Supreme Emperor of Mist

Chapter 228: He's Alive

Chapter 228: He's Alive

"Milord, we've returned." the officer speaks towards the closed door leading to Qin Lan's room. Unknown that if it was convenient for him to disturb his master, the officer didn't wait for Qin Lan's reply after he finished what he was to say.

A total of eight soldiers were arranged around the humble courtyard Qin Lan was staying for the night. But little did they know, tonight was a sleepless night for Qin Lan.

Touching the Night Glowing Pearl to leave a hint of his unique Spiritual Qi, Qin Lan entered the world within the Mountain and Sea Sublime Painting. But for these three days, his intention was not to farm.

The tool to create a painting was placed on top of a drawing table. Using a local paper that only obtainable from Fuyun City, Qin Lan piled a few pieces on top of each until they're at least the thickness of a lotus's leaf.

This step was a must because what he was going to do was not writing but painting. Without completing the process of layering the paper to the thickness he desires, the painting will turn out differently from how he wanted.

With the Eight Transformation Treasured Brush in hand, he started. Using the ink created from various plants surrounding him, Zhang Qin Feng recreates the most memorable scene between the two.

The red ink turned into Royal Peonies, Golden ink into Osmanthus, and Blue ink into other Spiritual Plum Flowers. Essence from the leaves gathered from the plants was injected into the drawing to recreates the lush verdant background and ended with an imprint from his Foundation Qi to create the stars and moon.

Without realizing it, the painting took almost the entire three nights away from Qin Lan.

But it would be eventually worth all his effort. Rolling the painting back up and protecting it with a seal, Qin Lan concocted some pills before he was forced to leave the world. As he finds it hard for him to fall asleep again, a few bottles of Plum Flower Fragrance were taken out to accompany him for the few remaining hours.

It was time for breakfast by the time Yan Yi Lian gives the door a knock.

"Marquis, can Lian-Er come in? I've brought you some breakfast." she said.

"Please come in." Qin Lan takes a look at his appearance and puts on the iconic red armor. It won't be good for his reputation to be caught intoxicated for the entire night because he couldn't sleep.

There was a radiance behind Yan Yi Lian's smile as she stepped into the room with a tray with an assortment of breakfast. She seems much more reinvigorated compared to herself yesterday.

"Congratulations, Beauty Yan. It looks like Beauty Yan managed to harness all the benefits from that pill last night." Qin Lan smiled.

"Lian-Er has to thank the Marquis again for willing to part with such a precious gift." after placing the tray before Qin Lan, Yan Yi Lian gently nodded at Qin Lan.

"Is the entourage going to leave the village today?" she asked. It was not a secret that Qin Lan only has a short time to visit one village to another.

"Yes. I was waiting for Beauty Yan to come before bidding farewell to the other villagers. Since we've done what we can help in this village, we naturally have to go because there are still three places to stops by before I reach the City of Ye." Qin Lan answered.

"Then, Lian-Er can only bid farewell with the Marquis here. Lian-Er will be returning to the Ice Maiden Temple after this." Yan Yi Lian's words suggested that if Qin Lan had something he wanted her to deliver, it would be good to do it right now.

"Would Beauty Yan mind taking this painting to your senior sister? She will understand everything the moment she opened it. Also, I am somewhat worried about her access to cultivating resources in the sect. Can you give this Qiankun Pouch to her after she looked at the painting?" Qin Lan said.

"Sure. I'll make sure to deliver this." Yan Yi Lian took the painting and Qiankun Pouch from Qin Lan. And after some small talk, she finally left.

"Milord, are we ready to go now?" the officer came into the room after Yan Yi Lian left.

"Have you done what you need to do over here?" Qin Lan asked.

"Yes. This subordinate had to make sure to check the documentation and other paperwork. The village chief's background is clean. Milord can be at ease." the officer replied.

"Good. Then let us depart as well. What is the name of our next destination?" Qin Lan asked as he put on the red cloak over his back. 

"It's a medium size settlement. The local residents called it Heishi Town. From the information I've got from the locals, it seems that this place is doing quite well in trades and local produce." the officer said.

"Good. Then let us depart to the Heishi Town without further ado. Do any of you still have something to be done?" Qin Lan asked his soldiers in case some of them hesitates to leave.

"No, Milord!" they replied.

"Then, let us depart!" Qin Lan said.

After presenting some gifts to the village chief, Qin Lan and the soldiers left the Lianshui Village. Half an hour after they left the village, Yan Yi Lian also made her way towards another direction as she returned to the Ice Maiden Temple.

It took her two days to arrive at the entrance of the temple by changing three horses. Although there's no need for her to make such a rush journey back, her own impatience made her did it anyway.

"Senior sister."

"Senior sister."

The younger juniors greeted her as she quickly went up the hill to where Zhou Mei stays. As a direct disciple of the elders, the two had a much better status in the temple. They were also given a different accommodation to live in as one of the few benefits.

It was her first time feeling that there were too many people tried to speak with her. Although it was just another day-to-day occurrence, she feels it was much more annoying than before.

"Senior sister Zhou! Are you in?" Yan Yi Lian raised her voice as she stands outside of Zhou Mei's residence. Taking a few deep breaths to calm her heart, she stands outside quietly and waiting for Zhou Mei's response.


The door was opened slightly. What comes out from the inside is not the fragrance of a maiden's perfume nor flower from her garden, but a dull and lifeless atmosphere.

"Ah... Its junior sister Yan. Is there anything you need from this senior sister?" Zhou Mei's tired eyes took a glance at Yan Yi Lian after opening the door. She was still dressed in a white robe. From the look of it, the news about Qin Lan's death had eventually made it was to her.

"Senior sister, let's go in and talk." Yan Yi Lian forced herself into her residence. Zhou Mei wanted to stop her, but maybe because she was filled with grief, there's not an ounce of energy were behind her arms.

After getting into her place, Yan Yi Lian locked the door and pulled Zhou Mei by holding her wrist until they're both inside her room. On their way over, Yan Yi Lian accidentally kicked a stove with ashes inside.

But she wasn't bothered with it at all.

"Junior sister Yan... Please leave your senior sister alone. I'll promise I will get better after I finish grieving for my man. All I'm asking is just one month." Zhou Mei closed her eyes as she speaks. It was evident that she was mistreated by the other disciples and elders during this period.

Of course, it was not done directly in front of her. But having the need to beg to be given some incense paper and burial after knowing that her beloved man is dead still wounded her deeply.

She even has to trade the dress Hu Jia gave her to get a memorial tablet to engrave Qin Lan's name on it.

"Is that... The guy, Qin Lan's memorial tablet?" Yan Yi Lian asked.

"Yes." Zhou Mei hugged the memorial tablet and protected it in case Yan Yi Lian wanted to destroy it.

"Haih... I wonder what I have to say... Here, senior sister, take a look at what I get for you." she sighed. But deep inside, she hopes that Zhou Mei will feel better after seeing what she had in her heart.

"Junior sister, forgive me for not having the mood to appreciates the painting right now... Can you leave?" Zhou Mei asked.

"Senior Sister, I'll leave after you opened the painting to have a look. How did I treat you all this time? It hurts me to think that you considered me the same as the others." Yan Yi Lian said.

Seeing how she insisted, Zhou Mei grabbed the other end of the painting and touched the scroll. Her expression immediately changed as a lightning bolt jolted her.

Zhou Mei immediately touches the two strings that were sealed with wax stamps.

"Where did you get this?" Zhou Mei's hand was shaking as she asked.

"Where else? I wanted to see what was inside as well. Can you open it and let me have a look too?" Yan Yi Lan was curious. If her senior sister's emotion can be changed with just a touch on the wax, then how would she be after looking at the content?

Zhou Mei then cracked the seal apart and unrolled the painting. It was quite a big painting with a flower garden blooming at night.

"A scenery painting? Very romantic, Chi-Lan Marquis." Yan Yi Lian was disappointed as she thought it was something unusual. But as she turned her head to Zhou Mei, it seems she reacted differently.

"He's alive... Wuu..."

"He's alive..."

Tears of happiness were rolling from both her eyes as she fell to the ground. The heavy stone in her heart was finally lifted as she looks at the scenery painting drawn by Qin Lan.

The place in the drawing is where they consummated their love. It was also the place Zhou Mei first enjoyed the feeling as a woman and became Qin Lan's woman.

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