Stolen Life of the Poor Girl, Top Luxury Family's Group Favor

Chapter 68: Meeting Uncle Two

Chapter 68

The clothes Wei Lin had prepared in advance didn't fit very well.

Wei Lin said, "It's fine."

He immediately contacted a brand and had them bring different sizes of clothes to the door, trying them on until they found the right fit.

He was worried he wouldn't have a chance to show off his capabilities in front of Li Xiaoya. What a perfect opportunity this was!

Li Xiaoya had been trying on clothes from the moment she arrived at the Wei Family's home until after 10 PM.

Fortunately, she had taken a nap on the plane, otherwise she wouldn't have been able to endure it.

The brand's staff packed up their suitcases and left the Wei residence.

After all, not everyone watches reality shows.

A staff member immediately asked a colleague, "Who is that child? The Wei Family seems oddly nice to her. They let her try on clothes until she was satisfied..."

The colleague paused and said, "Are they really being nice to her? She's quite young, isn't she? If they were truly considerate, they should have taken her measurements in advance, rather than having her try on everything piece by piece. The poor girl must be exhausted. It feels more like they're deliberately showing off to others."

"Oh? You have a point!"

They couldn't help but look back at the luxurious villa behind them, muttering, "The affairs of the wealthy are always so complicated!"

Fortunately, Wei Lin's theatrics weren't too over the top.

After selecting the clothes, Wei Lin left.

No one taught Li Xiaoya how to use things in this new home, but she wasn't afraid or uncomfortable.

She walked into the bathroom alone, looked at the oddly shaped shower head, and figured out how to turn on the faucet by herself.

Sheng Yuxiao had taught her before!

After showering, she found the hair dryer and turned it on.

She had seen Sheng Yuxiao use one before.

She took care of herself properly, and only then climbed onto the queen-size bed.

This was her first time sleeping in such a big bed, with warm and soft blankets.

But she couldn't fall asleep immediately.

Li Xiaoya stared at the ceiling for a while, then suddenly got up and rummaged through the small backpack she had brought from Li Family Village.

The bag was still the one Sheng Yuxiao had bought for her.

She carefully unzipped it and took out her mother's photograph, then hugged it close before returning to bed.

"Mom, we're home," she said softly, finally closing her eyes.

Li Xiaoya fell asleep.

But Wei Wenqing couldn't sleep. He went to find his second brother, and was initially stopped by a servant when he tried to enter.

"The Second Young Master has just retired, perhaps you shouldn't disturb him," the servant said.

Wei Wenqing immediately slapped him across the face.

The servant was stunned.

After all, this approach had always worked before. This young master had never shown much of a temper, so why did he suddenly start hitting people?

Wei Wenqing didn't care what he was thinking and roughly pushed him aside, barging into the room.

Things are different now! He thought, gritting his teeth. I have someone to protect now! None of you can stand in my way anymore!

"Who is it?" The Second Young Master, startled from his sleep, fumbled to turn on the bedside lamp.

"Oh, it's you, Wen Qing," the Second Young Master said weakly. "Why have you come back?" As he spoke, the Second Young Master frowned: "Didn't I tell you to..."

Wei Wenqing quickly raised his hand and made a few gestures.

Being brothers who had spent a long time together, the Second Young Master immediately understood his meaning.

"What? She's been found? Where is she? Where?" The Second Young Master excitedly grabbed the headboard, struggling to sit up.

Wei Wenqing continued to gesture.

The Second Young Master's face immediately darkened: "Wei Lin, Wei Lin got to her first! How could you..."

Wei Wenqing interrupted him, gesturing: "It was Li Xiaoya's choice. I've thought about it. We're both invalids now, barely able to take care of ourselves. How could we care for her? It's better to let Wei Lin look after her for now, while we protect her from the shadows..."

The Second Young Master cut him off, his face ashen: "Is that really the case? Could it be that she... looks down on us? That's why she willingly sided with Wei Lin?"

Hearing this, Wei Wenqing's face flushed red with anger. He gestured frantically: "How can you think that way? She's our sister's daughter! She's a good child! I want to protect her, but she also wants to protect us!"

The Second Young Master fell silent.

Wei Wenqing couldn't stand his attitude and rushed forward to grab his collar.

"Brother, you can't think of her like that. She's good, too good..."

The Second Young Master grasped his wrist and sighed, looking up: "I know. I'm just worried, just... afraid. We've all experienced it before, what it feels like to be scorned by those close to us. Wen Qing, I want to see her! Now!"

Wei Wenqing glared at him, gesturing: "She must be asleep by now."

A trace of agitation appeared on the Second Young Master's pale face: "But I can't wait. No, never mind, just tell me, does she look like Wenyu?"

Wei Wenqing nodded.

"Alright, tell me first, you went to Li Family Village, and then what?"

The two brothers hadn't had such an intimate conversation in who knows how many years.

One was mute, having lost the ability to speak and no longer willing to communicate with others.

The other was paralyzed from the waist down, since then loathing to step out of his room.

But now, they huddled together, one speaking and one gesturing, laughing and crying. It was as if all the emotions they had suppressed over the years were released on this day.


This commotion didn't escape Wei Lin's notice.

After hearing about it, Wei Lin waved his hand and said, "It doesn't matter. The person has finally returned, it's normal for them to be excited."

After all, their excitement was useless.

Wei Lin slept soundly, feeling smug and satisfied.

The next day, Li Xiaoya opened her eyes and was startled.

Because two people were standing by her bed.

One she was very familiar with, Wei Wenqing. The other, she didn't recognize... This person's face was gaunt and sunken, with bloodshot eyes and an excited expression. Most importantly, he... was sitting in a wheelchair.

At this moment, Wei Wenqing and the Second Young Master also realized that they had frightened Li Xiaoya.

The Second Young Master awkwardly wiped his face, beginning to recall what he looked like the last time he looked in a mirror... His current appearance was probably, most likely, quite frightening...

So the Second Young Master started to operate his wheelchair to back away.

But then he heard the little girl's clear voice: "Second Uncle?"

The Second Young Master's movements froze.

His expression also became fixed.

After a while, he finally came to his senses and grabbed Wei Wenqing's arm, shaking it: "What did she call me? What did she call me!"

Wei Wenqing: "..."

You're grabbing my hand, how can I "say" anything?

A laugh suddenly squeezed out of the Second Young Master's throat.

That laugh was both suppressed and bitter. As he laughed, tears came to his eyes.

He looked at Li Xiaoya again.

So small.

It was as if he saw his sister when she was young.

But this child's face had a hint of something more valiant and tenacious than his sister's.

"You called me Second Uncle, right? How did you know I was your Second Uncle?" The Second Young Master softened his voice, finally looking like a normal adult.

"I knew in advance that my eldest uncle and aunt had passed away, that my second uncle was in a wheelchair, and that my little uncle could no longer speak..." Li Xiaoya said slowly.

Hearing this, the Second Young Master felt relieved: "So you knew, you knew that your relatives are a bunch of invalids."

Li Xiaoya knew he must be feeling very sad and painful at this moment.

She didn't know how to comfort people.

She could only crawl out from under the blanket, get up, move closer, and barely manage to hug the man in the wheelchair in front of her.

The Second Young Master was suddenly at a loss for words.

He raised his trembling hand and stroked Li Xiaoya's hair.

His voice was hoarse as he said, "Even though we're invalids, we're still your uncles. I may not be able to walk, but my aim is still very good. If anyone bullies you..."

He paused, his tone suddenly turning fierce: "I'll kill them."

Li Xiaoya, hugging his neck, hesitated for a moment before correcting him: "But, but killing people will land you in jail."

The Second Young Master chuckled, tears still in his eyes: "Haha, then what do you suggest we do?"

Li Xiaoya said in a small voice: "Let's torture them secretly, but without breaking the law. We can't commit crimes."

"Alright, alright, no crimes. We won't commit any crimes," the Second Young Master thought to himself, Wen Qing wasn't wrong at all.

She really is a good child.

He wished he could pick her up and give her a piggyback ride. If only he could lift her up. But he would never have that chance in this lifetime.

"Miss," the servant suddenly knocked on the door, "It's time for you to get up and prepare. You have a party to attend later."

The Second Young Master's face immediately changed color: "You're going to a party? Who's accompanying you? Wei Lin? He surely has ulterior motives. No, I..."

I have to go.

The words caught in the Second Young Master's throat, and he stopped mid-sentence.

Whether abroad or after returning to the country, it had been a long time since he had appeared in public.

He loathed it, he resisted it, he didn't want others to laugh at him, and he hated the pitying looks people gave him...

But what could he do?

How could he let Li Xiaoya go to the party with Wei Lin?

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