Super Dimensional Wizard

Chapter 215 Indulgence and Restrain

“A Nightmare Soul is born with a purer soul quality than other people.” Sanders said.

“Ah, I heard you also have a Nightmare Soul. But why do I feel his soul quality is even purer than others?” Nisi’s expression still looks somewhat confused.

Because Angel’s Nightmare Soul rank should be higher than his. Sanders secretly said in his heart. Many people know about his constitution, but few people truly know about the concrete facts about a Nightmare Soul.

“With such a high soul quality, I believe there should be no problem in him learning soul spells.” Nisi lamented.

Sanders did not care to listen to Nisi’s casual lamenting, but Angel listened on.

Not to mention learning, Angel would be satisfied as long as he can understand about soul spells. He wants to know how he can make a soul wizard completely die. Since Hookedick dared to send someone to assassinate him, Angel had to respond in kind with his own revenge!

Soon, the experiment proceeded to the second step: [separation of soul and flesh].

The magic materials for the nourishment liquid are sufficient and will soon be blended. The finished nourishment liquid is pale green in colour and was poured into a transparent glass cabin.

Under Nisi’s instructions, Angel stripped off his clothes and went into the glass cabin filled with the liquid.

Immersed in the nourishment liquid, Angel felt a moment of suffocation. But when the nourishment liquid invaded all of his external organs, the feeling of asphyxiation disappeared. Even if the nasal cavity was filled with the pale green liquid, it did not affect his breathing. On the contrary, he felt as if he had become a fetus and had returned to his mother’s womb. He felt warm and had a sense of security.

Angel felt warm and comfortable as his whole body is immersed in the liquid.

In such a comfortable environment, Angel’s brain also seems to have taken a break. He only felt his eyelids drooping and getting heavier and heavier. Then he slowly entered a state of deep sleep.


After Angel fell asleep, Nisi also began preparations for the separation of the soul from the body.

Nisi can forcibly strip a soul by casting a spell. But this stripping method will deal too much damage to Angel’s soul which Sanders naturally refuses to do. So, he can only use a more complicated means of separating the soul. First, he separates the soul through casting a spell to let the soul body become unbound to the physical body. Then he lights some precious Guiding Soul Grass and allows Angel’s soul body to be attracted by the Guiding Soul Grass. His soul body has to take the initiative to leave his physical body.

This is a lengthy process. Especially when Angel’s soul body is attracted after lighting the Guiding Soul Grass, it is also unknown when his soul will be drawn out of his physical body.

Therefore, after lighting the Guiding Soul Grass, Nisi was left doing nothing. He was even bored enough to proceed with indulgences.

He called in a bunch of beautiful young maids, who were hugging and laughing as they embraced his left and right arm. In this happy scene, he saw Sanders standing in front of the glass cabin the whole time. He also did not forget his courtesy and sent over two maids to serve Sanders.

But before the maids approached Sanders, they fainted…

“Put away your prestige and authority. I want to know why you are being so harsh to my mortals?” Nisi came up with a full face of kiss marks and said: “Angel’s soul body is still stable, and we are still a long way off from him leaving his physical body.”

Sanders gave a deadpan expression and said: “You haven’t converged your **, this is why it has been difficult for you to make progress in your promotion. To go farther on the path of a wizard, you must start by learning to restrain yourself.”

“It’s my hobby, but it seems you don’t have any hobbies.” Nisi said nonchalantly.

“Of course you can have hobbies, but hobbies do not mean indulging.” Sanders voice remained icy.

“Hey, why do I feel like you’re lecturing me? Don’t forget, 3,000 years ago, Mary, the vampire of Black Castle Fortress bathed in the blood of virgins every day. She even went through tens of thousands of noodles. She was much more indulgent than I am, and has she not advanced to a legend? Afterwards, she finally left the Southern Region to explore more distant lands.” Nisi felt a little wronged. Clearly, some people were more arrogant and extravagant than him and were able to promote themselves.

Sanders replied: “Indulgence and Restraint are not measured in terms of quantity. Even if you only have one woman, you can still indulge. But Queen Mary, even if she has twice as many noodles, this can also be called restraint.”

Sanders still saw Nisi showing no concern, so he stopped talking. The path of a wizard must be walked alone in order to find truth. As he did with Angel, he did not teach Angel any spells at the beginning. It was not until Angel personally began exploring the essence and nature of spells that he began to change his belief about what a spell was. Only then was Sanders in favour of handing over his notebook to Angel which recorded the basics of illusions.

Sanders stopped speaking and Nisi ran back to play with the woman for a while longer. After feeling bored, he drove all the maids away and gathered around Sanders again.

“Speaking of which, how did you teach Angel? How can he have such an in-depth understanding of the effects of magic plants? In addition, how can he understand the effects of other similar magic plants?” Nisi nagged as he continued: “Looking at Angel, and thinking about my own students, there is no comparison.”

Sanders face showed a momentary trace of embarrassment. Listening to all of this knowledge about alchemy, he had never really taught Angel any of if, but Nisi still placed all of these achievements atop his head. Making him feel a bit speechless, a little embarrassed, and a little proud.

When Sanders didn’t reply, Nisi continued and said: “Even knowing how the Venus Stinger Scorpion Flower can be used as a catalytic reagent, he knows… This knowledge was unexpectedly uncovered by me not too long ago, but Angel knew about it. This is absolutely amazing. Did he get an inheritance of knowledge from Old Book?”

Sanders was also curious about this point, but he did not want to delve too deeply into it. Although a wizard’s knowledge in different fields can overlap, different fields of study are all still relatively independent. What one knows may not necessarily be known to others, and what others know may not be known to the individual.

Just like Sanders, he doesn’t know much about the soul. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have specially come all the way to Nisi to seek his help.

“He didn’t get an inheritance from Old Book, but he actually did receive some guidance from Old Book.” Sanders said, taking pride in Angel.

How many years have passed since anyone has pried out any practical guidance from Old Book? No matter what method Angel used, he was still able to do it, which also shows a kind of ability.

When Nisi heard this news, he became even more envious: “Had I known about this, I would have gone out and picked up the talents myself. Maybe Angel would have ended up as my student! I have many questions I want to ask Old Book. But this old fogie wants to embarrass me and directly teleports me out of the library whenever he sees me. This is so disgraceful!”

Sanders thought in his heart: “Even if you went out to pick up some talents, you still wouldn’t end up getting Angel as a student. He was cut off halfway from other people by me!”

While the two were talking about Angel. The subject of discussion was still immersed in the nourishment liquid and returned to the chaotic space again.

He was here before while he fought for his soul against Parasitic Mother.

“I am back in my soul body?” Angel looked around curiously. This chaotic space seemed very similar to his mental space, but this was not his mental space, because he didn’t sense the Universal Axis.

This place is empty. Apart from Angel’s soul, there was only one other thing.

It was a green flower bud sending out a faint dark green light.

Is this the mother body of the taeniasis green velvet?

Angel tried moving his soul body. He thought he wouldn’t be able to move his soul body like when he was fighting against Parasitic Mother. But surprisingly, his soul body was not bound to his physical body.

“Huh? Can my soul move in this space?” Angel felt the movement of his soul body with curiosity, which was quite similar to what he had felt when he was in the Nightmare Plane. It seems that gravity doesn’t bind him, and he can simply float in the air.

Angel floated to the side of the taeniasis green velvet and curiously went around the taeniasis green velvet. He dares not directly touch the taeniasis green velvet but floated near the taeniasis green velvet with his soul body. He feels very comfortable at this moment.

Indeed, as Sanders said, the taeniasis green velvet has a nourishing effect on the soul.

But Angel also remembered that Sanders mentioned the mother body of the taeniasis green velvet being in his body. In other words, the taeniasis green velvet is inside his viscera. But why can he see the taeniasis green velvet here?

Is this chaotic space actually part of his physical body? But why can’t he feel his blood, blood vessels and internal organs in his physical body and instead feel this strange space?

Where exactly is the taeniasis green velvet located in his physical body? Where is this chaotic space?

These questions may not be answered until he can directly ask his mentor.

Angel stayed beside the taeniasis green velvet and felt comfort as his soul body was being nourished. It was not until something strange appeared and attracted his attention that Angel left the taeniasis green velvet.

This attraction, like candy in front of a child, is full of temptation.

Angel thought he could resist this temptation, but obviously, his mind couldn’t keep up with his actions. By the time he reacted, he had arrived at a hole that looked like a whirlpool.

From the mouth of the hole, he could see everything going on outside. He saw Sanders at first glance, but Sanders did not seem to notice him.

But Nisi saw him, and then he saw Nisi gesturing with his index finger to motion him to come out.

Angel was originally tempted by some kind of attraction to climb out of the hole. But now seeing Nisi’s action, he did not hesitate to fly out of the hole…


Nisi said: “Good boy, you finally came out. This boy has a vast Land of Souls, and it took us more than an hour to guide him out.”

After Angel’s soul had left the hole, Nisi extinguished the Guiding Soul Grass.

The attraction Angel felt also disappeared.

Sanders said: “The separation of spirit and flesh seems to be very successful. The next step is to experiment with the soul.”

As a soul body, Angel cannot feel the nourishment liquid. So, he may think he is a nihilistic body and believe he would be able to pass through the glass cabin directly.

However, he wasn’t able to do so. He crashed his head against the stuffy glass cabin, which directly made him dizzy and sees stars in his eyes.

Sanders: “…” Watching his silly disciple hitting the cabin wall, he had the impulse to cover his face.

Nisi burst out laughing. Seeing Angel’s face become darker as he said to him: “All the devices in my laboratory are made of special materials. A soul can’t pass through them.”

When Angel heard this and saw Nisi’s laughter and Sanders disdainful eyes, he flew out of the hatch of the cabin in shame.

When Angel’s soul body stepped on the ground, he still had a kind of unreal feeling. Looking back at his physical body soaked in liquid, he felt an inexplicably strange feeling. He could still feel a little connection between his body and soul, but when tried to study this in detail. He came up with nothing.

Nisi said to Sanders: “This boy even has the concept of covering up shame in his subconscious mind. Look at his soul body, he has even conjured up some clothes.”

As Nisi said, Angel’s soul body is not completely naked, but wearing some ordinary underwear without any style.

Sanders sneered and said: “You think everyone is like you and have no moral bottom line?”

“Pfui, what would I do with a moral bottom line? The moral bottom line that mortals engage in can only bind human nature. Wizards pay attention to liberating human nature, how can they be bound by morality!” Nisi said in disdain to dismiss what Sanders had said.

“Your understanding of moral bottom lines is too one-sided and extreme, which is why you cannot advance.” Sanders was too lazy to explain the issues regarding morality and bottom lines and said: “Let’s get started. We have to record what his soul can do first.”

Sanders turned to Angel and said: “Can you feel the grey fog in your body right now?”

Angel felt it, there was a strange wave in the depths of his soul as he said: “I can feel it.”

“Then can you control and release it?” Nisi asked.

Angel gave it a try and said: “I don’t think it’s possible.”

Since the last time he has released a lot of grey fog. It seems to have entered a period of hibernation. Originally the grey fog is easy to control, but now it is like stagnant water. When Angel puts in conscious effort to manipulate the grey fog, he clearly senses a rigid and stagnant feeling.

“Hmm… in this way it seems that we need to do several experiments to determine the location of the grey fog and find a targeted way to stimulate it.” Nisi pointed to the experimental platform on which he put the young maiden’s body from before and said: “Angel, you come here and stay on the experimental platform first.”

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