Talismans Manifest Myriad Laws, Proving My Immortality

Chapter 13: The Bet

Chapter 13: Chapter 13: The Bet

Everyone turned to look at the source of the voice.

An old man with white hair, wearing a robe similar to the other disciples of the Divine Talisman Pavilion, had arrived.

Seeing him, the disciples hurriedly greeted him with respect.

"Greetings, Elder."

The elder nodded and approached Lu An's stall, picking up a Concealment Talisman for inspection. His eyes revealed a hint of surprise as he asked Lu An, "Young friend, is the contest you mentioned still on?"

Lu An, without hesitation, replied, "Of course. As long as the Divine Talisman Pavilion uses the talisman pattern technique as the stake, I accept the challenge."

The elder nodded slightly. "You're confident. But what if you lose?"

Lu An pondered for a moment before saying, "If I lose, I will give all the talismans at this stall to Daoist Shen, free of charge."

The elder shook his head. "Your talismans are indeed well-made, but we are not a small sect. We have no need for them."

"What do you want, then?" Lu An asked.

"If you lose," the elder replied, "I want you to join the Divine Talisman Pavilion."

The surrounding disciples gasped in surprise. The elder was inviting Lu An to join the Divine Talisman Pavilion? Though framed as part of a bet, it was clear the elder recognized Lu An's skill.

Shen Mi's face darkened. He had sought guidance from the elders many times but had been ignored. Now, this elder personally invited Lu An, and it stung him deeply.

Lu An hesitated. The Divine Talisman Pavilion was different from Juyuan Studio, backed by the Divine Talisman Sect—a major power in the region. Although the Divine Talisman Pavilion in Guyang County was merely a branch, having connections with such a sect could bring numerous benefits.

After a moment's thought, Lu An shook his head. He was content with his current life. His talisman skills and cultivation were improving steadily, and joining a sect would impose restrictions on his freedom. However, he wanted the talisman pattern technique and knew this was an opportunity he couldn't afford to miss.

"Alright, I accept," he finally said.

The elder's expression brightened. He had his reasons for pushing Lu An to join. If Lu An were to become a disciple, it would significantly boost his faction's strength within the sect.

But to secure Lu An's allegiance, some pressure might be necessary.

After a moment of reflection, the elder announced, "You two will compete in drawing a first-tier Concealment Talisman. The quality of the talisman will determine the winner. If the quality is equal, the number of patterns will decide. Any objections?"

Both Lu An and Shen Mi shook their heads. The elder arranged a simple competition area with two tables in a quiet spot. He provided the necessary materials for drawing the talismans.

Before the contest began, the elder pulled Shen Mi aside and discreetly activated a talisman, tucking it into Shen Mi's robe.

Shen Mi, puzzled, felt the talisman's effects almost immediately. His eyes widened in realization.

Concealment Talisman!

This was a top-tier second-grade talisman, capable of controlling the recipient for fifteen minutes if they accepted it willingly. More importantly, it would allow Shen Mi to fully experience the techniques and talisman-drawing process of the elder himself, a Foundation Establishment cultivator.

Normally, this talisman was used by elders to help disciples understand advanced techniques. For Shen Mi, this was an unexpected boon. Experiencing the elder's method firsthand would be invaluable for his own growth.


Wasn't this essentially cheating?

He had always prided himself on his skill, but the lure of the elder's guidance was too strong. After a brief internal struggle, he decided to accept it.

With everything in place, the competition was about to begin. The crowd had no idea of the elder's intervention, nor did Lu An, who was focused and ready.

"Let the contest begin!" the elder declared.

Lu An and Shen Mi began drawing their Concealment Talismans simultaneously, but their approaches were starkly different.

Shen Mi slapped the table with one hand, causing two vials to open, releasing different-colored essences that floated and mixed in the air. The mixture slowly turned into a pitch-black liquid, which he directed into his inkstone with a wave of his hand. His other hand formed a mysterious seal, and the pen on the table rose by itself, dipping into the ink and writing on the talisman paper in smooth, swift strokes.

The spectators were amazed.

"Such mastery! This is the skill of a true Divine Talisman Pavilion disciple!"

"I fear the young man has no chance," another remarked.

Lu An, watching the spectacle, simply shook his head.

Just fancy tricks, he thought.

He calmly mixed his ink and began to draw, starting directly in the center of the talisman paper. This unorthodox approach drew murmurs from the crowd.

"Does he even know what he's doing? Why start from the middle?"

Zhao Wenliang, familiar with talisman-drawing techniques, frowned. While there was room for personal style, beginning in the center was unheard of.

Ignoring the doubts, Lu An continued to draw, methodically moving outward from the center with seemingly random strokes. To the untrained eye, it looked like a chaotic mess.

Meanwhile, Shen Mi was nearing completion, his talisman glowing with a pale green light as he finished the final stroke.

"Green light! A superior-quality first-tier talisman!" someone exclaimed.

The crowd erupted in applause. Achieving a superior-quality first-tier talisman was no small feat. Even Li Ziyou, watching from the side, felt something was off. How did Shen Mi produce a talisman of this quality so easily?

All eyes now turned to Lu An. His paper was still a jumble of lines, and it seemed unlikely he could produce anything of value at this point.

Even Zhao Wenliang was sweating nervously. Though the stakes were not life-threatening, he desperately wanted Lu An to win.

Just then, Lu An smiled.

He flicked his wrist, connecting the scattered lines in a single, fluid motion. Suddenly, the talisman paper glowed with a brilliant blue light, accompanied by a faint hum. It floated off the table, resonating with spiritual energy.

"This is... a top-tier talisman! With spiritual resonance!"

The crowd gasped in shock.

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