Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 429 - Four Hundred And Twenty-nine: Even In The Shadow Of Death

Chapter 429 - Four Hundred And Twenty-nine: Even In The Shadow Of Death

The third point of view:

Reina knew as soon as her kids left that she couldn't wait around for her death. If she was going to die, she had to bring down at least one of her enemies with her - that was the Sakuzi clan style of dying honorably anyway.

That was why she manipulated the darkness and the little time she had left to make her way back into the bedroom. If she was going to fight her last battle all alone while hoping to bring down one of them - Miguel thankfully-?Reina had to be equipped and prepared.

She was still in the middle of opening Niklaus' secret armory - located inside their wardrobe - designed for emergencies like this when the light came alive. God, they were here.

With a deep breath, Reina reached out and grabbed the pistol, grabbed a fair amount of ammunition, and cocked the gun.

And like a nimbly experienced assassin, she padded back to the corridor leading to the living room and there, hid behind the large pillar behind that gave her a clear view of the living room while offering protection from bullets as well. It was the best spot considering the situation she was in.

While she waited for her enemy, Reina realized how grave her situation was. Her hands holding the gun began to shake - this might be her last moment on earth. Frightened yet resolved to see this through, Reina began to mentally chant her favorite verse in the Bible.

"Even though I walk through the?valley of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me,"

That quote strengthened her and when her eyes squeeze open, it was with resolve. It was time.

Reina heard the approaching footsteps and fought against the urge to fire - instinctual survivor mode. Her target was Miguel and until then, his men were nothing but prawns - until they threatened her safety.

They kept pouring in into the living room and at the end, she counted about six of them excluding Miguel. From the bloody looks on their clothes, it was apparent Niklaus' men gave them a tough time - although they won - and it warmed Reina's heart to know they hadn't been abandoned.

Just like Niklaus, his men were fierce and persistent; although outnumbered, they had fought till the very end. It was her turn to fight and she couldn't mess it up - she would be doing justice to the men who died.

"Where's the bitch?"

Reina instinctively knew from the brutality and impudence in that tone that the asshole was Miguel, even before she laid her eyes on him.

"I don't care what you do nor how but find me that bitch even if you have to raze this place to the ground! Find her!" were his orders as he searched around for her.

Oh no, Reina couldn't let them raze this place. She wasn't sure if her kids were safely out of here or in a panic room. Either way, his men shouldn't cross her.

Her eyes filled with hatred as she focused her gun, "Well, you'd be getting more from this bitch,"

Reina focused on her target and fired with a grateful heart. This was it, a smile graced her lips. She could now die in peace.?She had brought the enemy down.

But unfortunately, it happened that as soon as Reina fired, one of?Miguel's men somehow saw that attempt and immediately used his body as a shield, dying in his place.

"The bitch's here!" There was an announcement and panic as everyone took cover.

"Shit, damn it!" Reina cursed out loud. Not only had she failed to kill her target, but she had also set off the enemy. How shitty was her luck? Well, this was it then.

Reina looked out and began to fire and a man's groan rang. One down. Four remaining, excluding Miguel. Kind of shitty, but this move assured her children's safety. She would do anything to keep them safe.

Her enemies didn't wait around for her to finish them off because they engaged her in an open fire. Reina coughed, sinking further behind the structure as dust and powder covered her view, bullets rained down in her direction.

Reina didn't move an inch, rather she kept her ear to the ground and figured out their firing positions and timing. The instant they ran out of ammunition, Reina instantly fired and a man's death groan greeted her. Another one down. Three remaining, excluding Miguel.

However, she made a silly mistake. Reina forgot Miguel and that cost her because after one of his men went down, a sharp pain started in her arm and she realized she had been hit.

"Damn, this can't be good,!" Reina moaned in pain, cradling her injured arm that began to bleed. This wasn't part of the plan, but lucky her - it wasn't her head.

"Reina, I know you are here. Why don't you do me the favor of saving my energy," He added, "And my bullets,"

"Go to hell!" Reina retorted. There was no need to hide anymore, her position had been compromised.

"Oh sweetheart, you know this is hell already," He chuckled as if her plight was a source of amusement to him, "Why don't you come out and make this easier on the both of us?"

"Go and fuck your father," Was her response. She didn't care about bad language nor dignity. This was survival. Reina knew she had far more advantage here than being out in the open. No one could come into the corridor without her shooting his head off the body - as far she doesn't run out of ammunition.

"Why don't you humans ever take the easy way?" Miguel groaned in frustration and that bright a smile to Reina's lips. Even if she died tonight, she had put up a good fight. Speaking about dying, she had to do something about her arm - it was bleeding excessively.

"Fine, I'll give you motivation then," Said the psychopath and that couldn't be good.

Just as Reina dreaded, she heard a female scream in pain and her body stiffened.

Oh no, Amanda.

"Do I need to go this far to get your ass out here, spitfire?" Miguel asked in a seemingly bored tone.

God, this was a game to him, Reina realized. Another scream from Amanda roused from her thought and before Reina knew it, her legs had brought her into the living room.

"Here, you have me now, so let go of the woman around your mother's age, you animal!"

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