Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 387 - Three Hundred And Eighty-seven: Do To Me What You Want To Do

Chapter 387 - Three Hundred And Eighty-seven: Do To Me What You Want To Do

The third point of view:

"What is it?" Emerald's deep male voice awakened her from her reverie. He ended the call to tend to her, having a feeling this was important, else she wouldn't come to his place by one in the night, right?

Yeah, what is it? What exactly did she come here to do?

"M-may I come in?" she couldn't believe she was stuttering. Cecil felt a patch of dryness in her throat and with the way her heart was pounding, it was as if she wanted to have a heart attack.

"Fine, you can come in, but I'm not decent - that's one on you," He said, moving to the side to let her in.

Cecil sucked in a sharp breath as she passed him, the scent of the perfumed soap he had used in the shower wafting into her nose. It smelled manly yet with a trace of loveliness, and it was making her head swirl. Cecil had never felt this heightened around him - the feeling scared her.

"What do you want?" Emerald asked, and at the same time banged the door close which made her almost jump out of her skin. She was intensely aware of the fact it was just the two of them in a room with him wearing just a brief with the rest of his masculinity bared to her. Maybe she should have just waited for him to make himself decent.

"I er…" Cecil scratched the back of her head, "What was she going to say with him staring at her like that. She felt a sudden fear overwhelm her when she realized the reason for coming here had completely escaped her mind. What was he going to think of her now?

"Cecil?" Emerald asked one more, face scrunched up in confusion.

"I met your woman out here," she blurted out. Good going. Just great!

His brow arched questioningly


He scowled, "I told you she's not my woman,"

"But she likes you,"


"Give her a chance," Cecil said the first thing she thought of, even though the tightening feeling in her chest was back. Why does it feel like she was speaking the opposite of what she meant?

"If this is what you came here to say then I'll advise you to kindly leave," He gestured to the door, "It's this way,"

"Juliet likes you and she seems to have this idea that I'm your first love - which is kind of stupid. I've said it's impossible but she doesn't believe me and -"

"Yeah, she doesn't believe you because it's true," Emerald said.

"Alright… wait, what?!" Cecil's jaw dropped at once as soon as she fully comprehended what he just said. She glanced up at the man and the affection in his gaze made her heart miss a beat. No way.

"I've loved you for years even though it sounds pretty cheesy and stupid and I know you wouldn't believe me even if I told you that I never meant to leave you after that night," He revealed to the thunderstruck Cecil.

When she had heard that from Juliet, it sounded ridiculous and didn't have the same shocking effect as now she was hearing it from the horse's mouth. It was impossible. There was no way he meant that right? Perhaps, he was pulling her leg and would yell "April fool" afterward - even though it wasn't April - right?

Emerald conclusively clapped his hand, "Well…. since you know that now, you should take your leave,"

"What?" Cecil was dazed when he grabbed her hand, intending to send her away.

"Wait, stop!" She pushed against his chest. Everything was happening too quickly she needed to find a balance.

"You need to leave,"

"Why?" Cecil looked him straight in the eye challengingly. She was tired of all the riddles and games.

"This is why?" Emerald said, pulled her to him in one clean swoop, and took her lips in a kiss.

It was all a blur that when Cecil's brain picked up on what was going on, Emerald had caged her in his arms. She could push him away like always and reclaim her freedom, but she didn't this time. She was tired of running and embraced all the feelings.

His lips weren't gentle on her, they were devouring and hurried as if he had been anticipating tasting her for a long time. Cecil felt a thrill she had never experienced before - not even with Fernandez. It was as if her heart wanted this, like she had found the piece she had been searching for.

She pressed herself against him till there was no more space between them, immersed in this unfamiliar territory. Her hand ran through his hair, reliving once more his silky texture, and had just run her hand on his abs when he pulled away suddenly.

"What is it? Why did you stop?" Cecil asked, her breathing was thick, and she had a heavy sense of dissatisfaction. It was almost like having a taste of sugar only for it to be taken away almost immediately.

"You're not ready for this," He replied gruffly, ready to send her out of the room.

"Wait, you don't know what you're saying!" She stood in the way of the door defensively. What was she even doing?

"What I want to do to you, I won't be able to stop once I begin so you should do yourself the favor by leaving now,"

"What do you want to do to me?" Cecil found herself asking. She couldn't explain it but she had this burst of confidence from out of nowhere.

Emerald's eyes flickered and darkened, causing her breath to hitch when he stepped forward, hovering over her.

"I want to kiss you, run my lips and taste those luscious lips of yours, then find your tongue and curl it around mine. While we kiss, I'll touch you in places you never thought had feelings too, and then while you moan my name, I will enter you. This time, you wouldn't just moan, you'd scream my name with careless abandon as I fuck out your brain, " He said into her ears, causing her to shiver.

Cecil suddenly felt her center throb, she was aroused to her greatest shock. This was the first time someone had made her horny with words alone and she knew he meant every single word of it.

"So woman, you should run now while you have the chance. I'm tired of your teasing," Emerald warned and turned around, knowing she'd escape as usual.

Cecil's survival instinct kicked in, recognizing Emerald as a danger to the protective barriers she had built around herself over the years. Her legs wanted to take her out of here but she willed them to stop. How long was she going to run? How long would she detest the touch of a man? Was she planning to die old alone? No, this was time to end this phobia and she believed this man here would help her achieve her goal.

"I am not going to leave," Cecil said decisively.

Emerald swore out loud, his control was just hanging on a thread and he would not have her push it further when he knew she would do nothing about it.

He turned to her, "You should leave,"

"No, I'm not," Cecil stood her ground, "I cannot keep on running always. It's time I put an end to my cowardice,"

He snorted, "Nice speech, but I'm not ready for a cold shower," and was just about to move her out of the room by himself when Cecil suddenly reached for the hem of her shirt and pulled it over her head, her tilt bouncing from the move.

Emerald froze, shock reverberating deep inside of him. What just happened? His eyes were so wide that saucers could not even be compared to the sheer size of it.

"I'm done being a coward," Cecil took a?cautious step towards him; she was uncertain if he'd appreciate this move yet.

When he didn't take his eyes off her, she gained confidence and walked over to him. She stood before him, making sure to rub her breast against his bare chest, and was relieved to feel him tense. He was affected too, even though his expressionless face was saying otherwise.

"Do to me what you plan to do to me," She stood on tiptoe and kissed him on the lips.

Cecil was unsure of what to do next, she was just following what she knew from experience. However, her morale depleted rather quickly when she had no response from Emerald and was just about to pull away when he stopped her.

His hands came around her waist like an impregnable wall, smashing her flush against his chest while his lips sought hers. Her body trembled with pleasure when his lips moved against hers, sucking her essence.

She gasped as he pulled her up and by instinct, wrapped her legs around him. Cecil shivered when her core rubbed against the noticeable bulge and she was about to say something when his lips covered hers once again.

He was gentle yet passionate, nearing driving her to the edge. This wasn't what she bargained for - it was more than it - and now, she didn't know if she could keep up with his space.

She moaned as he deepened the kiss, their tongue intertwining with each other's while grinding against him. However, Cecil was shocked by his strength, how could he still carry her without being supported by anything?

They pulled away for air just as Emerald's darkened gaze flickered down to her breast pressed tightly against his chest.

Cecil gulped just as he asked, "May l?"

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