Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 457 - Four Hundred And Fifty-seven: Come Home With Me

Chapter 457 - Four Hundred And Fifty-seven: Come Home With Me

The third point of view:

Perhaps if anyone had told Julie that his past would come to haunt him, he would have amended his ways on time. But now, it was too late. What is the use of a relationship, when the one you love doesn't trust you? It was as good as never dating at all.

Julie rubbed his hand over his head, pushing both his hair and the water sipping out of it backward. This was so frustrating - this was the first time he was this helpless.

People who ran past him gave him strange looks. Others were running to shield themselves from the rain but here he was standing in the middle of the rain, he must be sick in the head or something.

However, Julie didn't mind as he sat down on one of the walkway benches, thinking about his life. However, his phone rang, disturbing the tranquility he was enjoying, he picked without even looking at the caller. Well, he didn't need to know since the icy voice said it all,

"How's the date going?"


And how did she know about their date, he never told her. Ah, right, Anabelle told her. Sometimes he kept on forgetting that despite the quarrels between both of them constantly, the cousins were as close as shit.

"How is it your business?"Julie retorted, never expecting that she would answer right away.

"Because I just called Anabelle to inquire about her romantic dinner - she's been filling my ears with - but she's not answering my calls no matter how many I called which could only mean two things, either she's mad at me or you just upset her. But I'll choose the latter since I haven't done anything to elicit her anger yet, moreover, she had been too happy about the date, which could only mean something happened between the both of you," Isabella figured out

"Well, you can ask Anabelle that question yourself when she gets home - she's on her way back home by the way," He informed her.

Isabella growled into the phone, "You hurt her didn't you?"

"No, she saw who I was truly and decided I wasn't good enough?for her,"

"Are you seriously kidding me?" Isabella groaned, and judging from her attitude, Julie probably surmised she just facepalmed.

"Are we ever good?" was the question she put to him.

His brows furrowed, "What do you mean by that?"

"Duh, it's simply rubbish. Nobody is ever good for anybody, you just have to work it out," She snorted, "How dense could you get? And here I was thinking you were smart?"

"But she doesn't trust me," He complained.

"Then earn it!" She asked him, "Do you love Anabelle?"

"Yes. I've never been this sure in my entire life," was his answer. Julie could feel it deep in his bones, she was the one for him - and an escape from her, Isabella. Not that he would say to her face, Isabella would kill him.

"It's your fault that you messed around - honestly, I don't even know why Anabelle of all people had to go fall for a bad boy like you. But then, people change, and hello there, I'm just giving you the benefit of the doubt - don't let that compliment get into your head,"

Isabella went on," What am I trying to say? Anabelle is a special girl and not the average ones you get into their pants easily - I'll cut off your little brother if you dare think of that - so you have to date her uniquely; take her to romantic getaways, be there for her whenever she needs you, be the pillar she can lean on and most of all, don't ever make her feel lonely - that's the worst crime you could ever commit against her, "

Well, he has committed that already since Anabelle was on her way home, lonely, Julie thought.

"Julie," Isabella called him by his name, "You have to make things work between you and Anabelle because I'll make the rest of your life miserable if I end up getting married to you. Trust me,"

And yes, he does trust her on that. Julie knew Isabella never jokes with her words - well, in this case, threat. Even when they hadn't met, Isabella had burst his tires - leading to their engagement.

If Isabella could almost end his life when they were strangers, now they were familiar with each other, she'd probably wipe him off the surface of the earth without rousing any suspicion. His heart went to Pedro, how was he in love with such an icy monster?

"So get your ass moving and win her heart over else you know what would happen to you,"

Yes, his miserable life would be ended abruptly by her.

The instant Isabella ended the call, Julie felt invigorated. Yes, he had to prove to Anabelle that he was a changed man, right now and then. However, it dawned on him, how was he going to find her? Oh shit.

Julie's brain began to work faster than it ever did in her entire life as he surmised where she would be. Her place was his first thought, but then Anabelle wouldn't trek home - it was quite a distance - and would need a mode of transport. The bus station.

Julie decided to head over there. Even if she took a taxi home, he was determined to track her down tonight - no matter what she hurls at him. And just like that, Julie raced like a madman to the bus station and lucky him, she was there.

His heart broke at the sight of Anabelle on the bench with her knees brought up to her chest looking sad, sulky, and lonely. His heart broke, what had he done? Anabelle was so absent-minded that she didn't even notice him until he was directly standing in front of her.

His shoes were the first thing Anabelle caught sight of before she shot up to her feet, startled.

"You," She couldn't believe it. What was he doing here? Did he come back for her? But then she couldn't be too sure, which is why she asked, "Why are you here -"

Julie reached out and pulled her to him, closing down on her lips before she could finish the rest of her question.

Anabelle's eyes widened to the size of saucers when she felt the soft pressure of his lips against hers. Her heart began to pound in her chest as his lips moved against hers.

She wanted to push him away, this could be an act to lower her defenses and deceive her again. But instead of pushing him away, her hands went to his neck pulling him flush against her.

Anabelle moaned against him, the very sound stimulating Julie's blood as his hand around her waist tightened. His blood boiled, with the rain soaking their clothes, both were as good as naked.

Both pulled up for air eventually, their chest heaving with the intensity of their kiss. Anabelle was speechless and when their eyes met, a blush crept up her face. She never imagined this would happen.

Julie leaned her forehead against hers, whispering into her ears, "Come home with me,"

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