Starting from the Planetary Governor

Chapter 47: 47, luckily I’m one step ahead

Chapter 47: Chapter 47, luckily I’m one step ahead

The whirlwind carried the vortex-formed wings, providing Howling Wind Divine Envoy with explosive speed!

He charged straight for Gu Hang!

As long as he killed Gu Hang, his mission would still be considered complete.

The soldiers, who appeared to be very elite, seemed to have sensed his intentions. Half of them set out to suppress the other living Divine Envoy, while the remaining soldiers attempted to block him.

Bullets flew towards him, but the Storm Shield remained faithful to its duty and could not be easily breached. Two soldiers who were relatively close stood in his way, pulling out daggers in an attempt to engage him in combat.

The reaction speed and agility of those soldiers surprised the Howling Wind Divine Envoy.

He was moving at ultra-high speeds, with the Storm Turbine Wings bursting so quickly that ordinary people could not possibly react in time, much less intercept him.

But those soldiers could do so.

And their willpower was beyond imagination.

Getting near to him meant bearing the force of the storm. High-pressure wind blades cut through their combat suits, and even slashed dense wounds on their bodies. Yet, they remained resolute and unshaken.

More crucially, the daggers in their hands, when they slashed down, could indeed pierce through his surrounding wind.

This was definitely non-human strength!

If he hadn’t reacted extremely fast and detonated a wind bomb between himself and that soldier, sending him flying, he would have been stabbed.

But he could only repel one.

The other soldier fiercely thrust the knife into his body.

If it weren’t for the power of the wind helping him to deflect the blade at the critical moment, it wouldn’t be his abdomen, but his heart that got pierced.

But the current situation was still critical.

The soldier very quickly released the knife-holding hand, ignoring the blood, picked up an electromagnetic rifle, and prepared to give the Divine Envoy a close-range volley.

If hit by that, Howling Wind Divine Envoy feared he would fall on the spot.

His Storm Shield had been punctured by that recent stab, and he didn’t have full confidence to completely block the “Eagle’s” shooting.

In the nick of time, Howling Wind Divine Envoy became fierce.

He spread his arms, didn’t retreat but advanced, embracing the soldier to prevent the special forces elite from firing his bullets directly.

His physical strength was no match for his opponent’s, and he would be released eventually, but the Storm Sorcery was spectacular at that moment!

Wind blades instantly spun around him, showing no mercy as they poured into the soldier’s body.

The ceramic plate armor wouldn’t be easily destroyed, but it wasn’t full-body coverage. The combat suit was cut open under the high-pressure wind blades, followed by the flesh.

Blood spurted wildly, blown about by the wind.

In an instant, a fully-grown person was chopped down to nothing, leaving behind a gun, bulletproof plates, helmet, fragments of personal items, bones…

The blood-soaked Howling Wind Divine Envoy dared not linger for a moment.

In his moment of desperation, he had unleashed all his might, achieving such a terrifying effect. However, he had firsthand experience of the strength of these elite soldiers, unlike ordinary soldiers, and the knife stuck in his belly was proof of this.

If he hesitated for a moment longer, soldiers would immediately rush at him.

If he could create some distance, relying on the bullet-deflecting Storm Shield, he might be confident in killing all the soldiers. But firstly, there was Gu Hang, who could manipulate delicate Psychic Spells to interfere; secondly, he could not create distance now, and the Storm Shield’s defenses against close-combat blades were not as effective as against bullets; moreover, his bodily strength and combat skills, which were not much stronger than those of an average person, put him at too much of a disadvantage against those elite soldiers.

He clenched his teeth and forced himself to muster strength again.

The Storm Turbine Wings formed by sorcery on his back let out an intense roar, as he once again burst from his position with a limit speed!

And this time, finally no one stood in his way!

With an extremely fast speed, he rushed toward Gu Hang. Flying close to the ground, the already thin mist was completely dispersed!

He was like an arrow in flight!

The next moment, he slammed into Gu Hang with great force, sending him flying through the air.

The wild wind completely enveloped Gu Hang.

Howling Wind Divine Envoy was even more brutal to Gu Hang than to the soldier he had just slashed to pieces. He once again overloaded the power of Storm Sorcery, heedless of the severe backlash that might ensue, determined to ensure Gu Hang’s death.

Gu Hang slammed hard into the ground.

Then, he stood up.

Howling Wind Divine Envoy’s eyes widened in disbelief, utterly unable to understand why this was happening.

The force he had exerted should have been enough to completely shred Gu Hang’s body, so why did the Governor appear to be completely unharmed?

Clenching his teeth, he tried to unleash his power once more, but this time the winds did not heed his call. Instead, he felt an intense pain in his lungs, as if the wind was cutting through his chest cavity.

Unable to bear it, his body convulsed, and opening his mouth, he vomited blood profusely, mixed with pieces of his lungs.

As the pain subsided slightly, he raised his head and saw the assault vehicle beside him, its cannon already aimed at him.


In an instant, several large-caliber cannon shells shattered his already fragile Storm Shield, and then destroyed his body as well.

Gu Hang still felt a bit scared afterward.

After the enemy appeared, he had sensed that one among the three was particularly strong. While dealing with these three, he proportionately allocated his strength.

The other two presented no surprises; one was dead before he hit the ground, and the other was nearly dead, with severed hands and feet still trying to resist. Now, he was held down by a group of special forces and stabbed to death in a frenzied assault.

But the strongest one was still beyond expectation.

He had already made his move. When that man flew towards him and was intercepted by the elite marines, had it not been for Gu Hang taking the opportunity to strike him from the shadows, he would not have been so easily stabbed in the stomach.

But unexpectedly, even though the guy had clearly pushed his sorcery to the limit and had a knife embedded in his abdomen, he was still able to unleash a tremendous amount of power. He not only used the storm to dismember a marine elite in a horrific manner but also continued to burst forth towards him, blowing him away and a violent storm swept around him.

Under normal circumstances, he should have been dead, like the dismembered marine elite.

At the crucial moment, it was his talent “Spiritual Energy Shield,”which he had gained when he last upgraded his personal level to LV2, that made the difference.

This thing didn’t need activation; it triggered passively and came into effect as soon as he took a hit.

It indeed saved Gu Hang’s life.

As he was sent flying, Gu Hang could feel the violent winds surrounding him, constantly clashing and grinding against his spiritual energy.

The power of the storm was so fierce that in almost an instant, Gu Hang’s spiritual energy was almost depleted.

Fortunately, the force of the storm came fast and left just as quickly, representing the total power of the opponent’s burst. Once withstood, it was gone.

However, after surviving that wave of attack, Gu Hang’s spiritual energy was almost completely drained.

But he was not alone; the assault vehicle helped him take the final step.

Looking at the enemy that had been blown to smithereens, certain never to rise again, Gu Hang sighed in relief.

Luckily, I had a bit more skill.


Tsk tsk, the female captain’s fan hearts have surpassed the protagonist?

LSP… I mean, there really are many discerning readers and lords.

PS, there was a data bug earlier; there are 11 members of the T3 marine team, not 9, corrected! Thanks for pointing out the issue!

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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