Succubus' Life in Another World

Chapter 96: New Guild Card

Chapter 96: New Guild Card

Are you okay? Yeah, Ill be fine after a quick rest.

As I exhausted my magic power, Urania led me to an empty room. The room looks like its usually used as a waiting room, having a simple sofa and table furnished in it. Currently, Im on the sofa, lazily lying down face first on top of Uranias lap.

Haaaaaa Mn, ticklish. Ah, my bad Still, there really is someone always better. Nn, it was outstanding.

I couldnt help but let out a deep sigh. When I breathed in, the scent of Uranias sweat Yeah, lets not go there. This isnt a suitable topic for a lady.

I think back on the mock battle I had earlier with Ces. I went full strength. Naturally, I havent used Corona Burn or other overpowered magic. After all, if both of us used magic with no restraint, its obvious that not a single trace of the guild building would be left in the aftermath.

Though with that said, I didnt hold back or anything. In the first place, I didnt expect for a magic shell the size of a person to be that tough; it was just beyond what I expected. Even I can make things similar to that. Barrier which makes invisible walls, Wall which makes a physical barrier, and Protect which strengthens the bonds of an object to defend against attacks. However, these three are magic, meaning these consume magic power.

The magic shell Ces used wasnt a result of magic, but just plain magic power control. Similarly to how I hijacked Adans magic, he used his magic power to interfere with my magic but only made it disperse instead of taking over my control. I was confident with my ability to control magic power, but before that technique, it made me realise that what Im doing was practically childs play.

Come to think of it, how did your fight go? N, I got a clean hit.

After asking Urania while I slightly turned my head to the side, Urania proudly gave me a V-sign.1 From this angle, I have a close look at the puff of her chest. Mine is so-so, but I feel like she got a bit bigger compared to when we first met. Unfortunately, I cant say that its thanks to my help, since I havent touched them much.2

What are you staring at? Ah, well Was he tough? He was tough. He was big, hard, and amazing.3

Miss Urania? Are you doing this on purpose? Youre making me jealous, you know?4 Well, not really, but it seems like Tien is an A-rank adventurer. Just as his looks imply, hes a beastkin from the rhinoceros horn clan, and with his extremely solid thick skin and great physical strength, hes a so-called armored warrior type.

And since Urania is a speed-type fighter5, or rather an assassin-type that goes for a single lethal blow to the targets weak point to be more exact, its not an exaggeration to say that she landed the worst matchup. While her attacks would barely make a nick, the other side could knock her out if he landed even just one solid blow. She said that even her slash carried by the force of her top speed couldnt leave a scratch on the guys skin, so that was a surprise.

Even with that, Urania somehow made use of the magic she knew to land a hit powerful enough to cut through Tiens tough skin. Unlike me, who couldnt even do anything against Ces magic shell.

Do you want tea? Please.

As Urania asked so to change the topic, I went with it. From my Dream Storage, I took out some tea leaves, a kettle, and a magical tool that works like a portable stove. This magical tool is loaded with the magic Burn and is a staple for travelling. I really appreciate it since we can make some warm stuff anywhere, anytime.

Incidentally, we borrowed6, I mean procured, the leaves from Iglesio mansion. A maid gladly gave it to us when we asked for some. Urania seems to have learned how to make tea from the maid, as she poured me a cup confidently. A fragrant aroma fills the room, making me feel relaxed.

Haaaaa Youre sighing again. Well, yeah. I mightve been overconfident lately

With todays defeat, I realized that Ive gotten presumptuous. Ever since I was born in this world, Ive defeated bandits, frozen goblins, and fought off the Gale party. And after that, Ive also defeated the roper, and even though I had a close fight with the attacks targeting Adan, I still eventually won.

I lost against Gale once too7, but that was because I wasnt in good shape. However, I had no excuses this time. I was in good condition and I had plenty of magic power. Rather, its not an exaggeration to say that I was in perfect form. And despite that, I lost. While I felt frustrated, Im also glad that I realized this before I got completely stuck-up.

After taking a sip of the tea, I take a relaxed breath.

Its good. Nn, good leaves.

While the leaves really are good, a part of it is probably because Uranias gotten good at making tea. Its good enough to go toe-to-toe with the ones made by the mansion maids.

After spending the time comfortably for a while, I heard a knock on the door followed by someones voice.

Lily, Urania, everythings ready now. Nn, coming.

As Urania opened the door, Ces and Tien entered the room. Ces is looking lively and I cant even tell if Tien was really wounded by Urania, it doesnt look like hes feeling any pain at all. Ces definitely should have used magic a lot, its somewhat frustrating to see this gap between us.

While theres really a lot of things I should say, well, Ill just announce your exam results right now. First, Urania. You have been given a high assessment for how you overcame your unfavourable battle with Tienet8 and landing a splendid blow as a result. While you still lack in skill, for your appropriate choice of magic and practical application of it, and your many contributions to the guild until now, you have been promoted to B-rank. Thank you very much.

Urania was handed a white card. It had a large letter B on it, and Uranias name and occupation engraved. She skipped C and got promoted straight to B-rank. Knowing what Urania has gone through until now, she looks thrilled about it. Well, she looks calm and expressionless at first glance, but her tail is wagging like crazy, so I know how she feels.9

Next, Lily. To be frank, regarding magic, you already have a high level of competency. If you wanted, you could likely apply for any occupation you wish after graduating from the academy. The variety of magic you can use, your precise control, and magic power retention are all practically first class. However, despite having outstanding skills, you still overwhelmingly lack experience. This isnt only about magic combat, as youve only been an adventurer for half a year, giving you a high rank would cause more harm than good. With that said, you are promoted to provisional A-rank. Provisional?

While it confused me, they handed me a white guild card with A on it. Both my name and occupation are engraved on it. My occupation has been changed from Mage to Sorceress.

With it being provisional, it means that you will be able to accept all but a few A-rank requests. And by a few, this refers to requests that would reflect on the guilds trust and reputation. I guess you could say that youll have just a bit more requests available that someone in B-rank?

From here on, it seems like Ill be a real A-rank as long as I rack up more contributions to the guild. Incidentally, the requests I cant take are things like bodyguard requests for people of influence, and guarding of important facilities. These arent fit for us in the first place, so we dont intend to accept these requests. The provisional part of this means practically nothing to me.

With this, Ive not only caught up to Grim and Fyne but overtaken them. Yup, Ill brag about this to Arisa the next time I see her. Though I have absolutely no idea when well be able to go back to Motsi.

  1. Lyly: V for victory sign, since some cultures have different meanings for it.
  2. Lyly: Wait, so most of your flirting is kissing, actual massaging, and maybe hugging? I know Lilys scared of going wild, but damn, Urania must be really, really hungry for more.
  3. Silva: big, hard, and amazing why does that sound so lewd Lyly: Kek Fire: Smh, Silva
  4. Silva: Lily gets it too
  5. Lyly: ninja running noises
  6. Lyly: Borrowed, with air quotes, lol
  7. Silva: Really? When did that happen? Lyly: The time when Lily got poisoned, Gale party was the thugs Fire: Dont remember
  8. Silva: Tienet? Not Tien? Lyly: Probably his full name.
  9. Lyly: Exhibit no. XX of why dog girls are cute.

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