Super Dimensional Wizard

Chapter 174 Single Butterfly

“Yes, the enchantment has a frost effect that can cause freezing damage to unprepared enemies.” Angel said.

“Did you really become a Junior Alchemy Apprentice?!” Nausica looked at Angel in disbelief and shock. “Do you know how much a weapon like this weapon would cost at the market?”

“I don’t know. Maybe it can sell for a couple of magic crystals?” Angel guessed.

Nausica shook her head with a complicated look in her eyes: “The last time I went to the Underground Market. I saw a machete with the same frost effect. They asked for 130 magic crystal and sold it almost as soon as it hit the shelves.”

“And this piece of yours… This shape is almost up to the standard of a famous piece of art… Coupled with the special frost effect, I estimate it can sell for at least 150 magic crystals!”

Angel was also stunned.

150 magic crystals?! When he used the materials to refine this weapon, it only cost him less than one magic crystal.

No wonder people with a good skill become rich barons. This is a huge windfall, ah!

Seeing Angel’s stunned expression, Nausica shook her head. “I really envy you. It seems that you… won’t worry about contribution points anytime soon.”

Angel scratched his head and didn’t know what to say.

Nausica watched Angel’s childishness, and her jealousy gradually subsided. She tried to deceive herself by thinking: “Maybe alchemy is really simple. Perhaps Angel’s talent is perfect for alchemy. Maybe…”

“This is precious. Are you sure you want to give it to me?”

“Of course.”

“If I took it back, that would be disrespectful.” Nausica loved this short weapon very much in her heart. She was fascinated by its appearance and power. After playing with it for a while, Nausica asked. “By the way, you haven’t told me the name of this weapon yet?”

“This is called a Bear Claw knife.” Angel explained the parameters and simple use of the weapon: “Please name it yourself. This is a gift for you. By the way, look at the inside of the finger hole.”

Nausica looks at the largest of the three-finger holes and saw the inner wall is engraved with her name in regular, common characters.

“My name has been engraved on it. It seems that I can’t return it anymore.” Nausica paused. “This weapon is called Single Butterfly.”

Nausica’s name directly ignores the flowers and seems to focus on the Single Butterfly only.

Nausica rotates the Single Butterfly knife in her hand like a fan. Creating a circular blurred shadow-remnant.

Nausica then throws the high-rotating Single Butterfly knife directly into the air, then stretches out her hand and places it in the path of the Single Butterfly knife.

“Nausica, you…” Angel doesn’t understand what Nausica is doing. With the sharpness of the Single Butterfly knife when it falls during rotation. Won’t the knife-edge cut her arm in two?

Nausica did not answer, but solemnly followed the path of the Single Butterfly knife.

As the Single Butterfly was thrown very high and slowly rotated down… When the Single Butterfly was about to sever Nausica’s wrist, Angel frowned.


The Single Butterfly knife cuts through Nausica’s hand and spins without pause as it continues to fall. It clatters and inserts itself into the table.

Angel hurriedly looked at Nausica’s hand, and now there was a pale bloody mark on her wrist.

Angel’s pupils contract sharply. Why did she cut herself?

But Nausica withdrew her hand back. She wiped the bloodstain on her wrist with her index finger, and then licked the blood on her lips: “There was no magic power infused into the Single Butterfly but there was still a frost effect… It seems that I have underestimated this knife. This weapon is worth at least 200 magic crystals.”

“Nausica, are you all right?” Angel was a little relieved to see Nausica’s wrist able to still move freely.

“I’m all right. This is just a little blood from the frost effect.”

“Why did you do this?” Angel doesn’t understand why she did this at all.

Nausica smiled brightly at Angel and pulled out the Single Butterfly knife on the table. She placed her thumb, index and middle finger respectively through the three-finger holes. For some reason, Angel always felt that Nausica and the Single Butterfly knife seem to gain some sort of faint hidden connection at this point in time. Just like everybody else, this object now has a faint magnetic field. The magnetic field between people and objects will gradually be similar after a long time. Before, he felt Nausica and the Single Butterfly knife had a separate magnetic field. But now they seemed to have integrated and become one.

It’s as if the Single Butterfly knife has been around Nausica for decades.

“This is a ceremony.” Nausica laughed: “This is the ceremony for when a swordsman chooses their weapon. If the hand is cut off, it means the weapon does not recognize you. On the contrary, if the weapon recognizes you and chooses you. Then you will be lifelong comrade-in-arms.”

“It seems that the ceremony was a great success.” Angel wanted to keep asking “why” or “whether it was worth it.” But after thinking about it, he didn’t ask these questions. Values are different from personal pursuits, and there is no need to impose others with one’s values.

“Yes, it was very successful.” Nausica casually inserts the butterfly into her waist: “The Single Butterfly suits me very well. Thank you!”

Angel smiled and shook his head. “You can come to me if there is any damage to the Single Butterfly in the future. As this master’s first alchemy work, I can repair it free of charge.”

“I will cherish it well and try not to let it meet you too early.” Nausica paused. “You’re a Junior Alchemy Wizard now, how do you feel about it?”

Angel shook his head: “No idea, alchemy is not easy. It takes a long time and a lot of energy and concentration. It’s a huge physical and mental drain. It is very exhausting.”

Nausica understands: “Yeah when I was studying magic patterns. Some of my peers say that many Alchemy Wizards produce a few products in a decade. Sometimes they won’t even produce one work. Of course, this refers to advanced alchemy works. As for an alchemy apprentice, they should also take a long time to produce a work, right? I’ve heard the Underground Market has an intermediate alchemy apprentice, called Pro…”

Angel: “Promi?”

Nausica nodded: “Yes, Master Promi. I heard that the last time he produced an alchemy work was six months ago.”

Angel was silent: “…” Just before, he “lamented” on how long it takes to produce his weapons. But now that he really thinks about it, this time is not long at all. It takes more than a day to refine his work… But after hearing what Nausica said. He suddenly felt it was a good thing he didn’t tell her exactly how long it took him to refine her weapon.

As far as alchemy is concerned. Angel being able to refine an item so quickly is mainly because his blueprints are ready-made, and the enchantment is also made very easy with the Holographic Tablet. Other Alchemy Wizards take a long time just to design a blueprint. It also takes a long time to memorize magic patterns for the work produced as well. Considering the effort it takes to produce a single work, taking half a year to produce a complete work is already considered efficient.

That night, Angel stayed at the Crypt Field for dinner and ate some barbecue with his friends.

When Shalem heard of Angel’s alchemy success. He spent the night asking him all about it. Angel was not tired answering his question and also goes to great lengths to fully expand upon them.

In the middle of the laughter and jokes, the warm dinner ended with Shalem snoring on the sofa.

“It’s good to be young. You can sleep whenever you want.” Nausica smoked. “I don’t remember when the last time I went to sleep. I now use meditation every day instead of resting.”

Angel wanted to say “Why do you have to fight so hard.” But in the end, he didn’t say anything. This was still a matter of values.

After sending Shalem back home, Angel is also ready to say goodbye to Nausica.

“I’ll walk you back, just in time to get some air.” Nausica said.

Throughout the whole way, Angel was silent. As they approached his residence, Nausica suddenly said. “Hookedick has been brought out by his mentor. You don’t have to worry about him for the time being, but he’s been spreading many rumours about you lately.”

“I know. Shalem told me about it last time.”

“Aren’t you worried? He says you are incompetent in the rumours, that you occupy too many resources, and that you have no talent. Telling everyone that you only know to hide behind others.”

“Does anyone believe it?” Angel asked.

Nausica raised her eyebrow: “As long as everyone knows that behind you is Lord Sanders. Almost no one believes it. Of course, there is no shortage of fools.”

“Then that’s it. Rumours are always blown away by reality.” Angel suddenly remembered what Jon had said to him: “All their suspicions and comments about me are not enough to make up 1/10000 of me. All they can view is my surface.”

“Indeed, the more rumours they make, the more incompetent they appear to be. And it is precisely because they only have a surface level view.” Nausica smiled and said, “I can’t believe you’re also a philosopher.”

“Now that you can figure it out, I won’t talk anymore about this. I hope to see you climb to the top as soon as possible. Goodnight, little boy.”

When Angel gets home, he calculates the time remaining. According to Housekeeper Goode, the news of the Purification Garden opening should spread in about a month and a half.

Angel had to do everything he could to get to the top in a month and a half to avoid the hidden powerful masters coming out after when they hearing the news.

Time is running out.

Angel decided to make every effort to build the alchemy weapons he needed within the next half-month. He needs to be proficient in the application of his selected cards up his sleeve.

The fleeting half-month passes by.

When the early days of the Month of Spring Offering came, Angel dressed in his black sheets and walked out of the house.

Toby fluttered his wings and landed on Angel’s shoulder as he rubbed his head against Angel’s face.

“Today I will begin climbing the tower. You don’t need to go up with me for the time being. First, you should be familiar with the environment in the battle arena.” Angel told Toby. He has spent a lot of time these days working with Toby. His law insight into the law of gravity caused his lethality to skyrocket.

Angel thought that with his alchemy weapon, he would crush Toby easily. But that was simply not the case. In a single head-to-head battle, Toby’s speed far outstripped his imagination. The weapon he produced is a long-ranged weapon. Unable to target Toby’s moving figure, it was useless against him.

However, during Angel’s battles with Toby, he also learned about his shortcomings. It is really difficult for him to compete against fast contestants. With this short board, Angel has naturally begun thinking about possible solutions. Over the past few days, he has come up with several plans. All of which can effectively prevent the approach of speed type contestants. Of course, the best way is for Toby to hard counter them.

It can be said that Angel is determined to take a rascal’s route to victory.

All of his attacks are based on external force, which are alchemy weapons and Toby.

The only magic he learned was all about defence and control. He wants to drag his opponent to death!

When he arrived at Sky Tower, he saw the first floor was still as lively as ever. Angel casually watched a few matches and began to feel a little confidence in the level of his competitors.

Although they still looked very weak. At least compared to the day with “King of All Beasts Vs Immortal Ice Emperor.” It seems a bit more intense. The contestants go back and forth with their banter as the mortals applauded and cheered them on.

Now, it was about the time for Angel to head to the Sky Tower registry office.

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