Star Instructor, Master Baek

Chapter 70: Thank You

Chapter 70: Thank You

Huff, huff, huff, puff T-Teacher, I can s-stillg-go on Gongson Su panted after swinging a wooden sword a few times. His skin glistened with cold sweat, and his complexion was as pale as a someone about to cross the Sanzu River.1

Shadow, observing from the sidelines, asked concernedly, Are you sure youre okay?

Huff, huff Yes, Im f-fine. Teacher, please treat me the same the other students! Gongson Su forced out.

I assessed the old mans condition. Gongson Sus spirit was commendable, yet his wobbly legs and the wooden sword he was leaning on for support undermined his conviction.

I glanced at Shadow, who shook her head, conveying telepathically, [Hes at his limit.]

Yeah, I can tell. With a sigh, I said firmly, Student Gongson Su, you need to take a break now.

What? I can stilldo more

Go look in the mirror. You need rest.

Im really fine, I can overcome this much with willpower Gongson Su protested, frustration clearly visible in his eyes.

Looks like just words wont be enough. Closing the distance, I sent a wave of killing intent at him. Student Gongson Su, are you ignoring my instructions?

Gongson Su flinched, and Shadow eyes widened in surprise. Even Hyonwon Kang and Wiji Cheon diverted their attention from training to witness the exchange.

Thats not it

This isnt training. All youre doing is abusing your body. Are you trying to commit suicide?

Gongson Sus face flushed with discontent, even as the sweat constantly dripping down his face and his puffy, bloodshot eyes betrayed his worn-out state. It was evident that his untrained body had reached its limit.

Still, I noticed a flicker of envy in his gaze as he sneaked a glance at Hyonwon Kang and Wiji Cheon.

Why arent you reading this at ?

Student Gongson Su. I softened my tone, placing a hand on his shoulder.


I know youre upset that your body wont cooperate, but this is reality. Its not just your age; you cant expect to do the same training as the other students if youve only been doing simple Taichi exercises until now.

I know, he admitted, resignation coloring his voice.

I sighed. Unlike Hyonwon Kang and Wiji Cheon, Gongson Su was neither young nor a martial arts genius. He did not have the resilience of youth nor an instinctual understanding of his physical limits.

The old man can never train like those two. If a sparrow tries to keep up with a hawk, it will only meet its death. I need to take a different approach with him.

Regardless, please dont be impatient and trust me. Ive tailored an Azure Dragon Academy Entrance Exam training regime just for you. Youll definitely be accepted.

And thats also when Ill squash that bastard Namgoong Sus stuck-up nose flat.

Yes. I guess Im being overly ambitious. Gongson Su lowered his wooden sword, finally relenting.

Guiding him to a nearby pavilion, I instructed, I want you to report your current physical condition accurately.

My back, shoulders, knees, wrists, and ankles ache.

What the hell?

My fingers are sore from holding the sword for so long, my neck is kinked my eyes seem to be a little sunken in hohoho

The corners of my mouth twitched.

Seeing my stiff expression, Gongson Su hastily tried to justify himself, Well, its still bearable. With some bandages and acupuncture, Ill get better in no time, and I have some quality medicine on me

Student Gongson Su, lie down right now.

What? Panic flashed across Gongson Sus face.

Shadow looked equally puzzled but before she could speak, I clarified, Lie down so that I can loosen your strained muscles for you.

Ah, okay. Gongson Su visibly relaxed and complied.

I began to massage his tense muscles, applying pressure methodically as I had done for Hyonwon Kang. Gradually, his initial tension melted away, replaced by a contented sigh.

Ohhh, thats good, yeah, there, just a little further down fufu. Heheheh, this is paradise

Am I supposed to be a martial arts instructor or a professional masseuse?

Suppressing my doubts, I finished massaging his back and gently urged him to turn over.

Hoho Gongson Su groaned in pleasure, sincere admiration gleaming in his eyes. Teacher, Ive had many massages at the Imperial Palace but even there I dont think Ive ever met anyone as good as you. If you are ever in need of a new job, would you like me to introduce you to the Imperial Palace as a masseuse?

No need.

Although he didnt know it, I had quite a bit of job experience, having been a demon instructor in the Blood Cult. Still, even then, I had never taught a trainee who was sixty-five years old.

Wait, did he just mention the Imperial Palace? I knew he wasnt a regular old man!

What kind of person had a powerful presence that could intimidate another despite never learning martial arts? What kind of rich and powerful individual could casually offer to pay ten thousand silvers and have a martial master of Shadows caliber as his personal bodyguard?

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No, why someone with so much wealth and power would want to learn martial arts is beyond me, but some things are better left unknown. My job is to get Gongson Su into the Azure Dragon Academy, thats all.

I massaged Gongson Sus stiff thighs and asked, Is the training hard?

Its hard, but its a lot of fun. Gongson Su replied with a wide smile. Although his body was old, his eyes still shone with the sparkle of a child. Teacher, did you know? When I was younger, I was smaller and weaker than others, and would catch a cold every few days.

Oh? So he was born with a weak constitution. That explains why his body accumulated so much more impure qi than others.

Fortunately, Im very intelligent, so I was good at studying. As my mother was a single parent, however, she had no money to hire a private tutor and could only afford to send me to school. My nose bled every day from the exertion of going there, but I studied hard and eventually rose to prominence and enjoyed wealth and power. Unfortunately, my mother was already dead by then if only she could have lived just a few more years to see it. The old mans wistful eyes filled with melancholy. But even as I worked toward academic success, I never stopped envying the other kids.

What did you envy about them?

Whenever I walked to school carrying heavy books, I would always see boys my age going to martial arts academies with swords at their waists, white martial arts uniforms, and headbands on their foreheads. Because they were big and strong, while I was short and frail I would stare at them jealously, but whenever they made eye contact with me, I needed to quickly look away. Well, just once, I was too slow and got beaten up pretty badly for annoying them with my staring.

Shadow bit her lip hard.

Gongson Su chuckled, Hoho, thats all in the past now. Anyway, even though my schoolbag was already heavy, I never failed to carry a martial arts novel with me at all times. I read it whenever I was free. A nameless swordsman wandering the world with a single sword, slashing through countless demonic practitioners of the evil sects, and finally barging into the Blood Cult all by himself to plunge his sword into the heart of the Blood Demon but no one knew about it, and he died in loneliness.

What a third-rate novel.

Gongson Su laughed wryly, Everyone likes such stories when theyre young, right? In fact, back then, there was a lot of talk about why the Blood Cult suddenly became weaker, and I wrote a lot of novels imagining the reason.

Were there such rumors? Ive never heard them before.

Hoho, thats because its an old story.

An old story, huh I wonder what Gongson Sus face would look like if he knew that he was learning martial arts from the same instructor who raised the Blood Cults martial masters. And if he knew the real reason for the Blood Cults demise I fantasized about his reaction for a moment, then shook my head. Thinking about such hypothetical situations was pointless.

Now that Im old and back in my hometown, I often think back to those days. To think that Im going to attend a martial arts academy past my sixtieth birthday, hoho everyone will look at me and say Im senile.

I listened to Gongson Sus story without saying anything.

You ought to read this at .

He stood up and smiled cheekily at me. But what can I do? Im really enjoying learning martial arts right now.

Although my body is sixty-five, I feel like Im back to being fifteen. Gongson Su looked at me with clear eyes. A slight, childlike smile of innocence crossed his lips. Thank you, he suddenly said with a tone of respect.


Thank you for making me feel this way. Thank you for giving meaning to the life of an old man who was just waiting to die.

What I couldnt help blushing.

I promise you now, I wont blame you even if I fail the entrance exam, and Ill pay you in full. No matter how this crazy endeavor turns out in the end, I am already greatly indebted to you.

Gongson Sus unexpected declaration left me speechless for a moment. However, I soon forced a smile and said. I thought I told you to show respect to your teacher.

Hoho, I understand, Ill be careful in the future, Teacher!

What a shrewd old man. I was ashamed that I had revealed my embarrassment before him.


What. Do. You. Two. Think. Youre. Doing? I looked at Hyonwon Kang and Wiji Cheon, who had gathered around us. They must have heard all of Gongson Sus story, because their faces were grim.

Wiji Cheon held Gongson Sus hand, sobbing, Grandpa Ill be by your side cheering for you all the way!

Hoho, thank you, lets pass together.

Hyonwon Kang thumped his chest and confidently said, Grandpa, feel free to ask me anything. As an Azure Dragon Academy senior, I can give you some advice.

Hoho, thank you, senior.

I sighed and smacked both of them on the head. Go back to your training, you punks. How about solving your own problems before you get involved in someone elses?

Thats too much

You cold-blooded bastard, how can listen to this and feel nothing!

Ohoho, dont be so hard on the kids.

Hey. I thought I told all of you to show me proper respect.


As I bantered with the students, I suddenly realized that I was smiling. I raised my hand to cover my mouth awkwardly, but somehow, I didnt hate this feeling.

I swore I would return to being the Blood Cults Demon Instructor but it seems like its impossible to go back to those days now.

  1. Sanzu River: The East Asian version of the River Styx. 

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