Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 416 - Four Hundred And Sixteen: Wed You Both

Chapter 416 - Four Hundred And Sixteen: Wed You Both

The third point of view:

"Hello mister, you must be here for the funeral," Israel was startled when a little boy came up to him out of nowhere.

He glanced down at him, blonde hair with blue innocent eyes, no sort of resemblance hit him. But why does it seem like the boy knew him, he could see it in his eyes?

"Am I in trouble? " Israel's brow raised at the amount of scrutiny the little boy was giving him.


The strange boy lifted a tray to him and his eyes fell on the cup of chilled fruit punch. Speaking of which, Israel was thirsty and took a sip and at the same time watching the weird boy carefully.

He was getting level three creepiness, not enough to make the hairs of his arm stand on edge but enough to make him cautious. He stared at his environment, already plotting an escape plan mentally if he felt dizzy out of nowhere.

"I knew you'd be thirsty," He almost spat the juice out of his men. How could the boy tell exactly what he was thinking? Also, why was he speaking as if he knew him? Israel has never set his eyes on the kid before. Maybe, this was one of those times he left already.

"Thanks, kiddo, but I've got to leave," Israel said, turning to the other direction. The boy was creeping him out.

But to his astonishment, the boy ran over to his front asking,

"Go where? Didn't you come for the funeral?"

"Urm... yeah?" he answered yet changed his mind at the last minute, "You know what, I really need to find somebody right now," Exactly, Anabelle was the reason he had come here today - he hardly knew anybody here.

After their date that day, he had a feeling that Anabelle was avoiding him and he couldn't understand why. Their date held promises of a blossoming relationship, right?

"Find someone?" The kid gave him an accusing look that made him uncomfortable.

"Why are you staring at me that way?" What a strange child.

"You came to a funeral to chase after a girl?"

"Yes, what? No? I mean, what are you talking about?" Israel was flustered.

The boy gave him a straight face.

"I really came for the memorial," Israel couldn't even understand why he was defending himself. This was a kid for christ's sake.

"Fine, then," The boy gave him a smile that raised the alarm bells in his head, "Then you should come along," the boy grabbed his hand and began to lead him further into the church, "I need to tell you the great history of the woman we're mourning today,"

Everything happened quicker than Israel could comprehend and before he knew it, he was being led away by the strange kid nor did he get to see the boy make secret signs to another set of kids hidden away from sight.

"Neon succeeded," Ailee informed Allen with Julie standing beside them with arms wrapped in front of his chest. These kids had real skills, maybe he should let them into their gang.

Ah crap, they were Niklaus' kids and Sakuzi's grandkids - they already belong to the Sakuzi clan. Not to add the fact his limbs would be broken if he dares to bring that up to Reina. What a loss.

"So how are you going to find me, Anabelle?" Julie asked, restless. She wasn't picking his calls.

"Shhh, mister, you talk too much. Let the professionals do their job," Ailee chided him, shifting her attention back to her brother.

Julie kept quiet yet his eyes widened when he saw Allen brought out his phone and typed into an app he couldn't get a clear view of, yet he unmistakably saw a cursor appear on the screen.

"You kids put a tracker on Annabelle?"

"Pfft," Ailee was smug, "We literally have a tracker on everyone in the family…." she trailed off dreadfully when she realized what she just blurted out.

She faked a smile to Julie, "I think we should discuss the confidentiality of our business once again,"

"I found her!" announced Allen oblivious to the fact that the secret of their business has been revealed, "She's at the church's backyard," He hardly revealed before Julie zoomed off.

Julie was exhilarated, there was a ray of hope and he didn't look back - not even when his grandfather was calling after him - he had to go where his heart summoned him.

The boy found himself outside and in no time located Anabelle who squatted on the floor, leaning on the pillar and staring out in space. Julie's heart throbbed, did he put her in this state?

Anabelle must have sensed his presence just like earlier - they must be attracted to each other like magnets - and turned to him, their eyes locked. She froze.

For five good minutes or so, none of them said a word, just kept staring at one another as if they had been pressed "pause" until Julie decided to break the silence.

"What are you doing here?"

"Do you own here too? Is there a law that states that I have to answer to you?" she sassed, as usual, hoping he would feel insulted and leave.

But to Julie, that comment warmed his heart. This was Anabelle, the warm-hearted witch he preferred to be with.

Anabelle was dissatisfied with the grin on his face, Julie was supposed to be pissed off, not happy.

"Were you hiding from me?" He asked, slowly approaching her.

"Why would I hide from you? Who do you think you are?" She lifted her chin in a show of defiance.

However, Julie kept a smile on his face as he walked over to Anabelle which made her uncomfortable.

"W-what are you doing?" she asked, taking a step until he successfully cornered her into a wall. Anabelle glanced up at Julie, what was wrong with him today? He was creeping her out.

Julie backed her against the wall, trapping her successfully since he knew she would attempt to escape after his unbelievable confession.

"Let's date"

"H-huh?" Anabelle choked on her saliva.

"I love you, Anabelle," He finally confessed, but not without fidgeting with nervousness.

But then, that nervousness heightened to the highest level because Anabelle stared at him, mouth agape after five minutes of his confession.

"Please say something," His confidence dwindled like never before.

Still yet. Nothing.

Julie scratched the back of his head, deciding to do damage control, "I know it sounds pretty stupid but that's how I sincerely feel about you and I'm sorry for not realizing that sooner. So if you don't feel the same way, I'll understand if you -"

But Anabelle cut him off by standing on her toes and kissed him. It took him off guard that he responded to the kiss late and when he did, it was the best feeling ever. Like he had found his way back home or something.

"You like me?" That was the first question he asked the instant they broke away.

"Duh, would I be exchanging saliva with you if I don't?" She flicked him on the forehead.

A rare smile broadened Julie's face and he leaned in, kissing her once more and this time passionately until they heard a movement behind them.

"Urm…" Both of them pulled away with flushed cheeks. Oh boy.

"Sorry, father " Anabelle apologized to the priest staring at them, shocked. She could feel all the blood rushing to her face. Of all moments the priest of God had to catch them in the grandeur of sin - lust.

"May the Lord forgive us, amen," Julie quickly made the sign of the cross. That should do, right?

However, the father asked to their shock, "Do I need to wed the both of you?"

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