Stronghold In The Apocalypse

Chapter 252: Battle, Start!

Chapter 252: Battle, Start!

"Lock and load!"

Lin yelled the moment he spotted the retreating Leo and Alex in the distance, and the combatants around him quickly loaded their weapons as their palms slowly became sweaty from nervousness, fear and excitement mixed together.

"Mutants! Ready yourselves! Don't f*cking hold back or I'll kill you myself!"

""Yes sir!""

Bella, Austin, and another mutated human called Ryujin answered with a loud yell.

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

The ground had already started trembling the nearer the horde is from them. They all gulped down, their fingers laid upon the trigger, as they waited for the command to send a rain of hellfire towards the incoming zombie horde.

Even the Pelican had already taken off to the skies as it hovered ten meters above the hospital building, facing the direction of the zombie horde.



Lin continued yelling that one word multiple times, and it made the people around him jittery as the zombie horde is slowly coming closer, but they didn't dare to open fire as Leo and Alex are still there on the ground, and not too far away from the horde.

Besides, they didn't want to be banished from the group for disobeying orders as they had already tasted the benefits of living under their protection, and no one is dumb enough to throw away that precious safety.

Lin's narrowed eyes kept watching the figure of Leo and Alex in the distance, and when the latter two suddenly accelerated and put a distance between them and the horde, Lin's eyes suddenly flashed with a cold glint and yelled on top of his lungs,

"Fire! Fire at will!"

As if they had been waiting for that moment, all of them quickly pulled their trigger and rained hell towards the incoming horde as they turned the zombies at the forefront into mincemeat while Leo and Alex kept dashing towards the hospital building with countless bullets whizzing past above their heads.

Both of them just kept running and didn't even bother to look back as they already knew what's happening behind them.

"Die, you bastards!"

Austin, who is manning the machine gun on the right side couldn't but yell in excitement as he vent the frustrations that he had bottled up inside him during the time he and his fiance depended on each other to survive under the constant threat of the zombies, especially this zombie horde before his eyes that constantly haunted them and the other survivors in the city.

He wasn't the only one, the others like Bella who are also survivors from this city are also yelling out their frustrations that they had bottled up inside, all of their eyes are shining with excitement as they never knew that there would be a day like this where they would slaughter hundreds of zombies in just under a minute!

Of course, most of the merits goes towards the two machine guns and the Pelican hovering in the air above them.


Leo and Alex were so fast on their feet that they had already reached the vicinity of the hospital building with only a couple of hundred of meters distance between them and the structure.

A distance they managed to cross within a few seconds, but both of them didn't rush in inside and instead stopped in front of the building and turned around as they faced the incoming zombie horde, with mostly mutated zombies leading the charge as there's even that rare zombie called Charger, whose half of its body is hulking with bulging muscles.

Which makes someone wonder how its pair of slim legs could even carry that kind of weight.

"Gideon" mumbled Leo under his breath'

[Yes, commander? How can I help you?]

A robotic female voice rang inside his head, a voice he had never heard in a long while because of how busy he is.

"Purchase a M134 Minigun for me" replied Leo in a soft whisper.

[Affirmative commander] answered Gideon before she went silent.

And while nothing was happening on their side yet, Leo quickly turned around and left Alex there as he leapt on top of the structure in front of the hospital, similar to a covered driveway connected to houses.

[You have purchased a M134 Minigun and had been sent into your Inventory]

Leo turned around as he arrived on top of the structure, followed by the notification that rang inside his head, "Thank you, Gideon"

[You're welcome, commander]

Of course, Leo could have done it himself but he didn't have the time to as he was trying to reassess their current situation if they are able to wipe out the zombie horde here or not with the weapons they had brought.

But he realized that the number of the zombie horde had grown more than before from looking through the mini map provided by the almighty [System].

"This zombie horde had grown to half the size of the zombie horde back in Washington. Alex was right, I really should've brought the Scorpion Main Battle Tank with us" laughed Leo while scratching the back of his head while his other hand was holding on to the M134 Minigun like it was some kind of a toy as he's not even straining at all!

"Anyway, go to hell you damn bastards!"

Briiiing! Pratatata!

With a yell, Leo pressed the trigger, and the M134 Minigun rotated with a metallic sound before it started spewing a rain of bullets a second later towards the group of mutated zombies that had already reached them, and whom Alex had already killed a couple of them and currently engaging with Charger zombie who came smashing through one of the pillars of the structure of where Leo is standing on.

Forcing him to jump to the intact side of the structure before he resumed raining hell towards the zombie horde and left the Charger zombie for Alex to take care of.

And Alex didn't disappoint, because after he hastily dodged this monstrous zombie who came charging towards him earlier, he quickly followed after and killed it with three sword strikes.

The onslaught continued, and because of the continuous rain of bullets. It was like there was an invisible wall in front of the horde, which halted their advance.

But even with that and with the limited manpower that Leo had brought with him, and under the direction of the Z Type zombie.

That invisible wall didn't last long as the horde broke off into two sides like there's a knife cutting through them.

One side was marching towards the left and the others was charging towards the right direction of the building, which forced Lin and the others to split into two groups to suppress their advance.

If it wasn't Leo, Alex and the Pelican who's covering for them, the zombie horde would have already overrun them as the two machine guns could only perform burst fire, followed by a rest of at least a minute where the other combatants would cover the resting machine guns with the rifles in their hands.

One lucky Hunter zombie managed to get past Leo and Alex and scaled through the building and reached the top, which startled the combatants, and if it wasn't for Austin quick reaction of killing it immediately with his ability.

That dastardly monster would have already reaped one or two lives.

"God f*cking dammit! Use the damn RPGs now!" angrily yelled Lin seeing that there are still mutated zombies able to get past those two "monsters" below them.

"Yes sir!"

Two men hurriedly ran towards the cargo box behind them and took out the launcher along with its warhead that's connected to a rocket.

The person holding the warhead quickly and carefully loaded the RPG with the warhead before softly tapping the head of his companion as a signal that it was loaded.

"Sir! The RPG is ready!"

"Fire at my ten!"




The warhead made a trail of smoke as it flew towards the advancing zombie horde on the left, followed by a powerful explosion which created a deep pit of blood and gore after killing numerous zombies, and seeing the result of the attack, Lin once again ordered, "Another one!"

"Yes sir!"

The same guy from earlier quickly ran back and fetched another warhead before loading it into the launcher.

"RPG ready!"

"Two o'clock!"

The man quickly directed the launcher towards the right side and fired!




His companions couldn't help but yell with excitement when they saw that two mutated zombies actually died from it, which surprisingly boosted their morale.


Seeing that the M134 Minigun in his hands had overheated, Leo placed it down on the ground and took out an M4 carbine from his [Inventory] and started picking off the mutated zombies that kept rushing towards the building while ignoring those normal zombies who had already reached the building and went inside.


A few groups of zombies scaled through the stairs as they headed towards the rooftop, but when they reached the stairs connecting the fifth floor and the rooftop, the zombies were greeted by a barrage of gunfire and a broken stair.

"This is as far as you can go boys"

With his rifle resting on his shoulder, Carl smirked at the zombies who kept moving forward but only to fall down below.

"Tsk! They really can't think for themselves without that Z type zombie controlling them" Ryujin, one of the mutated humans who came with them couldn't help but click his tongue while watching the zombies who stupidly tried to reach them, only for them to fall down on the floor below.

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