sister who noticed the special treatment Emerald gave her, Cecil got into the car smugly. Once all of this was over, she was staying as far away as possible from her family. They were a weird bunch.

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