Supreme Origin: Time King

Chapter 32: X Date

Chapter 32: X Date

After calming himself, Elijah was sat cross-legged on his bed. Listening to the whispers of the wind, he naturally entered the deep meditative state, and all the nearby earth essence and wind essence energy began to flow into his body as the gray vortex apeared above his head.

Lightning, void and spatial energies entered the transparent core inside the great hall as his flesh, bones, and organs were slowly strenghtning as he absorved the energy. Slowly but resolutely, the strength of his body was continuing to climb.

Inside the great hall, Elijah saw that another rune had began to shine for a second before stoping. Seeing the rune won't shine for a second time, he exited the deep meditative state and sighed.

"It seems even with me training hard til the end of the year, i don't believe there will not be anyone who had achieved the second realm, so i need to breakthrough before the tournament if i want to participate."

Then he closed his eyes and returned to the deep meditative state, but while it he was there, training calmly and without much stress. All other students were fighting, training, making missions or every other way which could make them stronger for the tournament.

For a tournament in vallhala academy, principaly the one of the genius class, it was a large event with thousands important people from several kingdoms and empires will come to watch the various battles.

Elijah had watched the common students tournament and he saw all sorts of astounding spells, martial arts, skills and divine abilities continuously flashing, filling the academy stadium with unstopping sounds of explosions.

Each and every single battle was amazing to behold. Amongst the first year students, fireballs, flashes of light, and blades of energy were a common sight. As for the battles of the second and third year students were even more astounding.

Various types of divine abilities were used. Like the 'transvestite goddess's eyes' which could make someone change sex for a entire week and during the tournament, it had caused dozens of transvestites walking on streets before the student who caused this was forbiden to use it.

If the common students were already so powerful, how powerful the genius students must be? They were definitively the more terrifying.

A few months later.

Elijah was just walking back to his dorm after a lesson with Damian as he saw Aryanna leaving a store. 'Good, this is my chance.' He remembered what his teacher had said and walked towards her as he tried to keep calm.

"Hey Anna, my teacher had given me a ticked of a dinner on the Crystal Tower, want to come with me?"

Aryanna was startled and quickly turned.

"Ell? yeah... yeah let's go tonight."

"Okay, so I'll take you at seven?"

"Yeah, seven is good."

"Then we meet as seven."

Elijah was so happy and trying to hide his embarrassment, he quickly ran away. After Elijah left, Aryanna still had a red face and went back to the clothing store and began to look at the clothes desperately.


The Crystal Tower, the most expensive restaurant within second floor on the genius class building. Tonight, Elijah had come to dinner with Aryanna.

On the second floor of the Crystal Tower.

The floor of the hotel was as bright as a crystal. Several waitresses stood there politely, ready to answer at a moment's notice.

Everyone here were dressed in student uniform. The tournament was in one week and all the students in the restaurant were about discussing it. Most of the people here were couples, but there's was also a few groups of friends.

"Ell, I'm so bored. we already don't have much to learn from teacher Emma and other than making potions or enchanting weapons there is not much to do. Ahh, so bored." Aryanna was extremely dissatisfied with the air on the academy where everyone was training or studying for the tournament.

Elijah laughed. "Oh, right, i haven't showed you what professor Damian had given me." he took his phone from the pocket and just as he unlocked the phone, the first thing she saw was a picture of her in the academy uniform and reading a book in the library as the main screen.


Elijah was suddenly embarrassed. "This? this is nothing... cough, cough is just the image i had set on my phone."

For the more she was happy seeing his flushed face, she let go of asking more about her picture and asked about the phone, but with a light smile on her face. "So, this is called a phone?"

Seeing she haven't asked about her picture, Elijah was relieved as he said. "Yeah, it's a smartphone, at least it is what my teacher had called it."

Then showed her several functions while they were waiting for the dishes to arrive.

"Look this is the camera function, it can images of things you point to."

After taking several pictures together, the dishes finally arrived.

"Brother? Then this is where you were."

Elijah and Aryanna turned their heads. a young man and a girl entered the second floor. the young man was looking at Elijah as he smiled.

Aryanna said aloud: "Oh, so it's you. Why do not you come back so as not to disturb my and Elijah's date?"

Elijah could not help but laugh at the two.

Zaid ignored Aryanna and said.

"Brother, nice to see you. I didn't know you had come for a date here as well, i still need to find some friends, see you on the tournament in one week."

After speaking, Zaid laughed a few times and passed by Elijah and walked away.

After eating they had gone back to their dorms. In his bed Elijah was still worried as he still had not break into the second realm and while he was thinking of ways to reach the second realm, inside the great hall the the second rune on the giant gate began to give thin rays of light. As they suddenly raised and pulled him into a dream.

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