Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 433 - Four Hundred And Thirty-three: Lets Go Back Home

Chapter 433 - Four Hundred And Thirty-three: Let's Go Back Home

The third point of view:

One might ask, how had Pedro felt when his mother announced she was expecting a child? One word for that,


For christ's sake, he was eighteen years plus and would be taking his final exams soon, what doesn't seem awkward about it??He was eighteen years older than his soon would-be sibling - the age gap was simply absurd- nor did he ever picture himself changing a baby's diaper at age nineteen. Pedro had always imagined he would be the only child of the family.

However, he was excited as well. As a kid, he had always been lonely especially when his mom had to pull all-nighters. Being friends with Isabella and Anabelle then had been the best thing that happened to him. As the only sibling, he had always imagined what life would be like if he had a younger one to dot on, defend - and bully as well.

He had seen the way Isabella was around her siblings and though the kids could be devilish at times, they were fun to be with. So in one word, he was scared yet excited to have their family increase.

Moreover, he knew Emerald would be a good father. The man was cool to be with already- he taught him things his mother would never approve of - and the fact he loves his mother won over everything else. Emerald was a much better choice than his biological father - his mother's happiness was all that mattered.

Truthfully speaking, meeting his father had been one of his childhood dreams but after that traumatic experience with Fernandez, he kicked the thought to the back of his mind.

Fernandez might be his biological father but he contributed absolutely nothing to his life, hence didn't deserve that title. Now, he couldn't wait for when Emerald officially marries his mother and they can begin the whole father-son bonding thing and all. Yeah, late blossoming, but Pedro's willing to go over all those stuff with Emerald, you know, fishing, men's talk and all - with his new father.

And right now, Pedro couldn't wait to get back from this hellhole they were heading to. Yeah, you guessed right, they were going to see his grandparents - who had chased his mother out because she got pregnant with him. He was of the same opinion with Emerald, why bother to see them when they would only cause her heartbreak.

But then his stubborn mother had insisted the visit was needful else her father wouldn't let her be. So here they were, driving to a hell called home.

It was over three hours since they left and his eyes drifted over to his mother sitting in the passenger seat next to Emerald. She was fast asleep - that was a common trend for her these days - with the window rolled up and a shawl spread over her body against the cold.

From time to time, Emerald would glance to the side ensuring she was comfortable before focusing on the road again.

"You know how to handle a gun?"

Pedro was startled when Emerald asked that out of nowhere- of all questions to inquire of.

"Kind of? Isabella taught me how to handle a gun," he added quickly, " In a shooting range," before his would-be father begins to question where they had held the "practice,"

With furrowed brows, Pedro went ahead to ask, "Why do you ask?" he couldn't tell where this discussion was heading to.

"Look under the car seat slowly and carefully," Emerald instructed him with a brief side glance.

"Okay?" Pedro gulped and did as instructed. He bent as if he was looking for a loose change in the car and to his horror, felt a gun with a gun magnet under the car seat. Gosh, his mother was going to freak out.

"It's just a premonition but I keep sensing we're going to get attacked," Emerald revealed to Pedro whose mouth formed a big "O" from the news. This was the reason Emerald never wanted her to come here. With Miguel still out there, he was a threat - Fernandez would not dare to try anything stupid.

"Should I take it out?" Pedro was not scared but fascinated. Discovering and touching a gun beneath a seat was not part of his everyday lifestyle, so he looked forward to it.

"No, you won't have a need for that - I hope so. But just in case something happens and your hands are forced, I want you to be aware of the gun there," Emerald told him.

Cecil would want her precious son protected from harm - and he would ensure that - but then things could go wrong, neither was Pedro a baby. The boy should be able to protect himself. Reina's twins could incapacitate a grown-up man in a fair fight at their age, what more a big boy like Pedro?

"Fine," Pedro acquiesced. But inwardly, he knew he wouldn't hesitate to use the weapon once push comes to shove. He had to prove to everyone for once that he was capable of protecting himself.

"Let me ask you something then," He said to Emerald's surprise.

"What?" he urged him to go ahead.

"There are other guns in this?car other than this one, right?"

"Why ask when you know the answer?" Emerald was amused, "Yes, there are guns hidden in the trunk, on the car roof, and some other places you don't want to know," was his reply.

Pedro breathed in, thankfully his mother was asleep.

"The guns?" he went on, "Has any of them ever gone off accidentally?"

"No. Why? Because I'm a professional,"

"Professionals make mistakes as well," Pedro pointed out.

"Not when it comes to your mother. I don't joke with her nor would I put her in the way of danger intentionally. So you can rest assured she's in safe hands,"

"Fine," He agreed.

"Also, the knowledge of guns being in my car stays here. Do not breathe a word of it to your mother," was Emerald's warning.

"Of course, this is our little secret," Pedro made a zipping gesture over his mouth and threw the imaginary key away, "Cross my heart,"

Not less than a minute later, they arrived at their destination and Emerald pulled up at the side, intending to wake the sleeping Cecil.

"Hey baby, we've arrived," He shook her gently, rousing her from her sleep.

"What?" Cecil murmured, with her eyes still shut.

"We're here,"

"Where?" she did not attempt to stretch, sleep still in her eyes.

"Your parent's place, remember?" he said gently, moving her disheveled hair out of her face.

"Uh... No… I don't want to go anymore…" She groaned.

Pedro and Emerald's gaze met, what the hell was she talking about.

"What did you just say?" Emerald felt he heard wrong.

Cecil adjusted herself on the seat, "Let's go back home,"

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