Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 381 - Three Hundred And Eighty-one: Law Of Attraction

Chapter 381 - Three Hundred And Eighty-one: Law Of Attraction

The third point of view:

Cecil was still around, Emerald couldn't tell whether to be exhilarated or depressed about the news. Fernandez was solved, why was she still hanging around? Could it be that she heard the news of his birthday and wanted to attend?

Though he dreaded meeting her knowing it would only remind him of her words today, he still somehow hoped she would somehow attend.

The moment he stepped on the red carpet, his eyes had swept over the crowd, trying to pick her out, and had almost given up hope when he sensed a gaze.

Though many eyes were on him, Emerald felt this one was special and had turned around in time to see a figure hiding behind another guest. Perhaps she should have tried to conceal that blonde hair of hers with a sackcloth while hiding - she would have been unrecognizable then.

He snorted, she was hiding from him? It was satisfying to know he wasn't the only person shying away from meeting the other.

He decided to play along and went ahead with Juliet who he just noticed was holding his arm. Where was his mind all this while?

There were a lot of people to talk to, some were members from the gangs wishing him a happy birthday and the others from Sakuzi's family with a few of his friends he has made in this line of business.

It wasn't until he looked at his side that he discovered that Juliet was missing. He wouldn't have bothered about the woman if not that he looked across the garden and saw her with Cecil.

At once his heart raced at the thought of Juliet doing something to her. He knew the woman had feelings for him but had always brushed it away, neither did he tell her he had an interest in Cecil, which honestly wasn't hard for her to find out. He had heard of women's jealousy and hoped to God she wasn't planning anything nasty to Cecil else he would snap her neck - Sakuzi's relative or not.

So he strode over to them asking, "What's going on here?"

He watched Cecil stiffen, why was she so scared of him? Was it a guilty conscience or does she think he would hurt her for rejecting him? He couldn't understand.

"Ahh, thank God you're here, Emerald," Juliet glided over to him and latched herself onto his arm once again. Why was she so clingy tonight? Not that Juliet hadn't always been clingy, but tonight's touchy-feely was excessive.

"Hi Emerald," Cecil finally spoke to him and he couldn't help but notice the way her gaze rested on Juliet's grasp around his arm - there was a furrow on her face. Could this be jealousy?

"Hi Cecil, I'm so glad you're here," He replied and saw a look of surprise flicker in her gaze.

"You're glad?" She seemed unsure.

"Of course, why wouldn't I be?" He was right, she was nervous to meet him because of that confrontation.

"A-ha, I knew it!" Juliet punched the air, disrupting their moment, "You're the woman Emerald invited to base, my daughter Olivia told me about you,"

"Your daughter, Olivia? You're Olivia's mother?" Cecil didn't know how to take this news.

So wait a minute here, If Pedro had fallen in love with Olivia, then this woman called Juliet would be her in-law and happily married to her one-night stand, Emerald.

Wow, this would make an epic movie. The thought of it made her shiver - ThankGod her son was with Isabella.

"It's nice to meet you, Cecil," The woman stretched her hand out for a handshake which made Emerald's brows furrow. He was sure Juliet knew about Cecil, so was this gesture sincere, or was it just an act? He pondered over it.

"I'm Cecil," She took the woman's hand in a handshake wondering if this was a sincere greeting. Perhaps Juliet doesn't know yet that she and Emerald shared a brief history, else she wouldn't be as kind as she was right now - women would do crazy things to keep their love interest.

"We should go," Cecil watched as Emerald grabbed the woman's hand. They were holding hands now? It seems their relationship would be announced before the end of the party tonight.

"No, we should -" Juliet was still saying when he dragged her away.

Cecil laughed inside wryly, Emerald must be nervous Juliet would find out about their past.

The moment they left, Cecil took a deep breath, wondering why her mood plummeted. Maybe, she shouldn't have come to this party and politely dismissed Sakuzi's invitation.

Fine, since she was here, she had to stay to the end even though it no longer interested her, Cecil decided. What she did next was to stay as far away from Emerald, she wouldn't want him to be uncomfortable with her presence.

The party went deeper into the night and Cecil found entertainment at the buffet table. She was just filling her plate with all kinds of food when she heard from behind, "Dance with me,"

Cecil froze, already familiar with that voice. The lady in question turned around slowly and was stunned to see Emerald standing in all his glory with his hand outstretched with the other hand behind his back like a gentleman out of a Disney movie asking the princess for a dance.

Her plate of food slipped from her hand and fell, rousing her from her imagination.

"You want me to dance with you?" She pointed at her chest.


Her gaze narrowed, "Are you sure?I'm the one you want to dance with?"

She was still asking when Emerald grabbed her hand and pulled her to the cleared space used as the dance floor while the orchestra began a slow, romantic song.

Cecil gulped, noticing that everyone's gaze was on her. Which made her ask, "Urm, Emerald?"


"Everyone's staring at us,"


"Wouldn't your girlfriend be angry that you're dancing with me?"

"No, because she's not my girlfriend and would never be," He clarified the whole misunderstanding and she was strangely gladdened by it. What the fuck was wrong with her?

Cecil glanced up but that was a huge mistake because Emerald was staring right down at her and the moment their eyes met, she forgot how to breathe. The intensity in those eyes was so smothering her legs became Jelly.

Blushing, she became acutely aware of his hand on her waist and the other caressing her bare arms and causing her brain to go haywire. Cecil couldn't think straight again and it dawned on her at that juncture, she was attracted to him.

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