Stolen Life of the Poor Girl, Top Luxury Family's Group Favor

Chapter 106: Our New Shareholder Still Needs to Go to School

Chapter 106

Wei Lin's expression froze in that instant.

Had he heard wrong?

The facts proved that he certainly hadn't misheard!

Wei Wenqing had physically put the word "scram" into practice by closing the car door.

Inside the car, Wei Wenjuan was momentarily stunned. He turned to look at his brother, then glanced out the window at Wei Lin.

Unable to hold back, he burst out laughing and patted the driver's shoulder, saying, "What are you waiting for? Let's go."

The driver knew this wasn't something he should get involved in. How could he hesitate? He stepped on the gas and sped away, leaving Wei Lin with nothing but a trail of exhaust fumes.

"That sound just now... did it come from a phone?" Wei Wenjuan looked down.

Wei Wenqing nodded.

"How did you suddenly think of using that..." Wei Wenjuan trailed off mid-sentence, realizing the answer himself, "Li Xiaoya taught you, didn't she?"

Wei Wenqing nodded again.

Wei Wenjuan laughed out loud: "Haha, she's such a clever little devil!"

On Wei Lin's end, he gritted his teeth and squeezed out that name: "Li. Xiao. Ya." It must have been her who taught him.

Otherwise, Wei Wenqing wouldn't have suddenly done something like this.

"Sir," a bodyguard behind him looked at him, both embarrassed and concerned.

Wei Lin's expression immediately returned to normal: "It seems the young master has suddenly been burdened with a heavy responsibility and isn't in a good mood. Let's take another car."

"Yes, sir."

That little girl is indeed clever.

Wei Lin's face darkened.

But if she thought this would be enough to save Wei Wenqing, she was being far too naive.

In his view, someone like Wei Wenqing, despite having suffered quite a bit, was still like someone fresh out of an ivory tower, having never truly experienced real cruelty.

That company would teach him about that cruelty.

A new car had already pulled up in front of him. Wei Lin got in and said, "Let's go."


The process was quickly completed.

"I'm sorry about that," President Liu patted Zhou General's shoulder, "I had no idea what that kid was thinking, in the end he didn't buy your shares, but came and bought mine instead."

President Liu sighed, "This just goes to show how unpredictable and changeable these kids are! They act on every whim!"

"So, President Liu, you've completely given up all your equity?" Zhou General looked up at him.

"That's right." President Liu wore an expression of helplessness, and even deliberately opened the office door, as if wanting every employee inside and out to hear clearly.

"In the past, I spared no effort for the company, wholeheartedly hoping it would do well and make more and more money. Unfortunately, our Zhou General had different ideas. Now that we've come to this point, I don't see any reason to continue."

President Liu smiled, "I just hope that Zhou General can keep this company going for another ten years, getting better and better!"

Outside the door, the other employees exchanged glances, silent as cicadas in winter.

It was only now that another shareholder, President Xiao, understood what had happened.

He couldn't help but say, "President Liu, what you've done doesn't seem quite right. Why didn't you inform us in advance about the equity transfer?"

President Liu thought to himself, you fool.

He immediately stopped hiding his true feelings and said with a sneer, "Zhou General did inform us in advance, and why do you think he did that? It was to trick us into taking over. I'm sorry, but I'm naturally good at reading the signs, and I'm not interested in gambling with money, so I bowed out first out of respect."

"Zhou General, don't be angry. Although I stole your opportunity, you can still continue to sell. Just sell to that cripple."

After finishing this speech, and having sufficiently appreciated the terrified or shocked expressions of those around him, President Liu turned to leave.

Zhou General suddenly stood up, startling his secretary who hurriedly tried to calm him: "Please, stay calm..."

Zhou General asked, "Has all the paperwork been completed? Has the business registration been updated?"

"It's all done, you can't stop it now even if you tried..." President Liu said softly.

Zhou General said, "That's good then."

President Liu's smile suddenly froze: "What did you say?"

"I said that's good, that's excellent!" Zhou General couldn't help but exclaim. In the end, he hadn't sold a single share, and the scenario where President Liu would buy up shares to suppress him hadn't materialized either!

He had overestimated President Liu!

And underestimated the power of Young Master Sheng's move!

"I won't see President Liu out then, please go." Zhou General couldn't be bothered to explain the intricacies to him.

President Liu immediately looked suspicious, but after all, he had sold what he wanted to sell. His first reaction, of course, was not that he had been tricked - that's human nature.

He felt that Zhou General was putting on a brave face, trying to plant seeds of doubt in his mind.

"What's the point of pretending in front of everyone?" President Liu shook his head, "If I were you, I'd hurry out now to secure some investment. That way, with so much equity in your hands, you might still have a chance to cash out."

With these words, President Liu finally left satisfied, like a victor.

President Xiao couldn't hold back anymore: "What's going on? Has something happened to the company?"

Unlike President Liu, his first reaction was: "Are there other debts that the company hasn't disclosed?"

Zhou General looked at him: "President Xiao, if you also can't stand it anymore, I can introduce you to Mr. Wei. You can transfer your shares to him and cash out like President Liu did."

Zhou General paused for a moment, then added, "If you trust me, don't sell all of it, keep some."

President Xiao rubbed his temples, feeling a headache coming on: "I have the right to know the current state of the company's operations."

"President Liu's game has been banned in overseas markets. This is new information you might not be aware of. Everything else is as you know it."

President Xiao was stunned: "Then why was President Liu in such a hurry to sell his shares?"

Zhou General shrugged: "Who knows? Maybe he's sick in the head."

"But that doesn't make sense. Why did you want to sell your shares too?"

Zhou General calmly said, "When asking someone for a favor, shouldn't you show some sincerity? I just didn't expect President Liu to be so enthusiastic, using his shares to help me fill the gap."

President Xiao felt like he understood something, but couldn't quite grasp it fully. That worry and concern kept him restless, and in the end, under Zhou General's guidance, he transferred 10% to Wei Wenjuan.

In the end, Wei Wenjuan held 19%, Li Xiaoya held 22%, but Wei Wenqing exercised the rights on her behalf.

Zhou General was in high spirits. He hadn't lost a single share, had brought in a powerful backer, and removed a thorn that had been in his side for years. The rest would just fall into place naturally...

He walked out of the office openly and announced to all employees: "This Sunday, we'll have a company team-building event. Let's get together and take the opportunity to introduce everyone to our new shareholders."

"Yes, Zhou General."

Zhou General pondered, thinking their mood doesn't seem very high.

President Xiao had noticed something and said, "Why don't we do the team-building on a Friday?"

Zhou General frowned: "That won't work. Our new shareholders still have school on Fridays."

President Xiao: ?

Other employees: ???

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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