Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 454 - Four Hundred And Fifty-Four: A Date With Julie

Chapter 454 - Four Hundred And Fifty-Four: A Date With Julie

The third point of view:

Anabelle was nervous as she stared at her reflection in the mirror. Today was officially her first date with Julie - where they weren't killing or quarreling with each other. Today, they were going to be normal for once and do what normal couples do - hopefully.

The blaring of horns downstairs and the ringing of her phone told her that Julie had arrived. Gosh! She was so excited that her stomach was doing a backflip dance. Quickly, she pulled her hair into a ponytail and checked her appearance in the mirror once more before grabbing her purse and left her room.

Climbing down the stairs, Anabelle spotted Julie from there and she had to say, he does clean up well. He was dressed in a blazer jacket paired with chinos and a linen shirt, looking smart and stylish, whilst still being comfortable.

"Hey," Julie said this time as soon as she walked over to him.

Anabelle glanced up at him with anticipation, waiting for him to compliment her as normal boys do to their dates. Today, she was wearing a V-neck pink chiffon ruffle dress that showed off quite a cleavage. The dress was floral printed and rested on her thigh showing off a bit of her slim thigh.

However, to Anabelle's utmost surprise, instead of Julie complimenting her appearance, the boy instead reached out and pulled her hair out of the ponytail she had it on, running his fingers through it and causing her hair to cover her exposed cleavage.

As if that wasn't enough, he then brought out a handkerchief from the pocket of his trousers and began to wipe off the bold red lipstick she had put on her lips till just a little red color remained on her lips.

"Now, that's perfect," He smiled, "You look beautiful,"

"You!" Anabelle screamed, finally regaining her senses. All this while, she had been struck dumb by what he was doing and it wasn't until now, that she recovered from the shock, "What did you just do?!" She yelled at him.

"You look good with your hair down," Was his excuse.

Anabelle groaned, rubbing her forehead, she could feel a headache coming. She should have known, being normal for once with Julie was never going to happen,

"Hey, do you think I don't know that? I was just exploring my choices for the night," She spoke through gritted teeth. He has ruined everything!

"Well, your choices involved exposing your cleavage, I didn't like that, so I explored my own choices by using your hair for a greater use," He gestured to her hair now resting over her exposed bust.

"It's fashion! Why are you so -"

"If fashion means exposing my girlfriend's boobs for those horny men out there to stare at, then I by no means want that. You're mine and mine alone to stare at,"

Anabelle couldn't say a word, at that moment, Julie was so good saying those words that her heart quickened. Her boyfriend was jealous. Julie was fucking jealous of other men staring at her, the very thought made her heart flutter and a warm feeling rose in her chest. It felt good, yet, she didn't let him off that easily

"And the lipstick! You wiped it off, remember?" She accused him, waiting for his excuse this time.

"Your beauty was too blinding. I didn't want to have an accident while driving, so I reduced it. Now, I see better, any other question," He answered flawlessly.

"What a sweet talker!" Anabelle scoffed, even though she was flattered by his antics.

Julie smiled, stepping closer

Anabelle took a step back, "What do you want to reset now," She accused him fiercely.

However, Julie simply reached out and steadied her by placing both hands on her shoulder, before lowering his head and pecked her on the cheeks saying, "You look beautiful tonight,"

As if she ran a marathon, Anabelle's heart began to pound so hard it wouldn't be surprising if Julie could hear it as well.

"Let's go," Anabelle suddenly became low and meek while a blush crept up her face.

"Sure," Julie took her hand and interlocked it together as they walked out of the house.

Anabelle didn't need to bother her parents about her leaving since they hardly stayed at her these stays. Her father had a mountain of work to face thanks to the numerous breaks he's taken lately and Camille wasn't left out either. She wondered when they would have the time to give her a baby sister.

"Ladies first," Julie helped her into the car.

"Thank you," Anabelle smiled at him. At least chivalry was not lost forever. Isabella would hear every one of her adventures tonight - she would fill her ears with it. Yeah, baby, Anabelle was no longer single.

Julie drove to a fancy restaurant - which was Anabelle's dream. She had always wanted her dream guy to take her to fancy dinners, bring her flowers - which he failed to do today - call her sweet names, and whisper sweet nothings to her. Yeah, she wanted a fairytale love, was that too hard to ask?

Upon reaching their reserved table, Julie helped pulled out a seat for her like a true gentleman as she sat and he sat down as well, just as the waiter handed the menu book to them.

Anabelle was still going over the food when she heard Julie say to the waiter, "I want a Concombre a la Menthe,"

Her brow raised interestedly, "You speak french?"

"You do too?" He was surprised.

"Je pensais que j'étais le seul geek ici?" She tested him in french [Meaning: I thought I was the only geeky one here?]

"Parler fran?ais ne te rend pas geek, ?a te rend sexy," was his answer.

[Meaning: Speaking French doesn't make you geeky, it makes you sexy]

"Tu es un homme après mon Coeur,"

Anabelle said, a blush creeping up to her neck and face. [Meaning: You're a man after my heart]

This was the first time she was outwardly flirting with her love interest. When she had been with Pedro, it was more of a brotherly/ sisterly relationship. Though they dated, there were still boundaries they didn't cross because it felt weird - and guilty. Well, Anabelle, focus on your date tonight.

"And now if you would make a choice mademoiselle, this old man would love to be excused from your company," Said the old man quite flushed from their flirting.

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