Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 389 - Three Hundred And Eighty-nine: What Just Happened?

Chapter 389 - Three Hundred And Eighty-nine: What Just Happened?

The third point of view:

"What have we here?" Anabelle was irritated when she heard that familiar voice from behind. What in the world was he doing here?

"Are you following me?" She shot?Julie a displeased look. Ever since she and Israel became "acquaintances'' he became more clingy than ever and kept abusing their master/slave contract.

She hardly escaped him to take a breather here and yet here he was again! God, he was sucking all the oxygen in her life lately.

"Following you?" He snorted, "Do you think I don't have important things to do?"

"I don't really know," Anabelle said nonchalantly, "The days with you have told me otherwise," She hinted she found him lazy all the time.

"Hey, do you know who I am? I just don't want to go full force into my work else you'd die from stress," He claimed to be magnanimous.

However, Anabelle rolled her eyes while dragging clothes through the hanger rail. She peered at him from beneath her lashes, "In case you haven't noticed, this is the female section, what then are you doing here if you claimed not to have followed me?"

And yes, this was the store where she had met Julie for the first time. Regardless, she would not stop shopping in the store she loves because of some asshole.

"And in case you haven't noticed, my family owns this departmental store,"

Anabelle froze, then glance up at him, "Liar liar, pants on fire,"

Julie didn't say anything instead dipped his head in the direction of the nearby sales clerk who came over to him

"Good day young Master," He bowed to Julie, "I had no idea you were here, sir. Perhaps, would you love to take a look at the latest arrival?"

At that moment, Anabelle's jaw dropped to the ground while Julie stood with his arms wrapped around his chest and a smug expression.

"Impossible" Anabelle muttered when she found the ability to make a speech once again. There was no way this cheap player was in charge of here and it irritated her the more that this was her favorite shopping store.?Ugh! God, why!

Not to mention the fact that she had claimed he was following her like a love-starved puppy. It was so awkward and she wished the ground would open up and swallow her.

Anabelle could have claimed that this was an act orchestrated by him and the clerk but the look in the attendant's eyes said otherwise. He was submissive, wanting to suck up and gain favors from his master. Also, Julie's family was rich enough to own a place like this. This was so damn irritating - she wished she had never found out at all.

"Whatever!" Anabelle rolled her eyes and went to another corner of the room to continue her shopping, refusing to apologize for the false accusation. Humph! He has done much worse to her than she has done to him, anyway.

With her head held high, Anabelle continued with her shopping and?Julie must have left with the clerk because when she looked back, they were nowhere to be found - which kind of relieved her. So she immersed herself in her shopping with a happy tune. However, she didn't shop for long before trouble came to utopia.

Anabelle's happy tune went off-key when someone bellowed behind her, "I knew it!" and for some reason, that voice made the hairs on her back stand on edge.

She turned around slowly, all the blood drained from her face when she discovered it was that same girl - Julie's girlfriend. And yes, it was exactly the girl that had disgraced her when she went on that supposed "date" with Julie.

Recurring that event, fear gripped Anabelle but she refused to show it on her face. She would not be intimidated by this lower-class citizen with no ounce of home training. Tsk tsk, Julie's taste in women was of course miserable.

"We meet again," Anabelle told her with a calm demeanor. If the girl doesn't know manners, she'd teach her one.

However, the girlfriend didn't respond to her greetings, she rambled instead, "Of course, it's you, the witch who hypnotized my boyfriend lately. I should have known something was wrong with Julie when he wouldn't pick up my call nor come to me. You were the one responsible for that!"

Anabelle fought against the urge to roll her eyes. She a witch? If she were a witch, she would have turned Julie into a pretty goat a while ago and have her revenge on him. Hypnotized him? Who was this crazy girl kidding? Julie was her greatest nightmare, why would she want him? Right now, she would give anything to have him out of her life!

"Listen here," Anabelle began to say, "I don't know what the hell is going on between the both of you but leave me out of it. I don't like your boyfriend - I don't even have eyes for him - and would never -"

"Liar!" the crazy girlfriend interrupted her, "And I would show you how thieves are supposed to be treated!"

Before Anabelle could even understand what she meant by that, the girl had charged at her and grabbed her on the hair.

"What the hell are you doing!" Anabelle screamed in agony, trying to get her away from her, "Let me go!"

"You're a bitch! A fucking bitch and I'll deal with you! You should learn not to steal people's boyfriends!" She slapped Anabelle right on the face when she managed to pull away from her grasp.

"Aww!" Anabelle winced from the pain that stung her cheeks, leaving her vulnerable as the girl went for her hair once again.

"Jesus Christ!" Julie shouted when he arrived at the scene alongside some clerks who must have heard the commotion. He had left for a moment to go through their newly arrived only to be treated to this scene when he returned.

"Anabelle!" He pulled her away from his crazy ex-girlfriend who the other clerks were trying to subdue.

"What the hell is going on here?!" He boomed, burying Anabelle's face into his chest protectively, and thankfully, she didn't protest even though he knew she was hiding her face out of embarrassment. For some reason, he was having this great urge to tear Quin into pieces.

"I knew it! I knew something was going on between the both of you!" accused Quinn, still trying to tear out of their hold.

"Are you fucking crazy!" Julie yelled at her, "How dare you bring a fight to my store! Who gave you the right to lay your hand on her! Just who do you think you are!"

"I'm your girlfriend!" She screamed

"Ex-girlfriend!" He corrected her with the same aggressiveness, "I believe I wasn't babbling when I told you that we were over!"

"You don't mean it!"

"Try me!" he challenged her.

Quin froze, realization finally dawning on her.

"You really broke up with m-me?" Her voice broke at the end with tears threatening to spill down her eyes," And this bitch is my replacement?" There was anger in her tone.

"Think whatever you want, but I'm letting you off on account of our past relationship. But if you dare, lay a hand on Anabelle once again, I'll rip you apart all by myself!" he threatened her.

"We'd see about that!" Quinn huffed and jerked herself from the clerks who watched her cautiously, prepared to capture her back if she dared tried any silly move.

Though she couldn't see her, Anabelle could sense the murderous eyes boring holes into her head. Her heart suddenly hurt, why wasn't she as badass as Isabella? She should have shown that bitch ass that the Spencer's were not to be trifled with. Instead, what had she done? Hide her face in Julie's chest! She was mortified.

"She's gone now," Julie whispered into her ears while surprisingly soothingly stroking her head. But then, she would not be fooled this time!

Forcefully, Anabelle pushed at his chest, hoping to storm away from the place but as usual, the asshole had to disrupt her plan.

"Anabelle!" He pulled her back to him.

"Don't touch me!" She hissed, struggling to be free.

"I'm sorry," He said

"I'm sorry too because your sorry can't solve this," she turned to leave with determination. Yet, he stopped her. Again.

"She hurt you! I can't let you leave like this -"

"Why?" Anabelle sneered, "Because you've now realized that I'm Spencer and that my family would rip your head off if they realize what you and your girlfriend did to me?" there was sarcasm in her tone.

"Either way, I'm responsible for you," He told her, "Now come with me,"

"No, let me go!"

"Just shut up and come with me!"

Anabelle was stunned at the dominance in that command. Veins were bulging from Julie's head and neck plus his eyes seemed to be spitting out fire that Anabelle wanted to throw herself on the ground and cry out on this injustice. She was the victim here, so why was he yelling at her?

She didn't say anything more and followed him grudgingly, spitting out profanities which he ignored. Julie led her to a private room and had her sit down, with him doing the same. Anabelle was curious about his intention so was quite alert until one of the clerks arrived with an ice pack.

"Thank you," She reached out and wanted to take it from him but Julie was faster.

"What are you doing?" Anabelle shot him a look.

"Just stop talking," He said, turning her face to him and pressed the ice pack on her face and she flinched from the coldness.

"I can help myself," She wanted to take it from him but the glare Julie gave her made her shut up. Suit yourself then, the girl murmured mentally.

More careful this time, Julie began to rub the ice pack at her swollen cheek where Quinn had slapped her.

While he was immersed in treating her, Anabelle couldn't help but admire his features. His skin was too smooth and translucent for a man - she was almost jealous. Julie had a pair of strongly arched thick brows and now she was staring up close she could make out flecks of green in his blue eyes unlike hers. Her gaze fell on his tall nose and followed down to his lips.

But Anabelle was startled at the ridiculous thought that went through her head when her gaze flickered down to his lips and hurriedly returned her eyes to his, but unfortunately, their gaze met and held.

Julie and Anabelle froze, a great sexual tension igniting between them as they looked into each other's eyes. It might have been Julie who moved first but Anabelle's eyes had shut close, awaiting what was to come.

But when Julie's lips brushed against hers, Anabelle's phone rang at that moment and the spell binding them shattered.

"I should leave," Anabelle shot up to her feet, flustered.

"Yeah, probably," Julie couldn't have agreed more.

That was weird. Really Weird.

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