Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 399 - Three Hundred And Ninety-nine: I Love You

Chapter 399 - Three Hundred And Ninety-nine: I Love You

The third point of view:

Reina gulped, her heart pounding loudly in her ear. When she thought of coming here, she never braced herself for this kind of shock, she didn't expect this.

Angela was a shadow of herself - how could someone age this quickly? Her cheeks were sunken and her once beautiful skin she had treasured and taken care of with the best body cream money could buy was dry and she had an unhealthy pallor.

Aside from that, Angela had lost weight - a lot of weight. Though she hasn't lost all of her hair nor sections of it as common with cancer patients, Reina noticed that her hair was dryer and duller. In conclusion, a look at Angela, one need not be told that she was dancing with death; the grim reaper was just around the corner.

But she didn't look this bad when she came to the wedding? How could the sickness degenerate this quickly? Unless...

Reina's eyes grew wide as it dawned on her, they had been using makeup to hide her frail state.

No matter how dysfunctional a family was, at the end of it, blood was thicker than water and Reina proved it at that moment.

She turned to Kimberly, "You knew her health was this bad, and yet you didn't care to inform me?!"

"Inform you?" Kim snorted, "Were you even willing to listen?!" She yelled back at her.

"I would have listened if I knew it was this terrible!"

"No, you wouldn't have listened until you saw it with your both eyes! Why? Because you kept encouraging yourself with the events of the past!"

"Shut up!" Reina hollered, "Everything that happened so far is your fault so don't try to make it look like it's my fault I didn't know mother fell sick!"

With the way tempers were flaring, Niklaus decided to step in - but that was a grave mistake.

"Ladies, perhaps, we should all take a breather and -"

"Back off! This is family business!" Both Reina and Kim said in a chorus.

Given the warning, Niklaus quickly lifted his hand in surrender and took a step back. However, the man didn't expect the turn of events that followed.

Reina turned to Kimberly with anger, "How dare you speak to my husband that way?" she hissed.

"I didn't," Kim defended.

Niklaus didn't dare to interrupt, he has learned his lesson never to butt in between two arguing ladies else he receives the heat.

"I heard you, right. Are you saying?I'm deaf?" Reina insisted.

"Both of you should cut it out," Angela finally spoke for the first time since she arrived, "You shouldn't argue in front of the kid,"

It was at that moment that their gazes fell on Tommy cradling his mother's laps, looking confused yet scared from their raised voices. Unlike Niklaus', both of them obeyed the order this time but not without glaring daggers at each other.

"The both of you can wait for my death to continue your argument. Right now, I want my last memory to be of my daughters being in harmony. That is not too much to ask, is it?" Angela said to the both of them with a weak smile.

This time, Reina and Kim turned their glaring eyes on their mother. How could she be so careless about death?

"You really want to die that quickly, don't you?"

Although Reina appeared to be harsh, the truth was that she was choking from pain inwardly.

It was strange though, on her way here, she had thought she would be indifferent to everything, but now the pain was gripping her heart so hard she couldn't breathe. But then, she wouldn't show it, she wouldn't give Angela the satisfaction of knowing she still cared amid everything she did to her. Neither would she cry, she was no longer the weak Maya. Reina was a different person - she told herself.

"Kimberly," Angela called her, "Can you take Tommy to play?"

Though it seemed like a request, Kim knew it was an order. She wanted to protest but understood that her mother didn't want Tommy to be involved in their discussion. Kids might not be as intelligent as adults, but they have a good memory, and the boy without knowing the history of their family might misunderstand everything when he comes to the age of understanding.

"Mummy, let's go play!" The boy seemed very enthusiastic to leave which made Kim sigh.

"Fine," Kim gave in but she didn't leave right away. She went ahead to where Angela laid and placed a peck on her forehead, "I'll be back,"

That might be Kim showing her affection to Angela, but it was also a warning to Reina not to mess with their mother.

"Alright, I love you," Angela smiled back at her with affection, "And Tommy too," she kissed the little boy who had come to her bedside.

"I love you too, granny!"

"Let's go," Kim took his hand and led him out.

Reina was jealous of that little scene. Her own kids didn't even know their grandmother - their biological grandmother - Nadia had filled in that role. But then, she wished inwardly that they at least met. Well, maybe, they will meet after this. They didn't have to be necessarily close to her, knowing that Angela existed should be enough. She arranged mentally.

"Are you going to stand there all day?" Angela said to her daughter who had her arms wrapped around her chest with a look of defiance.

Grudgingly, Reina made her way over to the chair beside her where Kim must have sat before her arrival.

"You look beautiful, your husband must be treating you well," Angela complimented her but she rolled her eyes.

"That husband was the same person you claimed I was whoring around with," Reina retorted.

"Reina..." She heard Niklaus call her name from behind and she knew what that meant. He was asking her to be civil.

Reina wanted to let go of the past, but it was not easy with the past staring right back at her. She was having an internal war - a battle between good and bad behavior.

"Fine," She gritted her teeth.

"Reina…" Angela tried to take her hand but Reina withdrew her hands as quickly as an eagle closed down on her prey. And that was a reflex action.

"Sorry, but I'm not used to you touching me," She gave her most sincere apology.

"Don't worry, I understand," The woman nodded even though the glint in her eye dimmed, "I'm just happy that you came, that's all,"

"Of course, I had to come. Your illegitimate daughter is not that heartless...." Reina faltered when she realized she did it once again. Niklaus must be feeling a great urge to spank her on the butt like a kid.

"I'm sorry," Reina apologized once more, pinching the space between her brows. This was not going to be an easy ride.

"No. It's okay," Angela nodded again, giving her another understanding yet wry smile.

"No, it's not okay," Reina shook her head and turned to Niklaus, "I'm sorry, but I can't do the turn-over - a - new - leaf thing out of nowhere and pretend like everything is okay because it's not. I want to say what's on my mind without any dilution,"

Although Niklaus didn't say anything but the sigh and the slouching of his shoulders told her what she needed to know; he gave in. Reina turned to Angela.

"You hurt me big time," she told her

"I know," Angela conceded surprisingly.

Reina went on, "And I hate you for it,"

"I know,"

"I never wanted to come here nor to see your face ever again,"

"I know,"

"But I had to give you that respect for at least birthing me,"

"I know,"

A tear slipped down Reina's face, "You know I tried to make you like me?"

"I know,"

"But you didn't reciprocate it,"

"I know,"

"I said I wouldn't cry for you but these annoying tears keep falling off,"

"I know,"

"And could you stop replying 'I know' to every one of my comments? It's irritating yet comical at the same time," both of them broke into laughter at the same time but Reina's laughter lasted longer than her, but before one could say Jack Robinson, Reina burst into tears.

"Why did you hate me? Why didn't you like me?" she cried bitterly.

"I'm so sorry, I was so stupid then," Angela cried too, pulling her into a hug, and Reina who resented her touch so much leaned into her.

Niklaus was so moved by the scene that a tear slipped down his eyes. He wiped it off immediately and was grateful for the fact the twins weren't here else they would taunt him to no end.

"Fine, I've forgiven you," Reina pulled away after a while of crying, wiping away her face, "But that doest mean we've become one big happy family - you have to earn that affection and trust,"

"Alright," Angela nodded.

"We're leaving," Reina announced. She was too embarrassed, having decided earlier she wouldn't cry.

"But don't worry, I'll come with the kids tomorrow,"


"Goodbye then," She turned to Niklaus.

"Have a nice stay," Niklaus finally spoke to his mother-in-law.

"Take care of my daughter,"

"I will," Niklaus promised her, his hands on Reina's waist as he led her out.

However, Angela realized at that moment that she hadn't told Reina what she wanted to say for long and she ripped off the wires connected to her body, going after them even though she felt dizzy.

"Wait!" She caught up with them in the corridor and was relieved when they stopped.

"What is it, mother?" Reina was stunned at her appearance.

She chuckled, "I wanted to tell you that I -" Angela didn't get to finish what she wanted to say because she saw something that made her eyes widened and she sprinted towards her daughter at full speed notwithstanding her condition.

Reina's brows furrowed when she saw her mother running towards her. What was the old woman up to? But then,?the instant Angela hugged her, two shots rang out.

Bang! Bang!

"Love you," Angela completed her comment, her brilliant smile fading as she fell to the ground.


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