Succubus' Life in Another World

Chapter 79: Angel's Name

Chapter 79: Angel's Name

Are you stupid?

Just as I thought I heard a voice, my surroundings were suddenly wrapped in silence. Nobody made any noise at all, not Adan whos been staring at me for the whole time, nor old man Kent who cant hide the surprise on his face, and neither was Urania whos excited with anticipation.

More than that, their expressions are stiff and they dont even look like theyre breathing at all. I hurriedly attempted to use Heal when I realized that but even the magic power inside me has halted its movement as well.1

Ahh, geez! Please stop moving!

I once again hear the figureless voice. There are only three people in front of me and this voice didnt come from any of them. I think I heard this voice somewhere before, who could it be?

Oh? Have you already forgotten about me? Well, I dont mind if you do, but itll be troublesome if you forgot my warning.

A somewhat displeased voice replied back. Rather, Im not even talkin- I can tell even without you talking.2

Dont read my mind!

Its not like Im reading it because I want to. I simply can hear it so theres no helping it, you know? Besides, in your case, you just spill out everything.

Saying so, the angel (temp) serving that pig god came right in front of me.

Its not (temp). Im currently an honest to god angel.

Arent you the goddess that beat up the orc calling itself a god?

T-that wasnt my fault! Its that pig gods fault for saying nonsense like I want to see elves ***d by orcs in the first place!

Ahh, umm, yup, its definitely the pig gods fault. Ive written just one of those before, but it honestly just didnt click with me, you know? Pure love is really the best. Cuddly lovemaking is supreme.

While I agree with your opinion on pure love, please dont defile people. Yes, even in your mind.

A delusion ban, isnt that too much?

Its your fault for letting it spill out in the first place Especially since you now have the power to, at worst, make it possible3

Hm? What was that?

I heard her criticizing me, but she talked so quietly and so fast in the second half that I could only catch parts of it. What do I have now?

No need to concern yourself over that. What just happened now is more important.

Hmm? Ah, that. Sorry, I honestly didnt think that it would undo like this.

Perfect Regeneration, which I used earlier, is a magic that heals the targets body to a perfect state. It isnt just limited to wounds, it can even get rid of harmful conditions such as burns, poison, cold, and curses, healing people back to perfect condition.

Now heres the question. What exactly is my, Lilys, perfect state?4

Thats right, of all things, not only did this magic heal my lost arm, it also judged the seal of the goddess (calling herself an angel) to be harmful and was about to get rid of it as well. So thats why it used a lot of magic power. If it was only my right arm, it wouldve been less than 30%.

Good grief. If you simply limited the target to be your right arm at that point, then this wouldnt have turned into a problem

But, well, who would have known that a gods seal could be removed by magic?

Ive already told you before, you have received experience points from a god. You can be considered as a gods vassal.

That wasnt a joke or something!?

Its obviously impossible for a regular human to undo a gods seal, you know?


Seriously serious. It would be best if you simply accept it already.

This exchange made me want to wrack my head, but even that isnt possible for me. I cant move my body after all.

By the way, this is?

I stopped time.5 It was necessary to stop your magic as soon as possible.

Ahh, so it really was that. Hm? Then, since time is stopped, why am I consciously thinking? Is this the grace of being a divine vassal or something?

No, its a side effect of your entrance to the flow of time. A world that only beings that went against the flow of time can perceive, that is what this stopped world is. Even among gods, there are only a few that can perceive this world of time, you know?

What the heck? I dont even know this flow of time, much less do I remember entering it.6 What are you talking about?

Back to the topic. Right now your magic is currently paused along with the time of this world. As its a race against time, I did this so that I can secure enough time to tamper with your magic.

Thats pretty extreme.

It is not. The seal of your eyes have been already undone.

Ahh So that was what that cracking meant. Still, I dont really feel any different though?

The effects of the magic are still ongoing, there wont be any obvious changes until it finishes. While its already too late for your eyes since their seal is already undone, the other seals can still be saved in time.

What do you mean?

Even if you desire to release all of the seals, now is still not the right time. If you dont want to lose the people you love most, then accept the seals.

Like a goddess admonishing and guiding the people, the angel declared so with a serious expression. The seals are for large-scale magic and my physical capabilities, was it? Now I realize that the angel probably wasnt joking when she said that a disaster will occur if the seals are undone.


Very well then. Oh, Ill be interfering with your magic, so it may be somewhat unpleasant alright?

Tampering my magic without any effort, this angel is definitely more than just a being serving the gods. While she was tampering with it, I tried to probe into the angels magic power, but it was like I was gazing at the bottomless ocean.7

Hey, isnt it weird to be called an angel all the time?

Is that so? Im the only angel youre acquainted with, so there shouldnt be any issues in my opinion.

Hm? There are others? Then all the more reason for me to have something to call you.

I somewhat imagined that this may be the case, but it looks like she really isnt the only angel around. Im a bit curious about that, but the tampering with my magic will be ending soon. If I expand on this topic, we might steer away from the main issue.

So, what can I call you?

In that case, call me Toria. In regards to the other angels, we can talk about it if we have the chance. There, now its done.

Okay, Toria. Thank you.

Haah, good grief. Remember this alright? The seals will naturally release when the time comes. Until then, people dont undo them yourself. If possible, I hope that Ill never have to descend like this ever again.

Saying so, Toria prepared to leave. After spreading her wings and flying away, several feathers were left behind.

Immediately after, time starts moving once again. Toria probably dispelled her magic. My Perfect Regeneration simultaneously continued as that happened. However, no other seals were undone and my right arm finished regenerating.

Fuu, that managed to work out somehow.

Geez, I unexpectedly caused a problem somehow. Still, with this Im finally back to perfect shape. With that said,

Urania. Nh, what? I leave the rest to you. Eh?8

I fell unconscious from the lack of magic power.

  1. Lyly: ZA WARUDO!
  2. Lyly: Kek, suddenly a shut up
  3. Lyly: Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Fire: Uh-oh
  4. Lyly: Oh
  6. Lyly: Yeah, its not like you froze the time of a mob of goblins, a clear overkill, breaking the flow of time or anything
  7. Lyly: Thats pretty dangerous depending on the person, lol
  8. Lyly: Eh?

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