Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 383 - Three Hundred And Eighty-three: Siblings Dont Kiss

Chapter 383 - Three Hundred And Eighty-three: Siblings Don't Kiss

The third point of view:

"I can't believe they came?" Ailee wrapped her arm around her chest as her twin, Allen, and Neon stared specifically at two kids.

"Who are they?" Neon was curious, staring at the beautiful raven-haired girl making conversations with other kids. If he wasn't mistaken, he could almost say she had hogged all of the kids' attention.

"That's our cousin Grace and Phillip," Allen took it upon himself to answer just as Ailee said,

"More like the legendary two bullies," She sneered.

As expected, the triple trouble was dressed up for the birthday party but they never expected to see their both cousins here.

Though both kids were family, the intense competition between them from birth had strained their relationship.

Their grandfather Sakuzi had three kids from his wife, Nadia, out of which one called Maxwell- you know the history well - was dead. The rest was the eldest called Finley and the third - since Maxwell was the second son - called Victor.

Their cousin Grace was twelve years and the eldest daughter of Fin, the eldest son of Sakuzi and possible heir to the Falcon Gang, hence the reason the airhead was so arrogant and audacious. She had another sibling called Charlie but he was only two years old and could not make it to the party tonight.

Philip was Victor's only child and son at the moment and he was eleven years old. Perhaps the fact that he and Grace were almost in the same age bracket, they clicked well. Just like they said, birds of the same feather flock together, there was no difference in their character.

Although Reina was only their half-sibling, Fin and Victor acknowledged her and worked well with her, but the same couldn't be said for their kids.

The twins and their cousins were like fire and ice; they disliked each other to the core. Perhaps, that had to do with the fact that the twins were exceptionally gifted from birth and the fact it was no secret that Sakuzi favored them more than the others.

Since her father Fin would be the inheritor of their gang, Grace was naturally pompous and loathed the siblings because of their talents. It wasn't that she wasn't gifted, but everything she did, the twins always found a way to do it ten times better and that exasperated her so much. She was the firstborn and supposed to be greater than the others, moreover, those peeps were not even her real cousins. Who gave them the right to flex with her grandfather's riches.

Phillip also shared the same ideology, the twin's mother was just his father's half-sister. What right do Allen and Ailee have to compete with them?

Hence that thought drove them into loathing the kids, not that the twins cared. As much as the cousins hated them, they couldn't lay their hands on them in fear of incurring their grandfather's wrath. So they could only look for subtle ways to torment them.

Just like now, the cousins had successfully stolen the attention the other kids had been giving them. Although this was supposed to be a small party, some of the gang members had brought over their family - everyone wanted to make an impression on Emerald, the second in command to Sakuzi. It was a rare and big honor.

"As if this would faze us," The twins saw through their plan. Grace was a big show-off and knowing that she took the spotlight off them would thrill her to the moon.

"She's pretty," Neon blurted out, staring at the girl with a dreamlike fascination.

"What did you just say?" Ailee glared daggers at him.

Neon gulped, shivers running down his spine. It looked as if Ailee wanted to kill him - Thank God she couldn't shoot out lasers from her eyes. But then, why did he do wrong?

"Nothing," He replied abruptly.

"Good and it better remain that way," She warned yet murmured underneath her breath, "Beautiful my butt. What was so pretty about that blackhearted witch anyway?"

"Here comes the witch and her escort," Allen informed her.

At that announcement, Ailee stood with her head held up proudly. She might be a kid but her pride was on the line here, especially against a fellow girl.

"Aww, here are my adorable cousins," Grace said in a singsong as she came into view.

"Yeah, as adorable as chipmunks," simpered Phillip who was by her side and both burst into laughter.

However, the twins watched both stupid cousins with a poker face they inevitably inherited from their father, Niklaus.

"Philip," Allen began, "I see you still don't mind being Grace's servant,"

"What?" Phillip went red in the face and stepped forward to hit him but Grace held him back.

"Remember Grandfather," She muttered into his ear and the boy had no choice but to bury the grievance in his heart. As much as their grandfather loved them, he exceptionally doted on the twins.

"Aww," Ailee began this time, "Gracey, I still can't believe you still act like his mother hen,"

Grace who had been holding back Phillip hissed at her and if her eyes were bullet, she would have shot the girl down.

This time, Neon couldn't control it anymore and he broke into a peal of laughter and as well, attracting Grace's attention.

"Who's this one?" She looked Neon over as if he was a filthy rag and turned to the twins with a smirk, "Don't tell me your mother got you another pet?" she insulted him.

"Pet?!" Neon was mortified by her comment and stepped towards Grace with confidence fueled by adrenaline.

However, the moment the boy glanced up, straining his neck just to meet her gaze, he realized he was like a rat in front of a lion, and the earlier confidence dissolved as fast as a fart from a person's butt.

"Hi, I'm Neon," He stretched out his hand instead, and the twins who had been egging him on groaned and facepalmed mentally. For God's sake it was Neon, what had they been expecting?

Grace snorted, shooting him a look of disdain, "I'm sorry but I don't shake hands with a lowlife,"

At that snide remark, Philip burst into mocking laughter that made Neon wish the ground would open up and swallow him up.

"My eyes have been infected by these lowlives and I need to cleanse it, so let's find somewhere better to look," Grace said to Philip, and together, both cousins left, but not without laughing at the twins one final time.

"She's a witch!" Neon stomped his feet as soon as they were out of sight.

"And you were so brave," Allen pointed out sarcastically.

"Give him a break," Ailee told her brother.

"Whatever," Allen rolled his eyes and left the both of them, his mood had taken a plunge.

"Allen is angry at me," Neon noticed and that made his heart sink.

"He's not angry at you but the witch and her acolyte Phillip. He's just taking out his aggression on you," She added, "Seriously, don't mind him,"

However, that did little to lift the boy's spirit.

"You know what?" An idea suddenly crossed her mind as she stared at the couples dancing on the dance floor.


"We should go dance," she suggested with a smile.

"What?!" The boy was surprised.

"I read somewhere that dancing is therapy for a bad mood," Ailee said to him, thrilled at the idea.

"But I don't know how to dance,"

"Don't worry," Ailee assured him, "We'd just do whatever the adults do," She told him, grabbed his hand, and began to pull to the dance floor already.

"Alright, here we are," Ailee muttered, getting the both of them into position while observing a couple dancing beside them, "Your hand goes to my waist and the other interlocks my other hand,"

For some reason, Neon frowned, why do people have to go through this odd pose just to dance. However, the boy didn't complain and in no time began to sway to the music as the others did.

Ailee gave him a warm I - got - you - covered smile as they danced in silence. However, it got to a time when the couple in front of them suddenly kissed and the boy's eyes widened.

"Are we supposed to do that too?" Neon gulped, pointing to the couples locked in a kiss. Wasn't that eww?

"Of course not!" Ailee was abashed by his comment.

"But you said we're going to do whatever the adults do," He pointed out.

"Except that. You're my brother Neon and siblings don't kiss like that," She preached, hoping it gets into that dumb head of his.

"I'm not your brother though," the boy murmured.

"What did you say?" Ailee asked, having not heard him clearly

"Nothing," Neon said rather quickly.

"Well, if you say so," Ailee didn't press him further as both continued their dance.

However, unknown to Ailee, her cousins Grace and Phillip had emerged on the dance floor because of them and were with evil intentions.

So while they were dancing, Grace intentionally danced closer to them and Philip stuck out a leg and tripped Neon. The boy helplessly lost his footing and fell, bringing Ailee down with them.

Though people didn't mean to laugh, the scene was so funny that they had a good laugh before realizing how wrong they were. However, the deed has been done, Neon ran out of there embarrassed.

"Neon!" Ailee called after him but the boy didn't even look back.

Infuriated, Ailee stomped over to her brother who surprisingly, didn't find Neon's fall funny.

"I'm done being nice," she announced, chest-heaving.

Allen smirked, "I was wondering when you were going to say that," an idea already forming in his head.

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