Stolen Life of the Poor Girl, Top Luxury Family's Group Favor

Chapter 79: Mr. Qin is Very Troubled

Chapter 79

On one side, Li Xiaoya was detained, and when Wei Wenjuan went back and told Wei Wenqing, both of them couldn't sleep.

The image of the old man in their hearts was actually very close to that of a "tyrant" - domineering, autocratic, stern, and unforgiving.

"Will Xiaoya cry?" Wei Wenqing gestured worriedly.

Wei Wenjuan gritted his teeth and said, "Worst case, I'll go and snatch her back first thing tomorrow morning."

"Can you overpower Father?"

"If I can't, I'll just jump into the pond!"

Meanwhile, on the other side.

Qin Sui and Wei Zesheng had also returned to their respective homes.

Qin Sui's father was sitting on the sofa in the living room waiting for him. As soon as he saw him enter, he immediately put down the financial report in his hand and asked, "Qin Sui, I didn't realize you also enjoyed being in the spotlight. Did you enjoy stealing the show today?"

Qin Sui's face remained calm: "You've heard about it?"

"You managed to get Mr. Mu involved, how could I not hear about it?"

Qin Sui immediately asked, "Has it spread throughout our circles?"

"It's spread within a small range, but it's been contained. Fortunately, you haven't lost your head completely and still remembered to pay attention to this point..." Qin Haoming snorted coldly, "A little more, and you would have given our shareholders and investors quite a shock."

Qin Sui nodded and said, "As expected."

Qin Haoming looked at his son, feeling rather speechless.

His troubles were completely different from Mu Rongfeng's.

Mu Rongfeng complained that his son's mind wasn't fully developed, embarrassing him.

Qin Haoming was exasperated that his son, at such a young age, was too opinionated, daring to secretly plot anything, as if he enjoyed the thrill of walking on a tightrope.


Qin Haoming covered his forehead: "This can't happen again."

"I heard that Mr. Mu has been a bit too ambitious lately, wanting to expand his business empire into other fields. Although it doesn't concern you directly, those led by you have already felt their interests being infringed upon. Shouldn't today's actions play right into your hands?"

"It was just a commotion stirred up by the younger generation, but enough to make Mr. Mu vigilant. And not to the extent that others would have to intervene without regard for face. Isn't this ideal?"

Qin Sui spoke unhurriedly, delivering a long string of words.

Qin Haoming covered his head, feeling his headache intensifying.

For a moment, he didn't know whether to marvel at the fact that his son had said so much today, which was a good thing.

Or that this son of his had started analyzing human nature again, even his own father... What a headache!

"Alright, you can go now." Qin Haoming waved his hand as if shooing away a fly.

At this moment, Mrs. Qin came downstairs. She also knew about today's events, but she was quite pleased, smiling sweetly as she said, "Qin Sui is becoming more and more kind-hearted, like a gentleman, protecting young ladies! In the future, you should take care of other girls as well."


The corner of Qin Haoming's mouth twitched, but he didn't contradict his wife's words.

Meanwhile, when Wei Zesheng returned home, he was subjected to a similar "interrogation."

After roughly understanding the process and knowing that they hadn't actually interfered or done anything out of line, just jointly forcing Mu Rongfeng to come out, there were no further questions.

However, the name Li Xiaoya had suddenly entered the big shots' field of vision.

— A girl who could bring Qin Sui and Wei Zesheng together must have some capability!

As for Sheng Yuxiao, he had just arrived in Jin City at this moment.

Why was he delayed?

Before returning, he had specifically visited the provincial, municipal, and county bureaus of South Province...

His purpose was to confirm that Wei Lin hadn't tampered with anything, causing Li Xiaoya's mother's case to be glossed over.

Although in the end, it proved that Sheng Yuxiao had worried unnecessarily, as Wei Lin didn't have such great abilities.

Moreover, the attitude of the local police was very firm and clear, determined to investigate this case thoroughly, and they had even combined it with the previous case of Li Xiaoya being sold by her grandfather.

They suspected that in the darkness invisible to ordinary people, there was a complete industry chain that had become an unspoken rule locally.

Because the locals didn't feel this was a crime, no one had ever reported it.


When the police told Sheng Yuxiao about these things, the anger in his chest was about to erupt.

Then, he missed Li Xiaoya even more.

"Mom, you go home first, I need to see Li Xiaoya," Sheng Yuxiao said quickly as soon as they got off the plane, pulling his down jacket tighter around him.

"Do you know where she lives?"


"She's gone back home, and things are different from before. By rights, if you want to visit, you should first notify the Overseas Chinese Wei Family. Why don't you give her a call first?"


"What's wrong?"

Sheng Yuxiao said with a sour face, "I don't have her number."

"Didn't she call you?"

"She used Qin Sui's phone," Sheng Yuxiao said through gritted teeth. "What kind of Overseas Chinese Wei Family is this, are they so poor they don't know to give the child a phone!"

Causing Li Xiaoya to have to keep up appearances with Qin Sui!

Xu Qiulai glanced over his displeased expression and said in a calm tone, "What's the rush? Didn't Wei Zesheng protect her? In your eyes, are others so untrustworthy?"

"Wei Zesheng is fine for fighting, but against Qin Sui... he's no match."

A hint of amusement appeared on Xu Qiulai's cold face: "You think he could lose Li Xiaoya while you're watching?"

"You never know." Sheng Yuxiao said, while a new idea formed in his mind.

But Sheng Yuxiao never imagined that getting contact information for the Wei family would be so difficult.

To the extent that he had returned to Jin City, yet was still forcibly out of contact with Li Xiaoya.

The young master suppressed his temperament and returned to school first.

"Brother Sheng." Wei Zesheng stepped forward to greet him first, then pointed curiously at Sheng Yuxiao's chest, "What's this?"

"A recording microphone. That damned show isn't finished yet, we need to record two more city special episodes."

[This family has become visibly more irritable without Li Xiaoya, the great young master]

[I also want to see Li Xiaoya a bit, will she have a chance to show her face on the show again?]

[Really want to know if she's doing well now +1]

[But still very grateful to the show for letting us see what a rich people's elite school looks like]

The barrage of comments finally became a bit lively again.

Off-camera, Sheng Yuxiao immediately spoke again: "You saw Li Xiaoya that day, how did she look?"

Knowing Sheng Yuxiao was very concerned, Wei Zesheng quickly said, "Her complexion was rosy and glowing, she looked very well."

Sheng Yuxiao said expressionlessly: "Heartless."

Wei Zesheng immediately shut up, had he said something wrong?

Sheng Yuxiao asked again, "How were things resolved afterwards?"

"Things were resolved smoothly... Li Xiaoya's family's old man came to take her away."

Sheng Yuxiao pondered briefly, muttering under his breath, "So that's why..."

"What did you say, Brother Sheng?"

"Do you know where Li Xiaoya went with him?" Sheng Yuxiao asked again.

"I don't know."

"You didn't ask?"

"I... should I have asked?" Wei Zesheng thought to himself that he'd remember for next time.

Sheng Yuxiao frowned and said, "I can't get in touch with Li Xiaoya now."

"Why don't we... ask Qin Sui?"

Sheng Yuxiao looked at him without speaking.

Wei Zesheng made a zipping motion across his mouth: "Forget I said anything."

But after holding back for a while, he still couldn't resist saying, "I saw that Qin Sui seemed quite close to her..."

[Respect to you for being a man, daring to say such things]

[What? When did this happen? How did he see Li Xiaoya?]

[Li Xiaoya and Qin Sui were together?]

The audience was bewildered.

Meanwhile, on the other side, Li Xiaoya had just been driven to her new school.

She sneezed as soon as she entered the school gates.

Wei Lin quickly wrapped her in a scarf, lest he get whacked with a cane again when they returned in the evening.

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