Talent Awakening: Draconic Overlord Of The Apocalypse

Chapter 88: Masked Shadows

Chapter 88: Masked Shadows

Nocturnus wasn't a place one would say was beyond the Union's reach; in fact, they were well aware of its existence. How could a massive underground city remain a mystery when it was directly under their noses?

But if it was, one could only wonder how the Reaper Guild was able to smuggle illegal items into the city if they were aware of its activities.

The explanation lay in the fact the Union chose to turn a blind eye to Nocturnus, recognizing the benefits of having an illicit market that could be indirectly controlled.

Humans are simple, self-serving creatures; they would often go to whatever lengths to get whatever they wanted, and there was no telling what they would do if deprived of it for too long. Trying to completely stop them was an impossibility that has been proven through history time and time again.

The Union saw the benefits of letting the black markets run, viewing it as a necessary evil to keep their otherwise insane world in a sane state. But that didn't mean they completely let the Guild do whatever they wanted. They would gladly punish any guild that took things too far, but such a case had to occur first or at least be reported; it was a clear case of innocent until proven guilty.

And so, with such a system, they could perfectly control the economy, allowing good and evil to go hand in hand.


As the woman led Alister in the direction she had pointed out for the Reaper Guild's auction, she couldn't help but steal curious glances at him.

"So," the young woman started, breaking the silence between them, "you have a name, Mr. Wall?"

Alister glanced at her from beneath his hood, his masked face revealing nothing. "You can call me Spade."

"Spade, huh? Mysterious," she said with a playful smile. "I'm Karina."

"Nice to meet you, Karina."

"So, Spade, are you a mercenary?"


"Ok... what are you looking for?"


Karina's curiosity was piqued. "Alright, what guild are you part of?"


"Do you ever give a straight answer?"

"Not when it comes to personal information."

Karina sighed, a touch of frustration and amusement on her face. "You're a tough nut to crack, Spade."

Alister ignored her, keeping his focus ahead. He had no intention of revealing anything about himself, especially in a place as unpredictable as Nocturnus.

As they approached the large building Karina had pointed out, Alister noticed the emblem of the Reaper Guild prominently displayed above the entrance. The guards stationed outside were imposing, their stern faces scanning every passerby with suspicion.

"Here we are," Karina said, her voice a bit more serious now. "This is the place."

They approached the entrance, and one of the guards stepped forward, blocking their path. "Cards, please."

Alister reached into his cloak and pulled out the card master Yuuto gave him, presenting it to the guard. Karina did the same, handing over her card with a confident smile.

The guard inspected their cards, and when he saw Alister's, his expression changed slightly. "VIP section. Follow me sir," he said, leading Alister away from the main entrance. 'Guess I shouldn't have expected anything less from master Yuuto.' Alister thought. Karina watched him go, a curious look in her eyes. "Looks like you're a big shot, Spade. See you later."

Alister nodded and followed the guard through a different entrance. The path they took was less crowded, quieter, and led to a section of the building that was clearly more exclusive.

Upon entering the VIP section, Alister was directed to a seat near the front. The room was lavishly decorated, with plush seating and a clear view of the stage where the auction would take place. As he sat down, he noticed the woman next to him.

She had long, flowing black hair and piercing blue eyes. Her presence was commanding, and two bodyguards stood watchfully by her side. At her feet lay a massive silver-furred, horned wolf, its collar gleaming under the lights. The wolf's eyes seemed sharp with an almost human-like intelligence.

The woman glanced at Alister, her gaze sharp and assessing. "Oh, you're not a common face. I guess something extra special must be coming out today if I'm now seeing new faces around here."

She remarked, her voice smooth and confident.

"Just here for the auction," Alister replied, keeping his tone neutral.

"I see. I'm Zhang Lian," she said.

Alister hesitated for a moment before responding. "Spade."

"Interesting name. What brings you to this auction, Spade?"

"Looking to acquire something specific," Alister said, his eyes briefly flicking to the stage.

Lian smiled knowingly. "Aren't we all?"

"Indeed we are, but I never expected to meet a member of one of the major families at the black market." Alister replied.

"Oh, please," Lian said with a small laugh. "This is where we are seen the most. What better place to acquire rare items and resources before they go public?"

"I see." Alister replied, turning his attention back to the stage.

The room filled with more VIP guests, each with their own air of importance and mystery. Conversations hummed around them, but Alister kept his attention on the stage, ready for the auction to start.

The lights in the room dimmed slightly, signaling the start of the auction. A well-dressed auctioneer took the stage, his voice amplified by a subtle spell that projected his words clearly

to everyone present.

"Welcome, esteemed guests, to the Reaper Guild's exclusive auction. We have a fine selection of rare and powerful items for you today. Let us begin."

As the auctioneer spoke, a pair of assistants carefully wheeled out a small pedestal draped with a luxurious velvet cloth. They unveiled it to reveal a strikingly ornate dagger, its blade shimmering with an intense glow.

"Ladies and gentlemen," the auctioneer continued, "this is the Shadow Dagger. Forged in the heart of the Cavern of Shadows, it is imbued with a unique enchantment that allows the wielder to move unseen in darkness. The dagger's blade is crafted from shadowsteel, a rare material that not only makes it incredibly durable but also grants it the ability to pierce most magical defenses."

A murmur of interest rippled through the crowd as the auctioneer detailed the dagger's


"The starting bid for the Shadow Dagger is 50,000 Union Credits. Do I hear 50,000?"

Hands shot up around the room as the bidding began in earnest.




The bids climbed steadily, the audience's interest piqued by the dagger's unique attributes. Alister watched the proceedings with a calm exterior, this wasn't the item he was after, so he

was patiently waiting.

"80,000! Do I hear 90,000?" the auctioneer called, his voice rising with excitement.

"90,000!" came a bid from the back of the room.

"100,000!" another bidder countered.

The auctioneer's eyes sparkled with delight as the bids continued to rise. "We have 100,000!

Do I hear 110,000?"

Alister turned slightly to see who had made the latest bid. It was the girl he met eariler,

Karina, but this time she had an air of authority, her eyes focused intently on the dagger.

There was slience, no one rised their bids. "100,000 going once, going twice."

He slammed his wooden hammer then yelled, "Sold!"

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