Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 394 - Three Hundred And Ninety-four: Emerald

Chapter 394 - Three Hundred And Ninety-four: Emerald

The third point of view:

Cecil was awoken by the hot breath fanning on her neck. She sat up abruptly, shock spreading across her face as she grabbed her scalp. She had done it last night? With Emerald?

Slowly, she turned to the side to see the man propped up on his arm and having an amused smile on his face.

"Had a nice sleep?" he smirked at her which made heat rush at her face.

Slept her butt?! They had gone at it all night and judging from the time on the bedside clock, she barely grasped two hours of sleep.

"Seriously, how are you feeling?" Emerald rephrased his question when she didn't answer immediately.

"I feel exhausted, other than that, I feel great," She answered, unable to meet his gaze.

A wave of uncomfortable silence stretched between them. Cecil scratched the back of her head nervously, she doesn't know how stuff like this works.

When she had been dating Fernandez, once they woke up, he would engage in one more round before they prepared for the day. But then this wasn't Fernandez, but Emerald, and the last time she had done something with him, he had left before she woke.

Maybe, fun time was over and it was time to leave. Move on with her life. That was the rules of the games, right? And that was what she decided to do.

"What are you doing?" Emerald asked, watching her get off the bed with the sheet.

"Leaving," Cecil answered, her cheeks flaming hot yet kind of relieved when she saw he wasn't naked as her. He must have put on his brief when she had fallen asleep.

"Why?" he asked, making her confused.

"The night is done and since we've done it and I'm over my phobia, shouldn't we be over or.... ?" she gestured between the both of them unsure.

"Yeah, you're right," Emerald acquiesced. However, he asked, "But then, are you truly over your phobia?"

"W-what?" she stuttered, "What do you mean by that?"

"I mean we did in the night when there was poor visibility. But it's morning now and I'm not sure you can handle a man in the daytime when everything's in broad view," he hinted if she could handle a man in all his naked glory.

Low move, Emerald, his conscience gnawed at him, but there was nothing he could do. Right now, Cecil was only interested in working on her phobia and he offered himself willingly.

Taking another step that wasn't part of this was risking the progress he has made so far. From the look of things, she wasn't in search of a romantic relationship, which was opposite to what he wanted.

Emerald didn't just want a stable relationship, he needs a family; a wife, and kids; she's the only person he's imagined spending the rest of his life with. The truth is that he's quite jealous of Sakuzi.

The man had everything he could ever ask for, a family; wife, kids, grandchildren. He has a legacy. Emerald was sure Sakuzi wouldn't have regrets if he died today because he was happy and had everything he could ever ask for.

Emerald had no family since his own parents had sold him to Sakuzi for food and yes, the Sakuzi clan treats him as one of their own, he still feels like a stranger. Moreover, if he dies today, there wasn't a replacement nor a seed to carry on with his lineage. With his line of work, death stares at his face oftentimes without number, and each time he keeps wondering who would miss him once he's gone - it was almost as if he was living without a purpose.

But right now, he's found his sanctuary, his home, his purpose, and was sure as hell going to get it. If possessing her means giving up his position and work, then so be it. Honestly, lately, he's been so tired of the bloodshed and all - it wouldn't hurt to be normal for once.

But he doesn't dare mention that to a woman who's just gotten over Erotophobia. This is why he would love her until she has no desire for no one but him. He would imprint his very name in her soul.

"You think so?" Cecil breathed. His eyes were doing funny things to her and she felt her inside throb with desire. God, when did she become like this? Perverted?

"Yes," He added, "Unless you want me to strip and then you proudly touch -"

"Fine," She gave in, cheeks flushed.?Her body was shivery with excitement, pushing down the fear that had began to creep up. Cecil knew how huge he was, tasted him last night in the dim. But then, this was morning and there was no shadow to hide in.

"But then, I need to wash -"

"My washroom's available," He answered before she could think of an excuse to escape him once again.

Then she looked down to gesture to the sheet wrapped around her chest. She could get dressed, but it would be so much work to undress once more in the shower.

"Wait here," He said to her and left through a door she supposed led to his shower, only to return with a white bathrobe.

"Here, put it on," He handed it to her.

"Thank you," She took it from him, yet gave him a look.

"I'm not looking away, if that's what you want me to do," Emerald told her straightforwardly.

Cecil bit on her lips.

"Honey... " Emerald pulled at her and she stumbled over to him, "I saw everything there is to see last night," He said to her, loosening the sheet that slipped to the ground.

Her breath hung in her throat.

"So do not be shy," Emerald told her, putting on her robe for her and tieing the cinctures. Once done, he bent his head since he was taller, and rubbed his nose along her throat, watching with interest the way her chest rose.

"We should go and brush,"

"We?" her brows raised.

"We'll do everything together today, think of it as a simulation for when you get a future lover or husband," He once again fooled her.

However, Cecil felt strange. At the mention of a future "lover" or "husband", she had felt disappointed nor did she seem excited at the prospect of getting a lover, talk more of a husband - if it wasn't him. No, she was just attracted to Emerald. Feelings of desire, nothing else. The only reason they were together now was because of sex.

He was helping her overcome her phobia and she was relieving the attraction between them. It was a?win-win situation. The both of them were enjoying themselves.

Emerald hadn't been kidding about them doing things together because the next she knew, both were at the sink brushing their teeth.

He finished brushing before her yet didn't leave. As soon as she was done, he came up from behind and wrapped his arms around her.

"What are you doing?" Cecil asked, not of nervousness, rather she wanted to be prepared for whatever he had in mind. She found out his mind was kind of "creative".

"Calm down," He told her, letting loose her robe as he whispered into her ears, "Look into the mirror,"

And she did. But she just didn't expect reality to confront her like that. In that reflection, her robe was barely hanging on her shoulder and Emerald had his hands on her breasts from behind and he was staring straight at her. The intensity in those eyes made her throat dry up and she wanted to run off, but she couldn't, because she was in the lion's den.

"I want you to keep staring at the mirror as I touch you,"

Her heart skipped a beat and her gaze flickered to his through the mirror, shivering when she saw the hunger in those eyes. He was the hunter and she was the prey.

"Yes," she nodded, her voice barely above a whisper.

And then he began to squeeze her breast, a gasp left her mouth, and that very scene, she saw clearly in the mirror. To be honest, she had thought she would be appalled by him touching her as she watched. It was one thing being intimate, but it was another thing watching yourself get intimate.

It was erotic. The scene was alluring and downright provocative. She couldn't take her eyes away and it kind of felt right - like this was normal. The passion between a man and a woman. It wasn't perverted but natural.

Heat pooled in between her legs as she stared on; her face flushed, Emerald kissing her neck and eliciting gasps that were slowly turning into moans.

"Keep on watching!" Emerald commanded her sternly the instant she took her face away to watch him when his hand went in between her legs.

"Okay!" She yelped, her eyes returning to the mirror. She gulped, her heart slamming against her chest at what he was about to do.

As soon as he slipped his finger inside of her, Cecil released a deep moan and her legs almost gave out. Her body was tingling with pleasure when he moved in and out of her.

She didn't dare to take her eyes off the mirror and the woman she saw there left her stunned. This wasn't her, the woman with the rosy cheeks and parted mouth, gasping for air, definitely wasn't her. She had evolved. A scene that would have left the previous Cecil embarrassed to death, here she was embracing it. If felt good. The change.

"Emerald," she moaned, shivery with desire. She let go of all her mental constraints this time and flowed with the moment. But then she wanted to close her eyes and relish the feeling, yet didn't dare to disobey him.

"Yes… exactly there," her hands went around to grasp his hair from behind to anchor herself. Her legs were as weak as jelly as he continued moving inside of her. But when she was about to reach that apex, he stopped and Cecil saw red like never before.

" What the hell do you- !"

She was cut off by Emerald turning around suddenly and smashing her lips against hers. He kissed her hard and roughly and she matched the ferocity. She needed him right now!

They broke apart, fire coursing through her vain as she slipped down the last piece holding his decency with delirious hunger and speed. Emerald did the same to her robe and it hardly fell to the ground when he picked her up, entering her at the same time.

Cecil gasped at the fullness yet didn't have time to savor the feeling because he was thrusting into her. She fought to catch her breath as Emerald pumped into her relentlessly. Unlike their earlier plays, this session was hurried and full of hot scorching desire.

"Yes… ah… my God!" were her moans of pleasure to the man who rammed into her with careless abandon.

Her fingers dug into his shoulders just as her body shook, a wave of turbulent pleasure ripping through her as she screamed his name,


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